
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



There is a large percentage of Asian people in the US. They'rehard working, respectful but strange sometimes. If you don't understand theculture, you will get some problems with them. Asian people are different fromany other cultures if you think you know them, you might want to think again.

How are they different? When it comes to most Asian culture,respect is everything. You can do anything you want but don't disrespect anAsian man. You will get some real consequences afterward and especially if heis your boss. It's something called “face saving” in the Asian culture.It's ridiculous sometimes but it's their culture. Sometimes their culture cancome in between their relationship at work. Asian people might expect a lot ofrespect from their co-workers when their co-workers just see them as an equal.

Americans are very different from Asian people. If you're Asian,you might want to understand the American culture and even adapt to theirculture if you work with them. It will be easier for you since you're in theircountries. Imagine an American working in China, expecting Chinese co-workersto get along with him when he criticizes them straight out on every singlematter in front of everyone. I think they will take him outside and take careof him. It just doesn't work that way with Asian people.

If you're an American boss giving your Asian employee a review,you will see that they will have a problem with your negative remarks. Theywill think that you don't like them, disrespectful, and want to get rid ofthem; when in fact, you're just doing your job. Of course, it's not fair foryou as an American boss but just expect that it can be something that is onyour Asian employee's mind.

(1)、The Americans can't get along well with the Asians probably because______.

A、their cultures are different B、they don't like each other C、both of them are too proud D、they have different political views
(2)、The underlined phrase “face saving” in Paragraph 2 probably means_____.

A、saving some money for later use B、making faces to please your boss C、showing some respect to somebody D、helping somebody out of trouble
(3)、From the third paragraph we can know that it is difficult_________.

A、for the Asians to accept the culture in America B、for the Americans to adapt to the culture in China C、for people to learn the culture in a foreign country D、for people to follow the culture in their own country
(4)、The negative remarks an American boss gives on your work probably mean he/she ____________________.

A、doesn't like you any longer B、thinks you are not worth respecting C、offer you some better advice D、wants you to improve your work
    More than 2.25 billion cups of coffeeare consumed across the globe each day, and it's likely that many taste bitter.

    Now, a new study suggests that coffeefans can make their drink taste sweeter by simply changing the color of theircups.

Scientists claim that blue and glass mugs,which are popular in some coffee shops, can reduce coffee's bitterness, withoutany need for sugar, and that coffee drunk from white cups tastes the bitterest.

    To prove their claims, the researchersinvited 36 volunteers and used three different colored cups— blue, white andtransparent glass—to do an experiment.

    In the experiment, coffee consumed fromthe white cup was found to taste less sweet when compared to the other twocolored cups, while the blue cup made the coffee taste the sweetest.

    The scientists believe that the colorbrown may be associated with coffee's bitterness because coffee in a white cupappears the brownest and tastes the bitterest.

  “Our study clearly shows that the colorof a coffee cup does influence the perceived (感受到的) taste and flavor of coffee,” said DrGeorge Doorn of Federation University Australia, “but the potential effects maybe different between a one-time purchase and a return customer.”

  “Anyhow, the effect of the color of thecup on the flavor of the coffee suggests that café owners, baristas (服务员), aswell as coffee cup manufacturers should carefully consider the color of theircups, ” he added.

    However, the idea that color can alterthe taste of food and drink is not new.

    A study published last year revealedthat red, strawberry-flavored mousse (慕斯蛋糕) served on a white plate was rated as10 percent sweeter and 15 percent more flavorous than the same food presentedon a black plate.


阅读下列短文:从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,将正确的选项涂在答题卡上。


       You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson.Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

 Jane Addams(1860-1935)

Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addans helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区)by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

  Rachel Carson(1907-1964)

If it weren't for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world's lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O'Connor(1930-present)

When Sandra Day O'Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952,she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员) and ,in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O'Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

  Rosa Parks(1913-2005)

On December 1,1955,in Montgomery, Alabama,Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgmery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.


Make Up Your Mind to Succeed

    Kind-hearted parents have unknowingly left their children defenseless against failure. The generation born between 1980 and 2001 grew up playing sports where scores and performance were played down because “everyone's a winner.” And their report cards sounded more positive  than ever before. As a result, Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them “the overpraised generation.”

