
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    If you are already making the time to exercise, it is good indeed! With such busy lives, it can be hard to try and find the time to work out.  Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit.

    Your productivity is improved. Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day.

    Your metabolism(新陈代谢) gets a head start.  If you work out in the mornings, then you will be getting the calorie(卡路里) burning benefits for the whole day, not in your sleep.

     Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than those who exercised in the evening. Exercise energizes you, so it is more difficult to relax and have a peaceful sleep when you are very excited.

     If you work out bright and early in the morning, you will be more likely to stick to healthy food choices throughout the day. Who would want to ruin their good workout by eating junk food? You will want to continue to focus on positive choices.

    There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.

A. You will stick to your diet.

B. Your quality of sleep improves.

C. You prefer healthy food to fast food.

D. There is no reason you should exercise in the morning.

E. You can keep your head clear for 4-10 hours after exercise.

F. After you exercise, you continue to burn calories throughout the day.

G. If you are planning to do exercise regularly, or you're doing it now, then listen up!


      The days when a cellphone was used for nothing beyond calling and texting are gone. Today, we turn smart phones into magical machines with apps that transform them into musical instruments or business machines or video players. But it turns out that we are only searching the surface. Who knew that smart phones would make pretty good satellites?{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Smart phones forecast the weather

      Networking expert Open Signal has discovered something interesting: the sensors in Android phones designed to measure battery  temperature, light, pressure and 80 on can be used to generate surprisingly accurate weather reports. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

Smart phones save the rainforests

       Detecting illegal logging(盗伐) may sound like a novel app, {#blank#}3{#/blank#}: in Indonesia, the non-profit organization Rainforest Connection' wants to use donated Android phones to detect illegal logging. As Newscientist reports, “The phonesare equipped with solar panels specifically designed to take advantage of the brief periods when light reaches the forest floor. Their microphones stay on at all time, and the software listens for the sound of a chainsaw(链锯).”


        Researchers at the university of Illinois have developed an iPhones app that turns the phone into a fully featured mobile medical lab that uses the phone's camera to detect proteins, bacteria, viruses and other organisms.

Smart phones drive cars

        Google's self-driving cars carry around  $30,000 ofhigh-tech hardware and sensors, but students at Australia's Griffith University think they can get the job done with asingle smart phone.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. but it's a serious business.

B. Here are someuses for smart phones the makers probably didn't imagine.

C. so it can beused to detect the sound of a chainsaw.

D. It has been used in many fields.

E. Get enough phones involved and you will have a weather sensing network.

F. Smart phones serve as mobile medical labs.

G. They have built a model that relies mainly on the phone's camera and built—in GPS.


    There is no best way to learn a language, because everyone learns slightly differently. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} And placing a heavier weight on them in an educational program may help a student to succeed. Here are some popular ones that have proven to be beneficial.

    Many language teachers agree that Immersion(沉浸)is an excellent way to learn a language. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Students must use the language outside of class as well as in it and will learn more about the culture in which the language is spoken. Moreover, students benefit from taking brief intensive learning in their native country before traveling to an immersion program or language school in a foreign country.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Books, tapes, and guidance materials are readily available. These materials can be limiting, however, because they lack a classroom environment, which offers practice and well-structured criticism to help students improve. However, a self-teaching program can prepare a student for a trip overseas by polishing his or her language skills needed.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} By being forced to use the language to communicate needs, people can pick up the basics surprisingly quickly. If a student wants to use this technique to learn a language, he or she should plan on staying in the nation where the language is spoken for several months.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Students may want to think about seeking employment while they are learning to earn some fees.

A. However, some methods appear to be more effective than others.

B. This type of language learning can get expensive.

C. Students can also learn a language through conventional classes.

D. Some students are able to learn a language through self-teaching.

E. The intensive learning establishes a foundation for the student to build upon as he or she learns.

F. Immersion programs in the country where the language is spoken are especially valuable.

G. It is also possible to acquire a new language by being exposed to an environment in which it is spoken.


    Health is the most important thing in the world. Nothing is more important than health. If one takes away our money, houses, cars, or even our clothes, we can still survive. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.

    How can we keep healthy? In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies, which are junk foods. Besides, I only eat a little meat. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

    What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. It is good to stay with my friends.

    By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.

