
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I was 63 years old when I lost my job. After many years of rushing between home and job, between raising kids and pushing ahead professionally, it was quiet. In those silent spaces, I had time to ask myself what I really cared about. Finally I came to an answer. I cared about young people's future. Burdened by huge education debt, unable to find a Job, many were feeling hopeless. They were in danger of becoming a lost generation.

    But what contribution could I make to creating a better future for the next generation? I started a free program in which coaches and mentors (顾问) would volunteer to help unemployed young people launch their careers. I'd enjoyed mentoring younger people at work, and this fit with my desire to assist the next generation. Through my coaching contacts, 25 wonderful life and career coaches signed up to volunteer.

    On The young people find us through word of mouth. Coaching is done by phone or Skype (网络电话), so location doesn't matter.

    So far 55% of over 220 graduates have found desirable jobs within a few months of finishing the program. Ninety percent have rated the coaching positively and say they are closer to their goals.

    Over the course of 12 one-hour periods, the coaches help them figure out what work aligns with (使一致) their values, skills and passions, and then assist them in making a plan to move forward—including helping them with resumes, networking, interviewing, and job search strategies.

    In exchange for the free coaching, we ask all the young participants to "pay it forward" to someone who needs their help. We explain that we won't know whether they do or not, but the potential is there to create a ripple effects of kindness spreading outward in unforeseen ways. If fact, a number of them have offered to mentor other graduates in the program.

(1)、According to the passage, the author showed great concern for ________.
A、her children's career B、her own achievement C、young people's future D、young kid's education
(2)、How does the author make her program known to younger people?
A、Via the Internet. B、Through word of mouth. C、By phone or Skype. D、In the local newspaper.
(3)、What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 4?
A、The program is beneficial to all the participants. B、Most participants fail to land a good job. C、High attention is brought to the program. D、The program is quite a success.
(4)、Young participants receiving the free coaching are asked to ________.
A、make a future plan B、recommend the program C、mentor other graduates D、find better-paid jobs
(5)、Which of the following can best describe the author?
A、Confident and kind. B、Caring and devoted. C、Courageous and calm. D、Dynamic and considerate.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    A Canadian man is asking forgiveness for a birdbrained thing he did 17 years ago: inadvertently(无心地) encouraging seagulls to trash his hotel room.

    Back in 2001, Burchill checked into the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, B.C, for a business meeting. He brought a small suitcase full of Brothers Pepperoni from his hometown to share with former Navy buddies in the area. But his room had no fridge so he opened a window to keep it cool. And then he went for a long walk. That was when things got messy. Really messy. The result was such a housekeeping nightmare that the hotel permanently banned him.

    “I remember walking down the long hall and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls in my room. There must have been 40 of them and they had been eating pepperoni for a long time.” Burchill said.

    When he walked into the room, Burchill recalled he frightened the birds. They “immediately started flying around and crashing into things as they desperately tried to leave the room.” The result was a tornado of seagull feathers, pepperoni chunks and fairly large birds whipping around the room. The lamps were     falling. The curtains were trashed. The coffee tray was just disgusting.

    Eventually, Burchill called the front desk and requested help cleaning up the room. “I can still remember the look on the lady's face when she opened the door. ”said Burchill. A short time later, he received a note from the hotel saying he'd been banned for life.

    Recently, Burchill visited the hotel to apologize in person, in hope of making amends with the woman who had to clean the seagull-and-pepperoni-trashed room, but was told she was no longer there.

    “When I was talking to the people at the desk and the manager, they did say that they had heard this story from a long-term employee that works there,” said Burchill, “I was just kind of in and out. I didn't     want to overstay my welcome.” So he apologized and was forgiven. Burchill left them a present of about a pound of Brothers Pepperoni as a peace offering. It seemed to have worked.


    Prateek Sharma was born into a family of farmers. After 10 years of being a chief manager of Kotak Mahindra Bank, he did a good job and earned a good pay. But Prateek couldn't continue the corporation life with ease, as his heart was always in farming. So he worked as a banker on weekdays and on weekends travelled 100 km to get to his 5-acre in Dhaba Khurd.

