
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通




(1)、According to the passage, early people passed on stories mainly by ____________.
A、writing events on the stone B、drawing pictures on the wall C、telling stories to one another D、making marks on the wood
(2)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、A fairy tale usually has a pleasant ending. B、The Boy Who Cried Wolf is an animal story. C、A made-up story should be as long as possible. D、The Chinese story of Pangu is about a real event.
(3)、The passage probably comes from the _____________.
A、Health B、Animal C、Science D、Education

    Can we "design" a baby like we design a handbag? It may sound crazy, but a "designer baby" could be possible now. Of course, at the same time, there are both agreements and disagreements with it.

    The "designer baby" idea comes from the research that allows scientists to make changes to human DNA and genes (基因). Usually, it is done when the baby is still just an embryo (胚胎). By doing that, scientists hope that "designer babies" will less possibly be born with some certain serious illnesses.

    During the 21st century, the idea became so popular that the research developed very quickly. Now, it has been firstly used to help born babies with their illnesses. One example of this is that Dr. Adrian Thrasher of University College London was able to save a 1-year-old child from leukemia (白血病) with the help of it. People learned that it was not only illnesses they could change, but also a baby's gender and looks. A well-known event happened in 1996. An American couple, Monique and Scott Collins, decided to use this research to help them choose the gender of their next baby. They wanted to have a baby girl for they have had three sons. Moreover, people could also decide babies' eye color, hair color and even things like height or how sportive babies will be.

    Some people argue that it is not ethical (道德的)to design babies like designing a bag. It is strongly against the nature's rules. Besides, it may not have any bad influence on the baby now, yet no one knows what will happen to him and his children after many years.


    Researchers have developed paper that can be printed with UV light (紫外线), free from the need for ink (油墨). People can clear the information away on the light-printable paper by heating it to 120℃and it can be reused more than 80 times.

    The research was carried out in order to reduce the effects of paper production on deforestation (滥砍滥伐). The researchers, from Shandong University in China and the University of California, Riverside, said that the secret behind the technology is a color-changing chemical. A thin coating of the chemical can be used on usual paper and turn it into a reusable, light-printable one. Heating the paper for 10 minutes can help clear the information away more quickly.

    Professor Yadong Yin, a chemistry professor at the University of California and a co-author of the study, said, "The greatest importance of our work is the development of a new technology to produce an ink-free rewritable paper that has the same feel and appearance as usual paper. Our work is believed to have great economic and environmental influences on the modem society." Paper production has a bad influence on the environment. It's the main cause of industrial pollution and paper thrown away by people makes up about 40% of landfills where waste is buried under the ground.

    It is predicted that light-printable paper will be inexpensive in the future. The printing process is also more cost-effective than the usual one as no ink is needed. Most importantly, it can be reused many times, which greatly reduces the cost.


Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like? This article will describe a typical (典型的) high school and its students.

A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan (租借) than buy them. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.

American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school.

When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students' exam passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.

Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because cache teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.

The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students take part in after-school activities. These activities include sports, specially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.

Title: {#blank#}1{#/blank#} in an American High School




✧It gives an overview of a typical American high school and its {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Lockers and textbooks

✧Every student has a locker for textbooks and {#blank#}3{#/blank#} clothes.

✧They would rather loan (租借) than buy {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} transport

✧Students usually go to school by bus or on foot. Sometimes their {#blank#}6{#/blank#} send them to school by car.

✧They can {#blank#}7{#/blank#} themselves to school when they are over 16 and have passed the required tests.

Classes and classrooms

✧Students have to take main classes, elective classes and sometimes one or more {#blank#}8{#/blank#} classes.

✧They go to {#blank#}9{#/blank#} classrooms for each subject.

After school activities

✧After school most of the students take {#blank#}10{#/blank#} in their favourite activities, including sports and clubs.

