
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    David Miles, an Australian inventor has been accused of cheating desperate farmers by charging up to $50,000 Australian dollars for delivering rain on demand without so much as explaining the technology behind his business.

    On the official Miles Research website, Miles explains that in the 1990's he realized that it was possible to influence weather patterns by creating a bridge between 'the present' and a 'near-future event' in the physical space-time continuum. He found that by applying small amounts of energy intelligently, even a large, messy weather system approaching from the future could be eased.

    While somewhat fascinating, Miles' explanation does little to explain how he is able to bring rainfall to the lands of farmers. He makes references to famous but debatable concepts like "the butterfly effect". "We were advised against patenting because it's basically exposing how it works. There are a lot of big companies that invest in hunting out patents," Miles said. "I understand the doubts, the only other way is to fully prove up our science and physics. If we did that, we'll lose it, it will be taken up as a national security interest and it'll then be weaponized."

    Miles' claims raised suspicions for obvious reasons, including a since-deleted section of his company website, which claimed that his technology used "electromagnetic scalar waves", which scientists say don't even exist.

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has warned people against doing business with him, but the Australian inventor claims the ACCC is only trying to defame him and his company, as in reality they are success based – if it doesn't rain, they don't get paid.

    "Consumers signed the agreement that if by the end of June they receive 100mm, they pay $50,000, if they only receive 50mm, they would only pay $25,000. Anything under half, we don't want to be paid," Miles said of a handful of Wimmera farmers who agreed to take him up on his offer to deliver rain.

    Believe it or not, one of the farmers who paid David Miles for his so-called rain-making capabilities told ABC Radio that he was quite happy with the results.

(1)、David Miles claims to be capable of ________.
A、influencing the weather system B、predicting the future events C、reducing the atmospheric temperature D、easing the gravitational energy
(2)、ACCC issued warning against doing business with Miles because ________.
A、he charged too much for the services provided B、there was no solid science to back up his technology C、his practice was a threat to national security interest D、he didn't officially patent his technology with ACCC
(3)、According to Miles, how much will he be paid if the farmers receive 15mm of rain?
A、$50,000. B、$25,000. C、$12,500. D、$0.
(4)、What can be inferred from the passage?
A、Miles needed safer facilities for his business. B、Miles brought about good crops as expected. C、Miles wasn't discouraged by the critics. D、Miles was arrested by the local police.


    “My wife of 24 years, Marie Roberts, was raised in New York City, worked in the fashion industry, and never got her hands dirty,” said Keith Roberts. “Then, nine years ago, I wanted to move to Florida and reconnect to my country life, but how would I inspire(激发)the same feeling in, well, a city woman? I brought her a two-month-old potbellied pig.”

    At first sight, Marie, then 46, was smitten. So soon she took in another abandoned(遗弃)pig. And thus began Sugarloaf Mountain Farm, her animal shelter in central Florida. With the couple's two children grown up, these animals would now be Marie's babies.

    The Farm now has 300 rescues, from alpacas to donkeys, each with its own story. “A gentleman had a litter of eight pigs, and all but one died,” says Marie. “She weighed one pound and suffered great pain. For three weeks straight, I fed that baby every hour, day and night, seldom sleeping.” Till now, Marie still gets five to ten requests a day to save animals and has to turn most down. “If she can't rescue the animal, she works with that person to find a solution,” Keith says. “She's not only saving animals; above all, she's giving their owners peace of mind.”

    “A woman called from her nursing home,” Marie remembers. “Her pigs would be abandoned if she couldn't find a suitable home. 'I only have a few months, and I need to know that they'll be safe,' she said.” So Marie drove three hours and got them. Soon after, Marie received a note from the woman's daughter. “Dear Marie,” she wrote. “My mom went peacefully, as she went knowing that they are forever loved. Thank you for being Mom's angel.”

    “She is a ball of energy,” Keith adds. “A few times she's gone so far in some situations, like when she locked herself in the chicken coop(鸡舍). I found her sitting in it with ten chicks nestled in her lap.” That is exactly what you'd expect from a true mother hen.


    You signed up for soccer, and played every game of the season. Sure, you're not the best player on the team, but most days you gave it your all. Do you deserve a trophy (奖杯)?

    If the decision is up to Carol Dweck, the answer would likely be no. She's a psychology professor at Stanford University, California. She says a player doesn't have to be the best to get a trophy. But those who receive an award should have to work for it. She suggests trophies go to the most improved player, or the one who contributed most to the team spirit, as well as to those who play the best.

    “The trophy has to stand for something,” Dweck told TFK. “If we give a trophy to everyone, then the award has no value.” Dweck argues that giving kids trophies for particular reasons, such as improving in a sport, and teaches kids that adults value hard work and trying our best.

    Others say that there's no harm in giving awards to all kids who play a sport, regardless of how they played or whether or not they improved.

    “I think we should encourage kids' participation in sports,” says Kenneth Barish, a psychology professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, in New York City. “A trophy is one way to encourage kids' efforts.”

    Barish argues that when we only single out the best or even the most improved players with a trophy, we are teaching kids the wrong lesson. We are sending the message that winning is everything. “Winning is only part of the equation (等式),” Barish told TFK.“Playing sports also teaches kids about teamwork and the importance of exercise.”

    There will be plenty of opportunities for kids to learn about competition as they get older, says Barish. They'll soon realize that only one soccer team wins the World Cup and only one football team wins the Super Bowl. For now, he thinks there's nothing wrong with letting all kids who play a sport feel like winners. That means trophies for everyone.


