
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I'm sure many people are working hard for a lot of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on. Those are considered to be symbols of 1 on the material level. When I was young, I was also 2 reaching for material success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.

    But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for customers. I become very unhappy 3 I could make a lot of money. I no longer felt proud of my job and even 4 myself for doing things like that. So I 5 my job and took another job, this time helping people 6 the poor and the weak. The sense of belonging was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again,I made less money but I was 7 with myself.

    For my own past, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about 8. And I feel the most successful when I 9 my kindness everywhere go.

    So, be 10 to yourself: learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart. And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.

A、luck B、success C、safety D、hope
A、sadly B、hardly C、crazily D、honestly
A、if B、since C、until D、although
A、look down upon B、look up to C、look through D、look into
A、made up B、give up C、set up D、turn up
A、in danger B、in order C、in need D、in surprise
A、strict B、cheerful C、angry D、satisfied
A、trust B、love C、money D、health
A、throw B、spread C、cell D、lend
A、true B、brave C、friendly D、terrible
 A. 补全短文根据短文呢内容,从短文后的A-F选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。

Have you ever heard the word "body image"?It means the way we see our own bodies and how we feel about them. Some people have a good body image﹣they know that while their bodies might not be perfect,they are still healthy and happy. 

But many others,especially women,have a "broken" view of their bodies. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}I often see them complain about their weight,even though they are already in good shape. I want to tell them to stop worrying and complaining(抱怨),but It's not my place to do that. This phenomenon(现象) has been a problem in the US and other countries for many years. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Some of you may remember the "A4 challenge" of

2016. Women put pictures online,comparing their waist to the width of a piece of A4 printing paper. A4 paper is only 20cm wide. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

Unluckily,society and the media will probably always promote(提倡) these kinds of strict beauty ideals. But one thing to remember is that as long as you are not very thin or overweight,you are probably in good health. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. For most people,that would mean that they are at an unhealthy weight. 

B. They feel like they can never be thin enough. 

C. You are fine just the way you are. 

D. But it seems to me that Chinese society put more pressure on women to look perfect. 

E. I have seen this among my own female friends. 

F. They even want to have A4 waist. 

