
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    There was a letter from a primary school in Zhejiang Province, which caused discussion on the Internet. The topic is what parents do with children's education. "Allowing parents to say goodbye to homework checking". "Checking homework is each teacher's work, while parents have their own work to do," the letter goes on.

    Recent years we have seen the growth of something called "Parental Homework". Teachers have encouraged mothers and fathers to check homework, and guide their children's study, adding more worry to already busy parents. A recent survey of 2,000 parents showed that 80% were tired of parental homework. A questioned call for an end to checking and signing on children's homework was agreed with by 80% of those. 

    In the last 10 years, parents have had to sign their names on their children's exercise books. They showed teachers that they had joined in their children's study in this way. At first, parents were wanted to do something with their children. But now, simply signing their names is not enough, and parents have to check the homework instead of the teachers.

    However, if the work of teaching children is moved back to schools, what then should be the role of parents? According to the survey, most parents believe the main responsibility of parents is to shape their child's character. Teachers, they believe, should teach, and add less pressure on parents.

    An education expert(专家) said, "Teachers should try their best to teach. Parents should act as watchdogs(监察人). Teachers and parents should find a balance in kids' growing."

(1)、The writer of the letter agrees that checking homework is____________.
A、teachers' work B、parents' work C、students' work D、both teachers and parents work
(2)、How many parents were tired of parental homework according to the survey?
A、About 1,200. B、About 1,600. C、About 1, 800. D、About 2,000.
(3)、The underlined word "responsibility" means ___________.
A、way B、time C、duty D、idea
(4)、What does this passage talk about?
A、About helping students with homework. B、About checking homework for teachers. C、About offering students less homework. D、About finding a balance between teachers and parents.

Many social media posts(社交媒体帖子) may let you believe that everyone is happy all the time, but being happy all the time is not possible.

As a teenager, you probably expected to get good grades in an exam or to win the most important basketball game, but it didn't happen. Good results make you happy and bad results make you sad. But sadness can drive you to improve yourself next time.

However, when people get into sadness for a long time and it starts to affect(影响) their lives, it's called depression (抑郁). You don't want to get out of bed. You don't feel like studýing or going out with your friends. I remember the same feeling when my dog Rebel died in an accident. I remember that he followed me to school. Now he was gone, and I lost all interests to do anything.

My parents told me dogs don't live forever. What was more, Rebel had a good life. If Ihad a good life, Rebel must be happy, too.

Depression is not a person's mistake. It's normal to feel sad sometimes. Many great people, like the comedy actor Jim Carrey, once get depressed. But you should know what to do to stop depression or make yourself less depressed.

When you feel down, you must not keep yourself away from the world. Try to share your feelings with a family member or a good friend. Staying at home by yourself will make you more lonely. You should stand up, open the window, and throw away (抛弃) the sadness.


①Eating good food and getting proper exercise are important to stay healthy. Getting enough sleep is important, too. Experts say that teenagers between the ages of 15 and 20 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. 

②Your body needs to take a rest from all the activities it has done during the day. Your brain needs a rest, too. You are likely to get sick easier without enough sleep. 

③You have a "24-hour clock" inside your body that tells you when to be awake and when to go to sleep.  ▲  Blue light that comes from the Sun tells your brain to keep you awake during the day. When there is no blue light at night, the brain tells the body that it's time for sleep. 

④There are many things that stop the brain from telling your body when it's time to sleep. One of these is blue light at night. Today, people spend a lot of time watching television or looking at screens on computers or smart phones. These devices (装置) give off blue light. If you look at them at night, the blue light can trick your body into thinking it's daytime. Then it is more difficult to go to sleep.

⑤What should you do to get good sleep? Experts say that you shouldn't look at screens that give off blue light for at least one hour before going to sleep. 

⑥ Do not watch TV or use anything with a computer screen in bed. If you need to do something to fall asleep, it is better to read a book. Also, keep your bedroom as dark as you can. This will help you sleep well. 

Fun Fact

Going to bed at the same time every night helps you get used to a schedule so you will be ready to sleep at the proper time. 

