
试题 试卷


题型:填空题 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



How to smile for better health

    As a fun way to improve your physical and mental health, smiling is free of charge. This article explores the ways you can smile to be healthy. 

    Smile to relieve stress. Stress is easily shown in our faces.  When you're stressed, try to put on a smile, as it will make you feel happy, and you will appear happy. Your feelings of stress will be reduced.

    Smile to help your immune(免疫) system work better. Smiling brings about a sense of relaxation which helps your immune system to work better.

    Smile to stay positive. Have a simple test. First, try to think of something negative(消极的), and then smile. . When we smile, our body and mind are sending us a message that everything is okay, and that life is great.

    Smile to live longer. Those who smile are thought to live an average of 79.9 years, while non-smilers live an average of 72.9 years. .

    Smile to achieve success. . They will put their boss into a happy mood and are more likely to be approached by many people. They are more likely to be promoted. And it is an easy way to improve your relationships with others.

A. People who smile appear more confident.

B. Smiling is a good way to make new friends.

C. Smiling prevents people from looking too tired.

D. When someone is sad, try to make him laugh to cheer him up.

E. The only conclusion to be reached from this is to smile every day.

F. You will see that it is hard to combine the negative thought with the smile.

G. You can reduce the risk of sicknesses such as the cold and the flu by smiling.


    We all face quantities of stresses in day-to-day living, whether at work, in the home, or anywhere in between.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Here's how stress can help us on an everyday basis.

    Sharpen your memory.

    Did you ever notice that sometimes when you are stressed, your memory seems to improve? Remember that test you passed where the answers seemed to come out of nowhere?{#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's because of stress hormones(荷尔蒙)that increase your alertness(机敏) when it's most needed.


    Successful employees turn stress into motivation. Have you ever noticed that you get the least amount of work done when you have the fewest deadlines? Too little stress can affect how much you actually get done. When you take risks and choose to get over the difficulty, it improves your mental toughness and self-confidence.

    Helping you resist the attack of illness.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Believe it or not, the right kind of stress can help your body's defenses against illness. When you get sick, stress causes you to make hormones that battle threats to your health. That burst of stress is helpful to your immune system when your body faces a threat.

    Making your life more interesting.

    Think about some stressful situations that we consciously put ourselves into make life more interesting and enjoyable, like asking someone out on a first date, conquering a known fear, or learning something new. These may not immediately come to mind when you think of stress because of the positive outcomes.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Helping you get an advantage at work.

B. Helping you get through difficult times.

C. This will happen whenever you are stressed.

D. That's one way your brain responds to stress.

E. You need a healthy immune system to help fight off diseases.

F. But they're the types that can help you achieve fulfillment and happiness.

G.But handled properly,stress can have many benefits for the body and mind.


    How to Welcome Change in Your Life

    Do you embrace(欣然接受) the road you are now on or resist and avoid change at all costs when a recent event has shaken you greatly? Here are things you can do in the midst of uncertainty to choose differently to change the track of your life.

    Don't react.

    What do we do when we don't know what to do? First, stop, take a deep breath and don't do anything.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It is having faith and trusting what you do know in the unknown.

    Reflect on the past.

    Another activity is to recall times in your life when you were faced with an unknown. Then, think about how you handled the situation.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Use your past experiences to bring you strength, and to remain you what you are capable of.

    Make conscious decisions.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} However, more possibilities open up when we are at peace. Go over your list of what ifs and make a more balanced list of the best and worst situations possible. Then talk to loved ones about what you would do in each situation and the choices you do have.


    We often see fears as our greatest enemy, yet they provide us with an enormous opportunity for self-growth. What if we were to see them as friends who want to help us become a better person? Let your fears help you instead of hurting you. Then, write down what comes to you.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Don't panic.

B. Befriend your fears.

C. You may be surprised by the answers.

D. When we are fearful, our options seem limited.

E. Then try to feel at ease with the state of “not knowing”.

F. Learning from past failures helps you make better decisions.

G. Remembering these incidents will remind you that you've gone through difficult situations.


Ways to say “Happy birthday to me”

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm at an age when not everyone looks forward to cakes and presents.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}It always makes me feel excited to be alive and grateful for my life and my family. So I think even if your birthday is a regular old day at work or home, there are some easy ways to raise it to the special occasion.

    Give a gift to someone else.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}While everyone loves to open a birthday present, there is a lot of joy and goodness to be gained from being generous with others. Making a birthday donation(捐赠)to a charity that means something to you.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Try something new. Today is new to us. Why not enjoy the newness of the moment? Dip your tones into some new waters, sign up for an adult education class, go for a new-to-you park or plan a new trip.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Whether or not you have the opportunity to share a meal, outing or party with friends and family, please take time on your birthday to connect with people who are important to your life. if you use social media like phones, you are likely filled with well-wishes from loved ones. Use these as a jumping-off point to start new conversations and reconnect with people who lift your spirits and support in your journey towards being your best self.

