
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Attending a live musical performance in a huge sports center with lots of supporters of the musician is exciting. Even in a theatre, a skilled performer can provide a great show. Here in the U.S., a very different kind of performance space is gaining in popularity.

    Singer-songwriter Annalise Emerick is getting ready to play a show. It is something she does most nights in bars, and other small spaces across the country. But tonight, the setting is even smaller. Ms. Emerick will play for a few people in Kristina Shulz's home.

    Ms. Shulz has been holding such performances in her home for about four years. As many as 30 people have attended past shows. The crowd is usually a mix of family, friends and neighbors. But some strangers might show up, too. The performances are listed on house concert websites. "We've done rock, we've had blues, we've had pop, folk...pretty much anything...anything we'll have here." she said.

    House concerts have become an importance part of Annalise Emerick's earnings." I can play a bar for 100 dollars, but I can play a house concert and if there are 50 people and they all paying $20 I'm having a great night. And they're all buying CDs. It's amazing."

    Ms. Emerick says house concert audiences tend to make more supportive fans. They follow her career, buy her new releases, and go to her shows when she is in town.

    "There's just a totally unique experience  as opposed to playing like a coffee shop or a bar or something like that where people are usually there, but you don't always know if they're there for you."

    Charlie Dahan teaches music management courses. He used to organize shows for artists. Mr. Dahan says house concerts can be financially risky for artists.

    "The downside for the artists is that most house concerts don't pay guarantees. In fact, most house concerts by law are not allowed to charge admission. Most of them can only do a suggested donation." On the other hand, he says house concerts can help fill an artist's performance calendar and build a loyal following.

Annalise Emerick says she has played in some homes so often the owners have become close friends. And that's been really nice for her.

(1)、All of the following about the house concerts in Kristina Shulz's home are true EXCEPT      .
A、Some strangers might attend the concerts. B、Many kinds of music have been played in the concerts. C、The performances are listed on house concert websites. D、The concerts have become an important part of her income.
(2)、What does "a totally unique experience" refer to?
A、People come just for your music. B、People come to drink coffee. C、People are paying much for your music. D、People are buying your CDs.
(3)、In Charlie Dahan's opinion, house concerts      .
A、should charge admission B、should do more donations C、bring uncertain income D、help artists make friends
(4)、Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A、The advantages of house concerts B、The popularity of house concerts C、Ways to get royal fans for artists D、Ways to fill an artist's calendar

    We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don't do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech.

    So, you have to give a speech and you are terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank Goodness, it's over. I'm just not good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again.”

    Cheep up! It doesn't have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of your time doing your research. Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don't talk over their heads, and don't talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

    Just remember: Be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.

    If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don't have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You're not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.



    GLASGOW—the Chinese super star Lin Dan lost a thrilling men's singles final in straight games at the World Badminton Championships here on Sunday.

    The 33-year-old Lin,nicknamed Super Dan by his fans,was 9-13 behind in the first game as the 23-year-old Axelsen,who stands 1.95 meters,took command with powerful attacks.

    Lin,who won his fifth and last world title in 2013,managed to reach 13-13 with well-angled shots.They exchanged the lead several times before Lin took advantage at 20-19.Axelsen,the bronze medalist at last year's Rio Olympics,saved the game point and scored three points in a row for a 22-20 victory.The second game became a one-sided affair when Axelsen led all the way to win 21-16.Lin's expectation of winning a sixth world title was dashed by Denmark's Victor Axelsen.

    Axelsen became the third Dane to take world men's singles title following Peter Rasmussen in 1997 and Flemming Delfs in 1977.“It was a dream for me to win a world title,”Axelsen said.“I was shaking like a little child inside...Lin Dan is an idol for me.”

    Lin suffered his fourth defeat to Axelsen in their seven meetings,but he was satisfied with the result.“I am 34 at the end of this year and 35 next year.I think any player will find it very hard to play a world championships final at this age.I am satisfied with the result.”He added,“We both played well today.I should have killed off the first game when I led 20-19.But I made a mistake at the crucial time.If I won the first game,all the pressure would be at Victor's side.Unfortunately,I have to take all the pressure."

    Lin also dismissed any speculations about his retirement.“I will play in the Chinese National Games which kicks off tomorrow and then the Japan Open.I have been making very good preparations for this competition and I have showed that I am still strong enough physically.”


    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making it possible for companies to monitor workers' behavior in great detail and in real time. Start to slack off (懈怠), and AI could talk to your boss.

    One company offering such services is London-based start-up Status Today. Its AI platform relies on a regular supply of employee data, including everything from the files you access to when you use a key card. From this, it builds a picture of how employees normally function and signals any unusual performance. The idea is to spot when someone might become a security risk by doing something different from their usual behavioral patterns. “All of this gives us fingerprint of a user, so if we think the fingerprint doesn't match, we raise a warning”, says Mircea Dumitrescu, the company's chief technology officer.

