
试题 试卷


题型:语法填空(语篇) 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当 内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    If it weren't for the, ninth BRICS Summit(金砖峰会)held in Xiamen last year, many people would probably never have realized  rich the culture in Fujian is.

    The welcoming ceremony displayed the traditional local culture, including  (various) of art forms such as children's folk rhymes and Hui'an women dances, However, one of the most  (impression) performances was Nanyin, which is translated as "the music in the south". Nanyin is a type of musical performance art based on southern Fujian dialects.  (general) considered to date back to the Song Dynasty, Nanyin has been called precious treasure of China's music history and is  (old) traditional music form in China today. When  (interview), a Nanyin performer said. "Some people say such old music isn't necessary or suitable  modern people, but I don't think  . As a matter of fact, Nanyin can be a social communication break for modern people who  (feed) up with the fast-paced lifestyle." Another performer added, "  (get) involved in Nanyin performance makes me remain young. Anyway, who can be older than this kind of 1000-year-old music? "