A. Connect with people who matter to you.

B. Freshen up yourself with countless opportunities.

C. It's better to give than to receive

D. This year my birthday is on a Saturday.

E. I love my birthday, though.

F. Download an app to learn a new language is also a good choice.

G. One choice is to donate a dollar amount to match your age.


    It could happen anywhere at any time.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Most people, at one time or another, have been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness. In a sometimes cold world where people can be so focused on what they're doing, a random act of kindness can make all the difference.

    They can be relatively insignificant. Hannah Bailey from London, for example, told the Metro newspaper about how she was given her fruit and vegetable shopping for free. The seller did her a kindness when it emerged she didn't have any change to pay.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    The city of Naples has long had a tradition called' caffè sospeso'. When buying coffee, a person who has recently been lucky would purchase two cups but only drink one, leaving the second one anonymously(匿名), out of the goodness of their heart, for a poor person to claim for free.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    However, in some cases, these little acts can be a matter of life and death. Take, for example, the unnamed commuter, who in June 2018 fell off a station platform onto an electric railway track in Toronto, Canada. A quick-thinking, hut even now unknown, bystander selflessly leapt down to pull him to safety.

    So, why do it? {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The people never meet again. According to UK charity The Mental Health Foundation, acts like these can “give our lives new purpose, show us other perspectives on our own problems and even make us feel content.”

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Hold open a door for someone, deliver a compliment—even give up your seat on a bus. Help someone who is in need. It takes all kinds. It needn't be anything huge. One day, whether you need it or not, someone might help you in your hour of need.

A. So give it a try.

B. Be brave to face challenges.

C. Often, the acts aren't paid back.

D. She was happy about it all day.

E. She was in low spirits the whole day.

F. This tradition is now more common worldwide.

G. It's often unexpected, but almost never unappreciated.


A. Put a deadline on your goal.

B. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

C. You know your goal is specific if it answers these questions.

D. Therefore, you should know in advance how you will make this happen.

E. However, it's also important that you don't set a goal that is too big to reach.

F. Don't choose a goal just because someone else thinks it's something you "should" do.

G. Your goal is measurable if you can find a way to quantify your success using real numbers.

    The best way to set yourself up for success is to make sure that your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

    Make your goals specific.

    You need to give yourself a concrete goal so you know exactly what you're working toward. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Who will be involved in helping you reach your goal? What exact goal do you want to accomplish? Be very specific. When will you start and when will you reach your goal?

    Make your goals measurable.

    Now that you have some of the specifics of your goal nailed down, it's time to look at how you will measure your progress. After all, if you don't have any way to measure your goal, how will you know when you've reached it? {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Some examples of measurable goals might be pounds lost, a positive change in blood work numbers, or fitness minutes accumulated.

    Make your goals attainable.

    It's good to think big. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} A goal that's attainable for you is one that you believe you can reach and have all the support, equipment, knowledge and resources needed to put your goals into action.

    Make your goals relevant.

    You need to make sure that you're choosing a goal that fits you and your lifestyle. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Pick something that is meaningful and relevant to you and you'll set yourself up for success.

    Make your goals timely.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Otherwise, it will be difficult to know how to pace yourself to reach it. Every goal should have a date, which will help you stay on track. In addition, set up a few mini-deadlines to keep you on track to reaching your big-picture goal.


House fires cause many deaths each year.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}. So, it's important to teach them that fire is a tool, not a toy. Kids must understand that they'd better not play with fire. You should keep matches and lighters out of their reach.

A smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire, especially when you are in your dream. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. Also, you ought to have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practice these plans in the dark with your family.

A smoke alarm warns you of the danger. When you hear it, take action immediately. When you come to a closed door, check it with the back of your hand. If it feels hot, there may be smoke or fire behind the door, so take care.  {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, call the fire department from a neighbor's house. If a family member or a pet is caught inside, you shouldn't go back in. Firemen know how to perform rescues safely.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Change the batteries at least once a year. You should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still working. A smoke alarm lasts about ten years. You ought to change it even if it seems to be working. Every year the fire and rescue service is called to over 600,000 fires, which result in over 800 deaths and over 17,000 injuries. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Once you are out of your house

B. Make sure of working hours of fire fighters

C. A large number of these fires are set by kids

D. Although your friends know how to put out fire

E. So you should have a smoke alarm outside your bedroom

F. But remember, the alarm can work only if it has enough power

G. Actually most of them can be avoided with working smoke alarms

