
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    An old man went to a doctor to ask some questions about his wife's hearing. He was worried that she was going deaf, as she seemed to be having a hard time hearing the old man speak. The doctor suggested a test to find out exactly how bad her hearing was.

    "Stand far behind her and ask her a question. If she doesn't answer, move a little bit closer and ask again. Keep doing this until you can figure out(弄清楚)how far away she can hear." the doctor said.

    The old man then returned home. He was quite excited to finally find a way to this problem. He saw that his wife was cooking dinner. While standing about 15 meters behind her, he asked, "What's for dinner, dear?" But she didn't reply. He moved closer, standing about 10 meters away from her. He asked her the same question, but she still did not reply to him. He then moved to 5 meters away and asked her the question again-but once again, she did not reply. Fearing what would happen next, he moved until he was just 1 meter away from her. He asked her one more time, "What's for dinner, dear?"

     His wife yelled back at him: "Why did you ask me so many times? We're having lasagna(意式千层面)for dinner!"

(1)、The old man asked the doctor some questions about his wife because          .
A、he worried about his wife would be blind B、he worried about his wife would be deaf C、he wanted his wife be healthier D、he was afraid that his wife would die
(2)、What did the doctor suggest?
A、To find out exactly how bad her hearing was. B、To find a good hospital to cure her sickness. C、To find a good doctor to cure her sickness. D、To find out a correct way to care for her.
(3)、How many times did the old man ask his wife?
A、One. B、Two. C、Three. D、Four.
(4)、From the passage we can know          .
A、the old man was a doctor B、the old man's wife had a bad illness C、the old man's wife didn't want to talk with him D、the doctor knew there was a mistake

    I' m ready to do my first jump 10 months after a skydiving (特技跳伞) accident. I can't wait! That accident almost killed me and it made me stay in hospital for half a year. During the boring long days, I didn't feel glad to be alive. I was wondering how I could live without my favorite sport.

    It all started one evening after a nine-to-five day. I was sitting on the sofa when an ad (广告) came on the television. "Try skydiving," it said. The next day, I went to the skydiving school in my town. At the end of the day's lessons, I knew I found the fight sport for me.

    I will never forget my first jump. Five of us walled to the runway and got into a plane. I was scared, but the others were tailing and joking, and I started to feel a little relaxed. It was a beautiful, cloudless day and the sun was just going down. Soon it was time to jump. As I jumped from the plane, I shouted. But then everything became quiet. It was the most wonderful four minutes of my life.

    From the first jump, I was hooked. I started spending all my free time skydiving . It became my reason for living. Things were going really well. Then an accident happened on my 104th jump. I broke my both legs, right arm and nose. I stayed in hospital for six months, but I still couldn't forget skydiving.

    My mother couldn't understand why the only reason I wanted to get better was to go skydiving again. But for me, skydiving is life, and life is skydiving.


    One day, a man saw an old lady sitting inside her car at the side of the road. Though it was dark, he could see she needed help. So he stopped his car and walked towards her. The old lady was worried, even though she noticed the smile on his face. Was he going to hurt her? "I'll help you start your car, madam. By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson, " he said.

    While Anderson was fitting a spare tired (备胎) to her car, the lady began to talk to him. She thanked him much for coming to help.

    Anderson just smiled as he put his tools away. The lady asked how much she should pay him. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give them the help they needed. He waited until she started her car and drove off.

    A few miles down the road, the lady saw a small restaurant. She went in and a waitress came over with a sweet smile. The old lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕的), but she never let the pains and aches change her smile when she served her.

    The lady finished her meal and paid with a hundred-dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change, but the old lady was gone when the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she found there was a note on the napkin (餐巾), "You don't need to give me anything back. Somebody once helped me out the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do—do not let this chain (链子) of love end with you."

    Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.


    Long ago, Bluebird's feathers were the colour of dust. She did not like her ugly colour. She was attracted by the colour of the lake near her home. It was as blue as the sky after a storm. Bluebird wanted to be the colour of that beautiful lake very much. Flapping her wings one morning, Bluebird flew from her tree to the blue lake. Then she bathed in the water three times. After each bath, she sang, "Blue water. Still water. I went in. I am blue." Bluebird repeated this every morning. On the third day, she came out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers.

    Now Coyote was a trickster(骗子)—and hungry too. He stayed behind Bluebird's tree for a long time every day and watched her go to the lake. He pretended(伪装)to be interested in everything she did. He wanted Bluebird for lunch, but he was afraid of the blue water. On the third morning, Coyote saw Bluebird come out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers. Impressed, he sat next to Bluebird's tree and waited for her. When she returned, he asked, "How did you get blue feathers? I want to be blue like the mountains too." Bluebird didn't believe Coyote, but she taught him how to bathe three times each morning and how to sing her song. Coyote did what she said, and after three days of bathing in the lake, his white fur turned deep blue.

    Convinced(确信的)that blue fur was even more beautiful than blue feathers, Coyote forgot all about being hungry. He ran as fast as he could to the top of the hill. Standing on his back legs, he raised his front legs off the ground and howled. But Coyote slipped(滑倒)and rolled down the hill. He couldn't stop himself, and the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur. He rolled and rolled until he hit into Bluebird's tree heavily. No matter how much he tried, foolish Coyote could not shake the dust from his fur. And so the fur of all coyotes had the dull colour of dust to this very day.

