
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Do teenagers know how to sleep? If you're the parent of teens, you might be laughing to yourself. That's all they know how to do. In truth, teens might not know enough about how to sleep, when to sleep and why. .

    Just as we focus on our diets and exercise for health, we need to consider sleep necessary to our mental, physical and psychological health. "Good" sleep is sleep that is long enough to allow your brain to remove the side effects of daytime brain activity. Consistent bed times and wakeup times are the key to keeping our sleep cycles..

    Teens are social creatures, and the most attractive social "gathering" place these days is on their digital devices.. Ideally, we should avoid blue light for at least half an hour before bed. But social media and homework that requires screen time mean too many kids are powering up their devices when their bodies should be powering down for the night.

    . Equally contributing to sleep issues are eating too late, taking naps, and failing to get enough exercise. In other words, these people never learned how to sleep.

    Over time, poor sleep leads to a decline in mood.. Significantly, when I speak to my adult patients who are struggling with sleep issues, nearly all of them say their sleep problems started in high school.

    Therefore, I recommend sleep education. Otherwise, we won't necessarily solve the health, safety and economic issues of sleepy teens.

A. When they are disturbed, our sleep is affected

B. Going to bed too late is only one part of sleep problems

C. Being exposed to blue light from our screens delays sleep

D. Current school schedules allow for about seven hours of sleep a night

E. It also contributes to a lot of medical issues, from being fat to heart disease

F. Later school start time really contributes to more sleep and improved health

G. As far as I'm concerned, one important element is missing: sleep education


How to Care for Your Ears?

    Ears not only let us hear, but they also paly a role in maintaining our balance, which is vital to our ability to function in daily life. Yet, we ignore them. We can't even see our ears, except in a mirror. We take it for granted what they do for us day in and day out—until we notice something worng, such as when an earache strikes or when we start having to ask people to repeat what they say. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

◆Clean your ear with a washcloth—covered finger only.

    Never put anything inside your ear canal, including cotton swabs (药签). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

◆Leave earwax(耳垢) alone.

    Wax is your ear's way of eliminating (消除)anything foreign that gets into the ear canal. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you find you have too much earwax, use a few drops of earwax remover(去除剂)in the canal. After a few minutes, wash the ear with warm water.

◆Avoid noisy places.

    Rock concerts and construction sites are just a few places that frequently have noise levels that can damage

hearing.Any place where you have to shout to be heard should be avoided.


    Be careful not to play MP3 too loud, especially if using earphone.

◆Be careful with illness and medications.

    Respiratory illnesses should be treated to avoid their spread to the ears. Certain medications can damage hearing, so follow the directions carefully before taking them.

    See your doctor if you suffer from sudden hearing loss or hear noises in your head. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Most people don't need to clean wax out of their ears.

B.In such case, go to see a doctor as soon as possible.

C.These can be symptoms of a serious illness which needs to be treated.

D.This article will show you how to care for your ears.

E.Turn the volume down.

F.Avoid using earphones while listening to MP3.

G.Your ear canal is very narrow, and a swab can damage it.


A. Be well-organised.

B. Close with a Q & A.

C. Don't be contradictory.

D. Bring it to a specific end.

E. Speak slowly and pause.

F. Drop unnecessary words

    Speaking to a group can be difficult, but listening to a bad speech is truly a tiresome task—especially when the speaker is confusing. Don't want to confuse your audience? Follow these suggestions:


    When it comes to understanding new information, the human brain needs a little time. First, we hear the words; then, we compare the new information to what we already know. If the two are different, we need to pause and think. But a breathless speaker never stops to let us think about what he or she is saying and risks confusing us. Slow it.


    Sometimes we all start a sentence one way and then switch directions, which is very difficult to follow. When you confuse your listeners with opposing information, you leave the audience wondering what part of the information is right and what part they should remember. Instead of relying and keeping correcting yourself, work to get the facts clear and straight.


    Jumping from point to point as it comes to your mind puts the onus (责任)on your listeners to make up for your lack of organisation. And it's confusing for them to listen, reorganise, and figure out what you're saying all at once. But going smoothly from one point to the next helps them understand information more easily. You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large, top to bottom or by some other order. Just be sure to organise.


