
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I am sitting in an empty football field after my last high school football game that finished a few hours ago. I'm the mid-field player on my team. But in fact that's not 1 now. I was the mid-field player because, as I said, this was my 2 game. That's a good way to end a high school football career (生涯), especially if you win, but even though you don't, it's 3 to leave at a high point.

    I was eight when I first started playing football. My dad 4 football, and he used to practise with me at home – passing, catching, running. We used to practise almost every evening 5 it got too dark. He tried to teach me everything he knew about the 6.  “Just remember: don't ever 7.” “Stay in the game. Don't lose your concentration (专注).” “Go out there and give 110 percent every time.” Well, that was a long time ago, but I still hear his words 8 in my ears.

    I had a lot on my mind 9 the game today. I don't like things to end, I guess, and this was the last game. I was talking to myself and warning myself about what to do and not to do. I didn't sleep at all 10, and when the sun came up this morning, I reached the point where 11 just wanted it all to be over, finished, done. But then when the game started, my mind became 12. I just lived in this game, this moment. I didn't hear the crowd, I didn't feel the cold or the pain, I never felt tired. I just kept my eyes on the 13, and it was just me and the ball and, inside, a soft, white light 14 me the way to the goal. It was a beautiful, empty feeling.

    It's all over now, and it's really getting cold here. It's starting to snow. The sun's almost gone, and I can 15 see the goal. Now it's dark and I'm sitting here all alone. Well, I guess it's time to say good-bye and move on.

A、true      B、wrong        C、strange       D、clear
A、first      B、last            C、worst     D、favourite
A、good      B、bad   C、lucky      D、painful
A、needed     B、hated    C、missed    D、loved
A、until          B、when         C、unless       D、although
A、football       B、game    C、goal       D、score
A、grow up    B、catch up      C、give up       D、hurry up
A、ringing     B、saying       C、falling         D、coming
A、from       B、before      C、through       D、after
A、tonight     B、yesterday     C、today          D、last night
A、we         B、they          C、I         D、he
A、empty       B、full       C、asleep           D、awake
A、way         B、field      C、ball         D、match
A、sending     B、teaching     C、pointing      D、showing
A、already     B、hardly C、never      D、clearly

    Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu, part of today's Shandong Province. September 28th is his birthday. 1 he was born over 2,000 years ago, people still remember him on this day.

    His childhood was sad. His father 2 when he was only 3 and he had to work to help his mother. But young Confucius didn't 3 studying. He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.

    Later, he became a teacher and started the 4 private school in Chinese history. At that time, only children from rich families could go to school, but Confucius believed 5 should go to school if they wanted to learn. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.

    Today, people still follow his 6. He told us that each person has something worthy to learn and teach. “When I am with three people, one of them must be 7 than me in some areas. I choose their good qualities(品质)and follow them. I take their bad qualities and change them in myself.”

    He also taught us that thinking is very important in study. “All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(迷惑). All thinking but no study makes people 8.”

    Confucius is not only a great teacher but also a famous 9 with wise thoughts about the world and society. His most important teachings are about kindness and good manners. “A kind person should care for others. Be strict 10 yourself, but be kind to others.” He said.

