
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    A little battery puts out a little bit of electricity, so you can use it safely you're your experiments. But the electricity that comes through the wires in your house or school is much more powerful.

    Inside the walls where you live or study, there are big wires that carry electricity. When you plug in a light or radio or other electrical appliance, you are putting the light or radio in the path way of the electricity. You have heard adults say, "Don't stick your finger into the wall plug "Now do you know why? Your body is a pretty good conductor of electricity. The electrical current coming through the wires to the wall plug is so strong that it would hurt a lot if you stuck your finger in the plug.

    Think: Why should you never put your fingers into the socket(插座) where the light bulb is fixed into a lamp?. Put your finger in there and it could be you, rather than the light bulb, that becomes part of the electrical path way. And that would hurt!

    What if you held a piece of metal, like a fork or knife, and stuck it into the wall plug? Don't do it!

    Why? It's because metals conduct electricity. And you would get a terrible shock!

     Can you think why? It's because water is a good conductor of centricity. When your hands are wet or when your body is in a bathtub full of water, the electricity could flow right through you and give you an awful shock, or even kill you.

    Electricity is very useful, but it can be dangerous. Be careful, be safe and be smart.

A. Let electricity help you, not hurt you.

B. Keep yourself away from the electricity.

C. Therefore, you need to remember some safety rules.

D. Don't touch any electrical appliance when you are wet.

E. Make your home as safe as possible for kids with these tips.

F. If you did, you would become part of the electrical path way.

G. That's the place where the electricity flows into the light bulb.


    Having a clean and organized workspace takes time and effort—especially if we want to keep it that way. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} According to recent statistics, the average office employee spends one and a half hours a day looking for things. That's an hour and a half that is wasted every day because of disorganization. Keeping things organized can give you more time each day. Having a clean workspace can have a number of additional surprising benefits. Let's look at some of those now.


    Untidiness can be a distraction that interferes with your thought process and prevents you from being as effective as you can be. When your workspace is clean and organized, you can spend more time focused on your tasks, without the unorganized chaos to attend to.

Attain More Success

    It's hard to be productive when you're disorganized. Organization can make it easier to concentrate, and allows you to get things done faster. Whether you're an employee or self­employed, organization is a crucial component for success. If clients see that you're well­ organized, they'll be more willing to trust you.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

Make a Better Impression

    In addition to making it easier to focus and work, having a clean workspace also helps to convey a professional image. Your workspace says more about you than you may think. When someone walks past your space, they instantly form an opinion about you based on what your space looks like.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} However, to the outsider, you may look overwhelmed and incapable of taking on extra projects.

Have a Happier Work Experience

    If you're surrounded by a clean environment you'll have space to think, will be able to get more done and will feel better working in that space.

Fortunately, keeping your space clean and organized is easier than you might think.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} You'll be amazed at the difference a clean workspace can make to your mindset and how much more you'll be able to accomplish during the day.

A. Improve Focus

B. Regain Tidiness

C. But the results are more than worth it

D. Maybe you feel productive with papers scattered around

E. It shows that you know what you're doing and that you are capable

F. Clearly being disorganized can have a negative effect on your performance

G. Try to get rid of or throw away everything that you don't need to maximize your productivity

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Planning a September trip to France

    September is one of the very best months to visit France.Not only will you enjoy plenty of sunshine and warm weather, but the tourist season is beginning to wind down-which means cheaper airfares, lower prices at hotels, and fewer crowds.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    ●Go wine tasting

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} And there are plenty of wine-related events and festivals around the country.So September is a great time to visit the vineyards around the country and go wine tasting.The Bordeaux, Loire and Burgundy regions are all lovely and great places to visit vineyards.Besides that, going to the castles of the Loire region in between visiting vineyards on such warm and Sunny days is also very enjoyable.


    The temperatures are slightly lower,but plenty of sunshine makes for perfect conditions to enjoy a barge cruise on the canals of France.With such comfortable weather and beautiful scenery at this time of year, nothing equals hanging out on the deck of a barge.

    ●Visit the museums

    Many museums in France have extended opening hours during the summer to accommodate the extra tourists and locals. And some museums also have extended opening hours into September.Wandering around the Louvre will take you into a wonder world,where you can enjoy the world-famous art. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Besides the above,riding a bike through France's villages is also a welcome activity for young visitors in September.You call shop for the most fashionable clothes or goods here.You can see the beautiful and fantastic scenery along the road.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Take a barge cruise.

B.Enjoy the music concerts.

C.So, don't hesitate and start to plan your September trip to France flow!

D.France is a beautiful country.

E.September is the beginning of the grape harvest season in France.

F.Going out of the Louvre, you can walk to the modern and fashionable Champs Elysees to do some shopping.

G.If this is your first trip to France, here is some handy information to help you get started planning your vacation!


    Camping without a campfire is not camping at all. Late-night conversations and games around the campfire are essential for a pleasant camping experience. However, you ought to be aware of the fact that camping with a campfire is not all about fun. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you are planning to set up a campfire, or if you are planning to cook during camping, you should remember some fire safety tips.

