
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津上海(本地版)五四制初中英语七年级上册Unit 5 同步练习八

Read the passage and answer the questions. (阅读短文,回答问题)

    Houses are one of the most important parts in our life. What kind of houses do you like to live in? Different people have different ideas.

    Old people like living in a quiet place. Usually they prefer living in the countryside. There isn't much traffic. And there are a lot of plants. The air is very fresh.  The house isn't too nice, but it is enough for living. If the house can be cheaper, it will be better.

    Most young people like living in the city. They like the lively place. They think living in the city make it easier to go everywhere because there is a lot of traffic. Their houses are very big and fine. Even the house costs them a lot of money, they will prefer the good house.

    For middle-ages(中年人), it is better to live near the place where they work and the children study. The nearer, the better. Usually the middle ages are very tired. They must take care of their parents and their children. So their house is big enough. But it isn't expensive.' And it isn't too fine. They only spend some money on the house.

(1)、Where do the old people like living?
(2)、How is the air in the countryside?
(3)、Why do the young people like living in the city?
(4)、What kind of houses do the young people like?
(5)、Why do the middle-ages feel tired?
(6)、Mr. Green is 45 years old, where will he buy his house, near school or far away from school?
下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Teach children not to talk to strangers

B. Tell students to follow the school rules

C. Talk to your children about their day

D. Keep an eye on your children's Internet use

E. Teach children not to work out problems by fighting

F. Tell your children a safe way to walk to school or the bus stop

    Students spend more time at school than anywhere else. At school, children need a safe and comfortable environment to help them learn. By doing the following, parents can help make sure children have a good school life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. Ask your children if they see anyone bullied(被欺负), if they are bullied, or if anything else makes them feel uncomfortable. Look for warning signs, such as a sudden drop in grades or a loss of friends.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Tell children that fighting could lead to them getting hurt, or hurting someone else. Tell them about other ways they can solve a problem, such as walking away or telling to teachers or the adult you know well.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Talk to your children about what they do online—what websites they visit, who they email, and who they chat with. Let them know they can talk to you if anything they see online makes them uncomfortable.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Teach children to follow traffic lights and rules when walking or biking. Stress that they should cross the street at crosswalks.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Don't go anywhere with them, or accept gifts from them when you don't know. If they see a stranger hanging around or in their school, they should tell the people that you know.


    You must have heard about jogging(慢跑)as a popular way of keeping fit, but what about plogging? Plogging is a mix of jogging and picking up litter, coming from the Swedish phrase "plocka upp". It started as an organized activity in Sweden around 2016 and then spread to other countries step by step. For exercising, plogging is much better than simply running, because it provides changes in body movements by adding bending(弯曲), squatting(蹲) and stretching(伸展).

    As 2018's hottest fitness way, plogging has become popular in more than 40 countries, from the US to France and Australia to Thailand. The idea of plogging is to pay attention to environmental protection as well as physical health — to care for Mother Nature as well as your body. "I run a lot and I love to spend time in nature. When I find litter out in the woods, it makes me sad and a bit angry. Plogging is a natural way to do something about that," Tesch said." It's so easy to just pick up the litter and put it in the nearest bin, and it makes you feel that you're making a difference!"

    Have you noticed people jogging while carrying trash bags recently? Or running along with hands full of dirty plastic bottles? You might do soon! Because plogging has reached China. Olivier, a Frenchman married to a Chinese girl, began promoting(促进)plogging in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, back in April. He and his wife were the only ones doing it at first, he said, but the craze soon caught on. The couple have set up a WeChat group for people to learn more about plogging. Currently there are more than 100 people from different parts of the country in the group to take an active part in the environmental movement. In honor of World Environment Day this year, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(中国工商银行)started plogging campaigns (运动)in 280 cities, attracting 13,000 people to join in.

    Plogging can be done almost anytime and anywhere, and costs almost nothing. Will you take it up?

