
试题 试卷


题型:语法填空(语篇) 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通


Speaker1: As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly three reasons. Firstly, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me   opportunity for relaxing, research and writing  , I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to encourage myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because being around the students  who  are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too. But teaching is not easy at all. I must study harder (get)more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an engineer of  (man)soul.
Speaker2: My dream is to be a doctor. As a doctor, I am supposed to help anyone who needs help. though they are poor. I will do them a favor as possible as I can .I know that people with disease need to   (take)good care of .they feel more lonely than us .Therefore, I would like to give them a warm hug and cheer them up to overcome the  (ill) . I believe that if we all treat them as our friends .the world will be   (good) .Let's try our best to change the world to achieve our dreams.
Speaker3: I like playing the piano and I'm good at it. so I want to become a piano player. Playing the piano is very interesting. and you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. I  (begin) to play the piano when I was ten years old. I used to practice it for hours every day. I hope when I grow up , I can hold a concert   (success). Becoming a piano player is a hard job. but I believe I can make it.
关于早餐,Linda,Richard,Cindy,Gary和Susan喜欢吃不同的食物。请仔细阅读⑴—⑸题中5个人的喜好,从A-F六个店铺中,选出他们最可能去吃早餐的地方。  (其中—项为多余选项)

⑴Linda lives with her grandparents.They usually eat traditional Chinese food.such as noodles and dumplings to start their day.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

⑵Richard always eats the same breakfast every day.He doesn't eat much.A small piece of bread and a cup of milk are nice for him.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

⑶Cindy loves fruit and vegetables.Sometimes she puts them together to make juice.But she never puts sugar into it because she thinks that's too sweet.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

⑷Gary enjoys eating fast food.Hamburgers and hot dogs are his favourite.He knows cola isn't healthy for him,but he still drinks a lot,even in the morning!{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

⑸Susan has a sweet tooth.Anything sweet can make her happy all the day.She likes going to birthday parties because she can eat lots of sweet birthday cake.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A.Sullivan's Bread World:We have fresh bread every morning and you can enjoy a cup of coffee or milk with it.

B.Roman Holiday:We have a world-famous cook for you.Beefsteak or fish steak,a wonderful meal you can't miss.

C.Uncle Tom:Come here and save your time!Catch your hamburgers,French fries,hot dogs,cola and soda.Go,go,go!   

D.Little Ants' Home:Here you can find whatever sweet things you like.We are good at making cakes,candies,cookies and so on.

E.Fresh and Healthy:Apples,pears,grapes,mangoes,lemons…We little shop mixes the fruit with vegetables and gives you the best drink.

F.Aunt Lee's Kitchen:Fried eggs?Tomatoes?Beef?Which do you like to eat with your noodles?Tell Aunt Lee,she will get your breakfast ready quickly.


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}My name is Alice Smith. I come from the USA. I'm now a student in Grade Seven. I can play chess. I want to join a chess club.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} My little brother is a student in Grade Eight. He is not good at English. He thinks it's too boring. He wants to improve(提高)it on summer holidays.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Cherry is a good girl at school. She is very good at drawing pictures. She often draws on Saturday morning.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}I can sing and I can dance, too. But I can't swim. I want to learn it. But I don't know who can teach me.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}My son likes to play the piano, but he doesn't have a piano. It is his birthday next Monday. I want to buy one for him. But I don't know where to buy it.

A. I am a college(大学)student. I want to find a job in the summer holidays. I can help some students with their study. Please call Bob at 516-0321.

B. Please take your children to the Sports Center this summer. Children can learn to swim and have fun here. Many good P. E. teachers will teach them.

C. Good news for you. The chess club opens on Sunday afternoon. It is open from 2: 30 to 4: 30. Welcome to the club.

D. Can you sing or dance?Here is a music club for you. You can sing a lot of songs here and you can dance with others. And you can learn something about music.

Welcome to join the club.

E. Miss Wang is a geography teacher. She is not busy on Saturdays because she doesn't have any classes. Maybe she can help you with your geography.

F. Can you draw pictures? Here is a good art club for you. Its name is Happy Art Club. You can make lots of good friends here and you can draw pictures with them. It's open on Saturday morning.

G. Welcome to my new music shop. There are many things on sale here, like violins, guitars, drums and pianos. They are all at good prices.

Answer the questions.

    You are invited to a large party. Loud music is playing, and lots of people are dancing. Do you dance or talk to as many people as you can all night? Later, you cannot fall asleep-you want more conversation! Or do you prefer a quieter corner? Or perhaps you cannot wait to go home early and relax by yourself.

    Which of these people sound most like you? Person A, who tries to talk to everyone and stays late? Or Person B, who prefers to keep quiet and leaves early?

    If you said Person A, you are probably more extroverted(性格外向的) . If you said Person B. you are probably more introverted(内向的), Or perhaps you are Person C and fall somewhere in the middle. Introverted and extroverted are two commonly used words to describe a person's personality. And they are also commonly misused and misunderstood.

    Introverts may be thought as quiet, shy and timid. Extroverts may be thought as bold, confident, loud and full of energy. Introverted and extroverted people may fit those descriptions, But these same descriptions do not define(下定义) introversion and extroversion properly.

    Introverts and extroverts use their brains differently, and they get their energy differently. Introversion is the state of being mostly concerned with one's own mental life. Extroversion is the opposite. Extroversion is the state of being mostly concerned with what is outside oneself.

    People who consider themselves introverts may say they "need to be alone to charge their batteries". However, introverts may still love being social and going to parties. But such activities require time to prepare.

    Extroverts may say, "I don't need 'alone time'. 1 feel more relaxed being around other people. "Even so, extroverts can still feel unsure or not confident among other people.

    So where do you fall on the introversion/extroversion chart?