    The system also aims to catch employee actions that could accidentally cause a security breach (漏洞), like opening malware (恶意软件).“We're not monitoring if your computer has a virus.” says Dumitrescu. “We're monitoring human behaviors.”

    But catching the security breach means monitoring everyone, and the AI can also be used to track employee productivity. “It seems like they are just using the reputation of AI to give an air of lawfulness to old-fashioned workplace surveillance (监视),” says Javier Ruiz Diaz of digital campaigning organization the Open Rights Group. “You have a right to privacy and you shouldn't be expected to give that up at work.”

    Exactly how companies use the system will be up to them, but it's hard to shake the picture of an AI constantly looking over employees' shoulders. “It will bother people, and that could be counterproductive if it affects their behavior,” says Paul Bemal at the University of East Anglia.

    Phil Legg at the University of the West of England says it will never catch every security risk. “If people know they're being monitored, they can change their behavior,” he says.


    A scientist once said: "I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space."

    If we take this as a reasonable explanation for UFOs (unidentified flying objects), questions immediately come up.

    "Why don't they get in touch with us, then? Why don't they land right on the White House lawn and declare themselves?" people asked.

In reply, scientists say that, while this may be what we want, it may not necessarily be what they want.

    "The most likely explanation, it seems to me," said Dr. Mead, "is that they are simply watching what we are up to—that responsible society outside our solar system is keeping an eye on us to see that we don't cause a chain reaction that might have unexpected effects for the outside of our solar system."

    Opinions from other scientists might go like this: "Why should they want to get in touch with us? We may feel we're more important than we really are! They may want to observe us only and not interfere(干涉) with the development of our civilization. They may not care if we see them but they also may not care to say 'hello'."

    Some scientists have also suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve. Just as we set aside wilderness areas and wildlife reserves to allow animals and growing things to develop naturally while we observe them. So perhaps Earth was set aside ages ago for the same purpose.

    Are we being observed by intelligent beings from other civilizations in the universe? Are they watching our progress in space travel? Do we live in a huge "zoo" observed by our "keepers," but having no communication with them?

    Never before in our history have we had to face ideas bravely like these. The simple fact is that we, who have always regarded ourselves as supreme in the universe, may not be so. Now we have to recognize that, among the stars in the heavens, there may very well be worlds lived by beings who are to us as we are to ants.


We understand that in light of the latest government CORONAVIRUS TRAVEL ADVICE, your travel plans will be changing. To reflect this, some terms & conditions for refunding tickets or changing journeys are different to usual.

Refunds on Unused Tickets for Travel

• You can apply for refunds up to four weeks from the last day that the ticket was valid.

• Unused Anytime, Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets can be refunded and a service fee applies. Advance tickets are not refundable. Alternatively, you can change your ticket io travel at a later date — See 'Changing Tickets or Requesting a Travel Voucher' below.

• PLEASE NOTE that if the train you are booked on does not ran or is canceled due to irresistible forces, refund: will be made on ALL TICKETS TYPES with no service fee.

If you are uncertain about travelling, you may wish to consider purchasing a more flexible ticket — such as Anytime or Off-Peak - for travel.

Changing Tickets or Requesting a Travel Voucher

• If you bought an Advance ticket before the National Lockdown was announced on 4lh January and will no longer be travelling, you should apply for a travel voucher or reschedule your journey free of charge. You need to do this be lore your first train departs and pay the difference if your new ticket is more expensive. Please note you will not be entitled to a travel voucher if your Advance ticket was purchased after 4lh Jan. Speak to the original retailer of your ticket for advice.

• Anytime, Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak tickets are more flexible and can be changed any time before you travel There is no fee to change these tickets. you will only need to pay any difference in fare.

Refunding Season Tickets

•Unexpired(未逾期的)Season Tickets can be submitted for refund at any time and train companies calculate how much is refunded by bow much value is left on your ticket, they do this by deducting (扣除)the value of any other tickets you could have travelled with in the same lime until you stopped using and return your Season Ticket Refunds can only be backdated with evidence that illness prevented you from travelling. (National Rail Conditions of Travel. Condition 40.4).

• To see how much you could get back from your Season Ticket, try the Season Ticket Refund Calculator below. For more information, including if you require a refund due to sickness that prevented you from using a Season Ticket see the link here,

• Customers can still claim refunds remotely online, minimizing contact between customers and staffs keeping everyone safer. Please see your retailer's website for details.

Travelling on Another Train Company's Service

• In areas where there is cancellation, train companies may agree acceptance of tickets routed via another company For more details, please contact your rail service provider.