    Choose a campfire which has a campfire pit (深坑).{#blank#}2{#/blank#}If there is no fire pit, set up your own. However, you should be careful not to place the fire pit near your camping tent.

    When you set up a campfire, make sure that you put the campfire materials in the right order. This can make sure that there will be no flying debris (碎片)once you light your fire. Put the light materials first such as paper or dry leaves. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Finally, make sure that you place stones around the campfire pit.

    Never burn plastics or other poisonous materials, which will disturb your neighboring campground guests. It will also significantly pollute the air and promote the risk of fire spreads. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Use it when all the other fire-making options(choices) fail.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Before you leave your campfire or before you go to bed, make sure that it's completely out. Leaving fire unattended runs high risks of forest fires and the like.

A.Then, put the wood.

B.Camping can give you a lot of freedom.

C.It needs a certain degree of responsibility.

D.One traditional camp activity is making the campfire.

E. This will ensure that you will be able to control your campfire.

F. Once your campfire is set up, do not leave the flame unattended.

G. Do not use petrol every time you make an attempt to light your campfire.


    Because of the Internet, people from different parts of the world can connect with one another, and get information about nearly everything in the world. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} They spend so much time online, hardly realizing that much of it is actually wasted on something meaningless. For example, they waste much time playing games. Luckily there are many meaningful things you can do on the Internet.

     {#blank#}2{#/blank#} These courses don't require you to go out to attend classes. They can also be done from the comfort of your home. So they're very convenient.

    If you're a DIY person, you should check for online resources that help you with this thing. For questions like how to paint a room, or how to repair a broken car engine, all the answers can be found online. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} From home decoration and repair to fashion and relationships, there are many sources that give you good advice.

    Practice your hobby on the Internet. Find the latest information on things that you are interested in.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In a word, the Internet has many good sources that allow you to practice your hobbies, and even earn out of them.

    Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, or listen to speeches by inspirational speakers. Songs can help you feel relaxed. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} And listening to inspirational speeches can make you feel good about yourself.

A. Take part in fun activities that you enjoy.

B. Movies can give you that much-needed break.

C. Take academic courses and improve your skills.

D. However, very few people make really good use of the Internet.

E. So, what type of productive things do you like to do on the Internet?

F. Therefore, there are so many websites from which we can gain knowledge.

G. Also you can use the Internet to find answers for questions related to daily life.


Pronunciation Tips

    These English pronunciation tips will help you get the most out of your Pronunciation Power program.


    For example, "threw" and "through", although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. Also, identical(相同的) letters or letter clusters(字母组合) in words do not always produce the same sound. For example, the "ough" in "though" and "through" represents a different sound in each word. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Imagine a sound in your mind before you say it.

    Try to visualize(想象))the positioning of your mouth and face. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    Listen to and try to imitate the Pronunciation Power instructor.

In addition to listening for specific sounds, pay attention to pauses, the intonation(语调) of the instructor's voice and patterns of emphasis. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    The English language has many different dialects, and words can be pronounced differently.

    It is important, however, that you pronounce words clearly to ensure effective communication.

    Finally, the Pronunciation Power program is a tool to help you.

    But you must practice what you are learning! Remember that you are teaching your mouth a new way to move. You are building muscles that you do not use in your own language. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Use the program to exercise your mouth a little bit each day.

A. Read these words over and over again and try to learn them by heart.

B. This can be just as important as the pronunciation of sounds.

C. Learn to practice what you hear, not what you see.

D. So you should force yourself to do what you really don't like to do.

E. Do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling!

F. It is like going to the gym and exercising your body.

G. Think about how you are going to make the sound.


    Are you feeling anxious about your test next week? Here are some tips that will help you in dealing with stress(压力) and anxiety.


    One of the most important ways of avoiding test anxiety is to prepare well in advance. Study regularly for a few hours every day. It helps in increasing the confidence of students.


    If students are not able to deal with anxiety or nervousness, they could talk to their teachers, student counselors(辅导员), parents or friends. Parents should also avoid pressurizing(加压) their kids to do well. Create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere (放松的气氛) at home. Then your children can study without any tension(紧张). Another important point that arises here is neither the students nor the parents should compare the children with their other classmates and friends.


    Do not forget to eat and sleep properly. Many times due to anxiety students avoid sleep and starve themselves. They should sleep for at least 6-7 hours a day and eat nutritious and healthy food. Exercising regularly is equally important as talking to friends and socializing(社交).


    Plan your studies well. Chart(制图) out a timetable and take proper breaks between studying. Along with the study time, allot (分配) time to relax and do what you love to do. Practicing simple breathing skills will also help reduce stress.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. While it is important to gain good scores in tests, it is not the most important thing in life. Learning to deal with nervousness and stress will not only help them to do well in school tests, but also in their future life.

A. Third, physical fitness

B. First, study regularly

C. Fourth, prepare schedule

D. Second, reduce study pressure

E. Students should remember that tests are just a part of life

F. You should go to bed early

G. You'd better turn to your teachers for help