    Repeated use of um, ah, like, you know and some other useless noises can drive an audience crazy. It makes the speaker sound uncertain and unprepared, and it can leave listeners so annoyed that they can't pay attention. Recently I attended a speech that was marked by so many ums that audience members were rolling their eyes. Was anybody grasping the intended message? Um, probably not.


    Many speakers finish up their speeches with question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions, but some let the Q & A go on without a clear end. The audience is often left confused about whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave. Do your listeners a favour by setting a time limit on questions, and close your speech with a specific signal—even if it's something simple like, “If you have any more questions, you know where to reach me.” Or even more to the point, conclude your speech with “Thanks for your time. ”


    Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn't mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you'll have to stand up and say – problem, I don't want you in my life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children – the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

    But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

    Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Talking helps you move on and let go.

    Write your problems.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

    Don't lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don't lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family… you should still have faith.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Your problems aren't the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there're another one million people whose problems are huger than yours.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

    Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

A. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you're setting free the negative energies have been gathering within you.

B. When we have a problems, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?

C. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can't I?

D. Of course, we've been fighting troubles ever since we were born.

E. We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

F. Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don't want a real person to talk with.

G. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.


    When people succeed,it is because of hard work,but luck has a lot to do with it.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Napoleon once said all the hard work and talent in the world can't make up for bad luck.However,hard work can invite good luck.

    When it comes to success,luck can mean being in the right place to meet someone.Nothing can replace hard work,but working hard also means you're preparing yourself for opportunity.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance?One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus' so-called discovery of America.He changed history,but he was really looking for India.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}It was backed up by years of studying and calculating.

    Success comes from pure luck and no hard work can be a real problem.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Imagine she's been picked from nowhere because of her looks.She is going to feel insecure,because she knows she didn't do anything to earn her stardom(演员身份).On the other hand,think about an actress who's spent years learning and working.When she finally has good luck and becomes a success,she will handle stardom better.She knows she earns it.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}When it comes to success,I think that hard work and luck go hand in hand.

A.Opportunity often depends on luck.

B.Luck is also important in people's life.

C.Success without some luck is almost impossible.

D.Hard work plays a very important part in success.

E.However,Columbus' chance discovery wasn't pure luck.

F.For example,consider a teenage girl who becomes a movie star.

G.People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready when opportunity knocks.


    "Post-truth" was chosen by Oxford Dictionaries as the Word of the Year 2016. Indeed, digital misinformation is on the rise and it is hard for people to distinguish. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Before the dawn of the Internet, Canadians regularly turned to trusting their preferred newspapers or radio stations for the latest news. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's now coming at you from so many different sources that you need to take responsibility for what you're seeing.

    Experts recommend relying on a range of sources instead of just one, but looking into them first. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} For example, the people connected where they're based, and their intention. A lack of information is certainly a warning.

    Next, learning to recognize misinformation is important. False news spreads mostly through social media. So if you're looking at news on Facebook, you have to handle it in a wiser way.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Is it from a well-informed relative or a friend who regularly expresses extreme views? And whatever you do, only by clicking through can you see whether the information is accurate.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It has no limits in achieving that goal, so it plays on feelings and uses improper language. Therefore, if you feel excited to share something immediately, that's the time you should stop and ask, "Is it accurate?" If we all take that extra little pause, we'll be able to stop this false thing from spreading.

A. Sources that are reliable tell you about themselves.

B. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell facts from fiction.

C. Consider who's sharing it if it's not posted directly from the source.

D. Today 42% of them use social media at least once a day to get their news.

E. Someone sets up "Hot Global News", hoping the ad dollars would pour in.

F. False news is designed to seek attention in order to sell ads or make an idea public.

G. Evaluating sources and getting reliable news is important in the age of misinformation.


    A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you'd like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.

    Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Set time. You should have some time during every day when you'll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.

    Always carry a book. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Don't lie down unless you're going to sleep. There should be television or computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/roommates. If you don't have a place like this, create one.

    Reduce television/the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Still, every minute you reduce of the Internet/TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A. Wherever you go, take a book with you.

B. Go to bookstores.

C. Have some good tea or coffee while you read.

D. Find a quiet place.

E. This may be difficult for some people.

F. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you'll really love.

G. It means you will read no matter how busy you are