    Selena Gomez and I are scheduled to meet at a low-key coffee shop in Encino. Not wanting to keep the superstar waiting,I arrived at nine,20 minutes early. As I was catching up on e-mails,Selena quietly scooted into the seat next to me. No bodyguard. Not even a drop of make-up. She was ten minutes early and so inconspicuous that no one else in the restaurant looked up so much. Elena was wearing Bebe shorts. She had a baby face and ordered a hot chocolate.

    After making a small talk about what she wore for the shoot,she dived into the subject of her career. Elena declared 2012 the year of movies. She filmed three:SpringBreakers , a drama;The  Getaway , an action flick;and HotelTransylvania , a comedy. Each is a marked move away from the teen style that made her a household name.

    Now that her Disney days are behind her,Selena is at that unstable point in a child star's career where she is trying to grow up—both as a person(she turned 20 in July) and as an artist. "Being part of the Disney Channel was such a blessing,and I'm super happy with what my show accomplished,but acting is something I would like to take on more seriously." She continued,"I don't necessarily feel accomplished. I want to create a whole different persona when it comes to acting."

    Selena has been working full-time since she was seven years old and scored a role on Barney & Friends. In 2007 when she was offered the lead in WizardsofWaverlyPlace , Selena,her mother,and her stepfather uprooted from Grand Prairie,Texas,to L.A.,where they are settling now.


    Have you ever learned about F. Scott Fitzgerald? F. Scott Fitzgerald, born on September 24, 1896, an American novelist, was once a student of St. Paul Academy, the Newman School and attended Princeton. University for a short while. In 1917 he joined the army and was posted in Alabama, where he met his future wife Zelda Sayre. Then he had to make some money to impress her.

    His life with her was full of great happiness, as he wrote in his diary:" My own happiness in the past often approached such joy that I could share it even with the person dearest to me but had to walk it away in quiet streets and take down parts of it in my diary."

    This side of paradise, his first novel, was published in 1920. Encouraged by its success, Fitzgerald began to devote more time to his writing. Then he continued with the novel the Beautiful and Damned (1922), a collection of short stories Thales of the Jazz Age (1922), and a play The Vegetable (1923). But his greatest success was The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, which quick brought him praise from the literary world. Yet it failed to give him the needed financial security. Then, in 1926, he published another collection of short stories All the Sad Young Men.

    However, Fitzgerald's problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing. During the 1920s he tried to reorder his life, but failed. By 1930, his wife had her first breakdown and went to a Swiss clinic. During this period he completed novels Tender Is the Night in 1934 and The Love of the Last Tycoon in 1940 while his wife was in hospital in the United States, he got totally addicted to alcohol. Sheila Graham, his dear friend, helped him fight his alcoholism.


    Surely, given the near-universal use of home computers and smart devices(设备 )like smartphones and tablets, most of us would suspect that watching TV-seen as out dated or even old-fashioned by some-is on the decline. We probably would. And we would be wrong. A new study on screen time conducted by researchers from Robert Stempel College of Public Health Social Work have found that TV-watching has actually gone up since the moment when smart devices became widely available in 2014.

    "The findings are surprising as it feels like mobile devices are omnipresent, but the television still commands more eyeballs than its more advanced brothers and sisters" said Dr. Jenny Radskey" And there is a growing concern over the screen time of children, particularly very young children, for whom watching shows in front of screens is still the most common way to consume media."

    According to a study published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) Pediatrics the increase in the amount of screen time for inns and toddlers(婴幼儿) is telling. Specifically, in 1997 children under the age of 2 spent 1.3 hours in front of TV per day on average, while children between the ages of3 and 5 did the same for 2.5 hours. By 2014, however, the latter group showed no significant change, while the former group more than doubled their time spent watching TV, clocking in at 3 hours per day.

    The research also shows that too much screen time before age 2 or 3 is associated with language development delays, ADHD, and learning difficulties. A child's brain develops rapidly during the first years, and young children learn best by interacting with people, not screens.

    Based on these findings, parents who worry about the excessive amount of time their children spend glued to their smartphones and tablets might do well to pay more attention to their littlest ones, for whom viewing time in front of the TV should be greatly cut down.


    Fifty years ago I had a young family of three boys. My husband Johnny and I left them with a friend while we made a rare trip to the cinema in Liverpool.

    It was dark and pouring with rain but with the headlights shining on the road  we saw something ahead of us. Johnny pulled to a stop and I jumped out, ran to the grass edge and grabbed a small, wet, and frightened creature. I wrapped it safely in my woollen hat and insisted that my husband turn back and head for home. We thought it was a baby rabbit because it had long ears and was grayish-brown in colour. Once home, we filled a box with torn-up newspaper and a warm towel. We named our new animal Bobsy as we had no idea of its sex.

    Sadly though, on the third day with us, it caught its back foot in a door and we quickly realised it was broken. We rushed to the vet (兽医), who said, "It's only a rabbit, I'll put it to sleep." Our response was a very determined, "No way !"We found another vet and told that she was a baby hare. We were told we should continue to keep her in her box for a week and her foot would heal.

    After her recovery, Bobsy learnt to use the kitty litter tray. She would comb her long ears with her front paws. The local paper heard about this and came to our house to take her photo and write a story about her. We had her for seven wonderful years before we moved to New Zealand and we will never forget her.