    By the end of 2015, Prateek had set up a house on his farm to grow offseason vegetables. Prateek thought he'd quit his job once he was able to earn enough from farming, but this wasn't an easy decision to make. This was because costs to grow these vegetables were very high, along with the fact that farmers weren't a part of the value chain and thus couldn't decide the price of their own vegetables.

    Fortunately, Prateek met Vinay Yadav, another educated farmer. They then decided to start their own value chain and sell their vegetables and grains, while skipping the middlemen. The variety of vegetables they grew wasn't enough, so they decided to form a group of farmers.

    Once the plan was ready, the group was registered by the name of Farmer Producer Organization (FPO). However, the trial failed in the first year as most of the farmers were grain growers and had limited knowledge of growing vegetables. However, the largest reason was the switch to organic from chemical.

    Luckily, once the soil was used to organic methods, the next round of crops were successful and the FPO had a good amount of produce. So at the end of 2017, Prateek finally quit his job and devoted all his time to farming. Now he's successful and recently his team has started two farmer resource centers at Dhaba Khurd and Nathrula Canj.


    Beneath the water in the China's Qiandao Lake lies a hidden treasure. The ancient city of Shi Cheng (also known as Lion City), located in the province of Zhejiang, has been submerged underwater for 53 years. Shi Cheng was founded about 1,300 years ago in a valley surrounded by the Five Lion Mountains. When the Chinese government decided they needed a new hydroelectric power station (水力发电站), a dam and man-made lake were constructed and the city was left at the bottom of this new body of water. Now, it sits at depths ranging from 85 feet to about 103 feet.

    Much like the Machu Picchu ruins in Peru, this underwater city remained forgotten until some renewed interests lead to its rediscovery. Qiu Feng, a local official in charge of tourism thought about utilizing Shi Cheng for entertainment on the lake and as a destination for diving clubs. On September 18, 2001, scuba divers made their first attempt underwater. "We were lucky. As soon as we dived into the lake, we found the outside wall of the town and even picked up a brick, "Qiu told Guangzhou Daily in an interview. More research was conducted, and it was discovered that the entire town was intact (1881), including wooden beams and stairs. After the initial findings, international archaeologists and a film crew then recorded the preservation of the lost ruins.

    Looking at surface of the lake, dotted with over 1,000 islands, you'd never know that an entire city was below.

    It's incredible to think that after all this time, the structure still remains intact and we could one day visit it. Until then, Shi Cheng will continue to remain inconspicuously submerged.


Our Annual Cultural Events

    A Night in Rio

    We are proud to bring the energy and enthusiasm of Brazilian Carnival to Charlotte with A Night in

    Rio! Get a taste of Carnival through dancing, live music, authentic food, drinks and marketplace. Put on your green and yellow, and join us for the unforgettable experience of Brazilian Carnival!

    Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018


    Location: Neighborhood Theatre, Charlotte

    Time: 7 PM

    Ritmo & Sabor

    We are thrilled to bring the annual celebration Ritmo & Sabor Festival! Featuring dance performances and FREE dance lessons and delicious, authentic Latin cuisine, this festival will be a fantastic celebration for the entire family to enjoy! Food and beer will be available for purchase. Come out to enjoy a great summer evening of Ritmo & Sabor!

    Date: Saturday July 2, 2018

    Location: International & Cultural Center, Charlotte

    Time: 5-11 PM


    Las Américas

    Join us in the annual celebration LAS AMÉRICAS! We display our history and identity of Latin America through musical performances, story-telling and poetry. Enjoy yourself with local artists, shop your way through a market of arts and crafts and join in some of the finest Latin American cuisine.

    Date: August 18, 2018

    Location: Midwood International & Culture Center, Charlotte

    Time: 2-7 PM

    Admission is FREE.

    Latin American Festival

    Festival Latinoamericano returns for its 28th year, with musical artists and dance performances, a diverse authentic selection of Latin American food, visual artists, and a street festival environment with activities for the whole family.

    Location: Symphony Park at South Park Mall, Charlotte

    Date: Saturday Sept. 29 (1-8pm)

    Admission: $10; Children aged 8 & under are free.