B. But if our health is taken away, it is certain that we will surely die.

C. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits which are full of vitamins.

D. There are some people who like staying alone, but they keep healthy.

E. Many studies show that people with a range of social contacts don't get sick.

F. On the other hand, doing exercise is very important.

G. Some people appear fat because they often eat too much.


A. Plan ahead

B. Break it up

C. You can learn how to study in the same way.

D. Your brain needs time to digest (消化) all the information you've given it.

E. Be sure to ask your teacher for help if you've confused about something.

F. Start by writing down facts that your teacher writes on the board during the class.

G. Tell your teacher about any problems that are preventing you from paying attention.

Smarter Studying

    How did you learn how to ride your bike? Someone probably gave you a few lessons and then you practiced a lot. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} No one is born knowing how to study. You need to learn a few study skills and then practice them.

    Pay attention: Good studying starts in class

    When you pay attention in class, you are starting the process of learning and studying. Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the board? {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Good notes = Easier studying

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Try your best to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. It's also a good idea to keep your notes and papers organized by subject.


    Waiting until Thursday night to study for Friday's test will make a night no fun! It also makes it hard to do your best. We're all guilty (内疚的) about putting things off sometimes. One of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to make a schedule of what to do.

    Sleep tight (充分地)

    So the test is tomorrow and you've followed your study plan, but suddenly you can't remember anything! Don't panic (恐慌). {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Try to get a good night's sleep and you'll be surprised by what comes back to you in the morning


    Most college students have their money from their parents, but college is the time for them to begin true responsibility. With the right information at hand and some practice, you can definitely get major financial assistance for college tuition(学费). {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The following is the ways you should know about.

    Play a sport{#blank#}2{#/blank#} I know it is obvious to the football player that sports will increase the possibility, but did you know you can get scholarships for less-known sports? Have a try on golf, sailboat and marathon! A senior year spent learning and perfecting a new sport can lead to a full ride in college.

    Do voluntary work. Most nonprofits have good scholarships for their volunteers Try volunteers. Try volunteering in your community or a community chapter of a major organization. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}It can be best to work for an organization that you are familiar with or have a childhood history with.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Try building a personal connection with someone at a scholarship society. Building a relationship through visits, phone calls, and gifts can make you stand out of the crowd. Remember, these people chose the winners from hundreds of applications a day and a personal touch can really make a difference!

    Apply early. It can never be too early to apply for a scholarship. Applying early is another way to stand out of the crowd. You can definitely score a better scholarship earlier with much less competition. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Applying early can lead to more applications overall, and someone who applies to 100 scholarships against 10 has a much better chance of being awarded!

A. Bear in mind

B. Keep in touch.

C. It can also be a numbers game.

D. Living in a poor community may help you a lot.

E  Some of the highest scholarships are given to college athletes.

F. A high level of community service will give you a leg up in college.

G. Experience has proven that scholarships will be given to those who deserve it.

 阅读短文, 从短文后选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。

When it comes to having fun in the sun, it's easy to lose track of time. If you're not careful, this can be quite dangerous.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}But it can easily be prevented—all you need is a little sunscreen.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}People have been using chemical pastes to protect themselves from the sun for centuries. But the first modern sunscreen sold on the market was offered by French company: L'oreal in 1935.

Several other companies were quick to release their own sunscreens. Perhaps the biggest advancement in the world of sunscreen came in the 1970s, when scientists started looking at the sun protection factor, or SPF.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

The advantages of using sunscreen are obvious. It limits the painful effects of sunburn.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Millions of people have died from skin cancer caused by ultraviolet rays from the SUITL. Remember to apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside.

Unfortunately, there are many mistaken ideas about sunscreen.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Some also think you only need to put it on once for a whole day's protection or that you don't need it on cloudy days. None of these things are true. Experts say you should apply sunscreen every two hours when outside in the daytime, no matter how dark your skin is or what the weather is like.

A. And it can even save your life.

B. Sunscreen is not exactly a recent invention.

C. Choosing a sunscreen isn't as simple as it used to be.

D. In direct sunlight, sunburn can occur in less than 15 minutes.

E. This rating is a number that shows how effective a sunscreen is.

F. It's believed that you don't need much sunscreen if you have dark skin.

G. Some think a good method is to cover as much as possible with protective clothing.

