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题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



A report by UNEP联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme) says that by 2050, the world's population is expected to reach 9.6 billion and feeding us all will require at least 60% more food than we have ever produced before. What's more, if we can't find out a way to do with it, food shortages (短缺) could be a big problem.

A main purpose of the report is to make people be aware of the importance of this challenge. In the past, food production increase relied on the practices like cutting down trees, using chemicals and wasting water. Today we understand the environmental price of those techniques.

“The question now is how to produce much more food and at the same time avoid all the environmental problems that we had in the past,” Searchinger, a famous scientist said.

We need to develop new ways to produce food. We can no longer cut down trees. Instead, we'll have to protect water and land, and reduce air pollution.

The report also mentions the importance of reducing food loss and wasteAccording to the United Nations, the waste adds up to one-third of all the food we produce —an amount that could feed an additional 2 billion people.

The report also suggests that we make changes in our diet. “You have to eat more efficiently (有 效地),” said Searchinger, “and above all that means eating less meat, and especially reducing the growth of beef.”That's because raising cows is an inefficient way of producing food. Of all the energy that goes onto feeding cows, only about 1% is converted (转换) into food for people.

(1)、What will happen if we can't find a way to produce more food?

A、     We will have fewer cows. B、     The environment will be worse. C、     We can't have enough land to live on. D、     Some people can't get enough food.
(2)、Which of the following can replace (替代) the underlined part?

A、     Cutting down trees. B、     Using chemicals. C、     Wasting water. D、     The damage to environment.
(3)、Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A、     By 2050, we can produce at least 60% more food than before. B、     The problems of food and environment need to be faced in the future. C、     Traditional ways such as using chemicals are still needed to increase food production. D、     The report advises us to eat more meat to solve the environmental problem.
(4)、What is the main idea of the passage?

A、     What people should do to protect our planet. B、     How to reduce the population. C、     How we can feed 9.6 billion people in the future. D、     Food waste is a serious problem in our world.

Known as "soft gold", Gambiered Canton gauze (香云纱) is the only silk fabric (织物) that's still hand-dyed (手染的) using natural plants in the world today.

The skill has a history of more than 500 years. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage (国家非物质文化遗产). Ouyang Yongze is an inheritor of the dyeing skills from Guangdong. The man started learning the skills in 2017.

The dyeing process includes 30 steps. It can take up to six months and is done by hand with materials from nature. "The plant shuliang (薯莨), river mud, sunshine, and grass are all important in dyeing," Ouyang told China Daily.

To dye the fabric, workers put it in shuliang juice and let it dry on the grass. They repeat this many times until it turns brownish yellow. Then, they put river mud on it to help shuliang react fully. After washing and drying it again, the fabric turns black!

Mastering the skills is difficult, according to Ouyang, who put full effort into controlling the density (浓度) of shuliang juice. "Too much may cause color loss, and too little may nor lead to a dark enough fabric," he said. "Better control of the density comes after many failures."

Also, the job can be really tiring as workers have to be at work in the sun for 8 hours each day. Only a few people work in the industry, and skilled masters are getting older as fewer young people take part.

Considering this, Ouyang works harder to develop the traditional craft. He has got together other dyeing skills such as tie-dyeing (扎染法) and batik (蜡染) and has worked with famous fashion designers. They turn the silk into both traditional and fashionable clothes that are popular worldwide. He thinks this can help make the craft stay alive and drew people to the industry.

 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

In 2004, Zhang Guimei saw a girl sitting silently on the side of a road on a cold morning, with a broken basket at her side.

Zhang, a local high school teacher, asked what was wrong. The girl told Zhang that she wanted to go to school, but her family was too poor to afford it. Zhang went to the 14-year-old girl's home and advised her parents to allow their daughter to continue schooling. However, they finally refused her. Unable to help, Zhang left. With the teenager always on her mind, Zhang was trying to work out how to help the local girls.

She came up with the idea of building a girls-only high school where students wouldn't have to pay anything. In 2007, Zhang attended an important meeting. She spoke, through media, to the public about her long-hidden dream. With the support from the local government and warm-hearted people, Huaping Girls' High School was opened in 2008. On the first day of the new school year, 100 students entered the school, most of whom were from mountainous areas. Since she started the school, Zhang Guimei has visited more than 1,600 families, traveled more than110,000 kilometers, and walked to many places to encourage parents to send their daughters to school for more than 15 years, so the girls could improve their education to change their lives.

Thanks to Zhang's efforts to help the students improve their studies, many of them were able to get offers from universities. Zhang Guimei worked silently for years, helping more than 1,800 girls in poor mountainous areas realize their dreams.


① A survey(调查) has shown that lots of people can't sleep well. Sometimes you feel tired when you wake up. You may have a headache and you feel like you could sleep for another three hours. Many things around us cause sleeplessness. Here are a few changes you can make to improve your sleep.

②Go to bed and get up at the same time. You may share the same bedroom with your sister or brother. You both must go to bed regularly(规律地) so that you don't trouble each other.

③Clean up your bedroom. A study from a university in Zhengzhou found that people with clean bedrooms usually sleep better than those with dirty and untidy rooms.

④ Get more house plants. Studies show that house plants help with reducing (减轻)stress. Also, plants such as lavender(薰衣草) and gardenias(栀子花) have smells that may help some people relax and sleep better.

⑤ Make your room dark. When light hits your eyes, it tell you not to fall asleep. In fact, we need darkness especially in the evening. So if you want your body to know that it's time to rest, turn off the lights about an hour before bedtime or wear eye masks. Your phone and your TV should also be thought of. You may also use the dark curtaıns(窗帘) to keep any outside light from going into your bedroom.

⑥Lower your bedroom temperature. The body becomes cooler at night, so lowering the temperature before bedtime can help you relax and fall asleep more quickly. The NationalSleep Foundation in a country says your bedroom should be about 16 ℃ to 19℃ for a good night's sleep.