    Dweck has been studying how people deal with failure for 40 years. Her research has led her to find out two clearly different mind-sets that have a great effect on how we react to it. Here's how they work:

    A fixed mind-set is grounded in the belief that talent is genetic – you're a born artist, point guard, or numbers person. The fixed mind-set believes it's sure to succeed without much effort and regards failure as personal shame. When things get difficult, it's quick to blame, lie, and even stay away from future difficulties.

    On the other hand, a growth mind-set believes that no talent is entirely heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everything possible. Because the ego (自尊) isn't on the line as much, the growth mind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When faced with a difficulty, it's quick to rethink, change and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.

    We are all born with growth mind-sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to live in the world.) But parents, teachers, and instructors often push us into fixed mind-sets by encouraging certain actions and misdirecting praise. Dweck's book, Mind-set: The New Psychology of Success, and online instructional program explain this in depth. But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to make sure that your children, grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.


    If you feel yourself turning into an old grouch(脾气坏的人), don't worry — happiness is just around the bend. A survey has found that although happiness dips in those in their 30s and 40s, people start to feel more content with life after the age of 50.

    However an economist found that older people will never again regain the excitement of youth. Rather it is thought that with age, individuals become more pragmatic about the ups and downs that life brings and accept their fortune.

    He questioned those in Britain, Switzerland and Germany and applied the findings to people's life cycle.

    Mr. Van Landeghem, 29, said:“A happiness curve does not necessarily imply that a 65-year-old prefers his own life to the life of a 25-year-old.”

    “Both the 25-year-old and 65-year-old might agree that it is nicer to be 25 than to be 65. But te 65-year-old might nevertheless be more satisfied, as he has learned to be satisfied with what he has.”

    It was suggested the mid-life happiness dip is because this is when people have the most responsibilities — taking care of a family, paying a mortgage (抵押贷款) and having a demanding career. The middle-aged dip in happiness was also compared to that of losing a close relative or suddenly becoming unemployed.

    The study is just one of many put forward as an indicator of what makes for a happy life.

    Psychologists concluded that having money makes you happier, but only if you have a lot more than your friends and neighbors. At the same time, you'd better have enough tie to enjoy yourself instead of spending all your time on making money.

    Separate research found that owning the house of your dreams, the car you always longed for and having millions in the bank doesn't stop that desire to keep up with the Joneses (攀比). And if the Joneses have more than you do, you'll be miserable. It seems envy at being lower in the social pecking order (权势等级) reduces the satisfaction of being well off.

    If you just do what you love and you are good at, which society also values much, you may have a higher probability to be happy. But if your job pays less, how can you stick to it in disregard of responsibilities? Happiness means different things from different points of view, and point of view grows from one's experience and knowledge. Perhaps it comes with you when you don't need to think about adult problems or when you are wise enough to understand what satisfaction is.


    They say the average person makes 35, 000 decisions a day. Yet in her new book, How Woman Decide, Therese Huston explores a widespread phenomenon that many women fail to notice. "There's a huge double standard when it comes to how men and women are viewed as decision﹣makers," explains Therese, a psychologist from Seattle University. Therese decided to write the book after looking at her bookshelf: At one end, there were bestselling books about how to be a clever decision﹣maker ﹣ all written by men and featuring interviews with men like athletes. At the other end were books aimed at women on gaining leadership skills and confidence.

    "Once those women are at the table, will their decisions be taken as seriously as men's?" Therese wondered. "Men are respected as decision﹣makers more than women, especially in the workplace, largely because there's this cultural belief that women are unable to make smart choices at work. "

    So, Therese set out to pick apart the stereotypes(固有印象)to see what scientific research had found. "Scientific research shows that men and women struggle with decision-making equally. The only disadvantage I found was that during the teenage years-teenage girls are more indecisive than teenage boys. Otherwise, there's little difference between the genders(性别).

    However, there are some differences. "Women are more collaborative(协作的), "says Therese. "A female boss is more likely to ask the opinions of those around her when making a choice. Women ask for input, which helps make better decisions. However, this is often seen as a weakness rather than a strength.

    Therese also found that during times of stress, men and women make different choices, and the outcomes are often better when women are involved.

    Study after study backs this view up. Neuroscientists Mara Mather and Nicole Lighthall from the University of Southern California studied the way men and women make decisions and found that in times of stress, they react very differently.

    During their study, which involved playing a virtual gambling(赌博)game, they found that when the females became stressed, they made smart decisions ﹣ quitting while they were ahead or taking safe bets. But when the men became stressed, they did the opposite, risking everything for a slim chance of a big win.

