
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


    We all know what a brain is. Adoctor will tell you that the brain is the organ of the body in the head. It controls our body's functions, movements, emotions and thoughts. But abrain can mean so much more.

    A brain can also simply be a smartperson,  If a person is called brainy,she is smart and intelligent. If a family has many children but one ofthem is super smart, you could say, "She's the brains in the family. "And if you are the brains behind something you are responsible for developing or organizing something. For example, Bill Gates is the brains behind Microsoft Brain trust is a group of experts who give advice. Word experts say the phrase "brain trust" became popularwhen Franklin D. Roosevelt first ran for president in 1932, Several professors gave him advice on social and political issues facingthe U.S.

    These professors were called his "braintrust." These ways we use the word"brain" all make sense. But other ways we use the word are not so easy to understand. Forexample, to understand the next brain expression, you first need to know theword “drain." As a verb to drain means to, remove something by letting it flow away. So abrain drain may sound like a disease where the brain flows out the ears. But, brain drain is when a country's most educated people leave their countries to live in another. The brains are, sort of, draining out of the country.

    However, if people are responsible for agreat idea, you could say they brainstormed it. Here, brainstorm is not an act of weather. It is a process of thinking creatively about a complex topic. Forexample, business leaders may use brainstorming to create new products, and government leaders may brainstorm to solve problems.

    If people are brainwashed, it does notmean their brains are nice and clean. To brainwash means to make someone accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way. Keep inmind that brainwash is never used in a positive way.

(1)、According to the text, if you're the CEO of Bai Du you can be called                  .

A、the brains behind Bai Du B、Bai Du's brain trust C、the brain drain of Bai Du D、the organ of Bai Du
(2)、Why did Roosevelt successfully win the election?

A、Because he was smart at giving advice. B、Because word experts were popular. C、Because he got his brain trust. D、Because he was the brains behind America.
(3)、Which of the following expression is always used in a negative way?

A、Brain trust. B、Brain drain. C、Brainstorm. D、Brainwash.

    I recently posted a picture on Facebook from the movie Mad Max, a film where two groups race through the desert in steampunk vehicles, and wrote, “Actual picture of my way to work today.” It was meant to be a joke because of the sandstorms in Beijing, but one of my friends from back home thought it was real.

    I couldn't imagine how they could think that is actually what China is like. China has so many more conveniences and advantages than the West, and many of my friends agree. “I don't know how I will be able to deal when I go back home,” said a friend who is about to end her gap year in Beijing. “I've become so spoiled in China.”

    China seems to be leading the way in innovation(创新) and convenience for daily life. Back home I could never shop, pull out my phone and scan a QR code to pay.

    There have been rumors of starting bike sharing in my hometown for years with little success while bike sharing suddenly appeared in Beijing overnight. I just step outside and scan a code, and I am on my way.

    Going out to eat with a group of friends back home was troublesome for both the group and the servers. Splitting bills and swiping(刷) 10 different cards or making change for each person in the group can be a pain. But with China's WeChat, you can quickly send your friends your part of the bill.

    The list goes on…

    When I first arrived in Beijing, I was dead set on leaving in a month. That month has come and gone. Now, when someone asks me when I'm coming back, I think to myself, “Who knows?”

    While my friends think I am riding through the desert on a motorbike, I am actually taking a Didi for what is the equivalent of $5 in the US.

    With all the conveniences and technology here, I may never want to go back.


    China has announced it's abolishing its one-child policy. What difference has it made, statistically speaking?

    400 million births prevented. The one-child policy, officially in place since 1979, has prevented 400 million births. Parents have faced fines and other punishments for having more children.

    The majority of the decrease in China's fertility(生育)rate happened in the 1970s.It dropped from 5.8 children per woman in 1970 to 2.7 in 1978. Despite the one-child policy the rate had only fallen to 1.7 by 2013. 21:28 baby death rate. Since the one-child policy was introduced, baby girls have become more likely to die than boys.

    In the 1970s, according to the United Nations, 60 males per 1,000 live births died under the age of one. For girls the figure was 53. In the 1980s, after the one-child policy became official, the rate for both was 36. By the 1990s, 26 males per 1,000 live births died before the age of one-and 33 girls. The 2000s saw 21 boys per 1,000 live births dying and 28 girls.

    1.16 boys born for every girl

    Sexually selective abortions have been considered as a major cause of China's unusual sexual imbalance.

    Gietel-Basten, associate professor in social policy at Oxford University, says the births of many girls are not registered if parents have broken the rule by having two children, adding officials often turn a blind eye. It's estimated there are now 33 million more men than women in China.

    4:2:1 families

    With the ageing of China's population and the continuation of the one-child policy, a “4: 2 :1”home is the description given to households in which there are four grandparents cared for by two working age parents, who themselves have one child.

    By 2050, it's predicted that a quarter of China's population will be 65 or older. The predicted decline in the number of people of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child policy.


    Technology offers conveniences such as opening the garage door from your car or changing the television station without touching the TV.

    Now one American company is offering its employees a new convenience: a microchip implanted (植入) in their hands. Employees who have these chips can do all kinds of things just by waving their hands. Three Square Market is offering to implant microchips in all of their employees for free. Each chip costs $300 and Three Square Market will pay for the chip. Employees can volunteer to have the chips implanted in their hands. About 50 out of 80 employees have chosen to do so. The president of the company, his wife and their children are also getting chips implanted in their hands.

    The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. Implanting the chip only takes about a second and is said to hurt only very briefly. The chips go under the skin between the thumb and forefinger. With a chip in the hand, a person can enter the office building, buy food, sign into computers and more, simply by waving that hand near a scanner. The chips will be also used to identify employees. Employees who want convenience, but do not want to have a microchip implanted under their skin, can wear a wristband (腕带) or a ring with a chip instead. They can perform the same tasks with a wave of their hands as if they had an implanted chip.

    Three Square Market is the first company in the United States to offer to implant chips in its employees. Epicenter, a company in Sweden, has been implanting chips in its employees for a while.

    Three Square Market says the chip cannot track the employees. The company says scanners can read the chips only when they are within a few inches of them. “The chips protect against identity theft, similar, to credit cards.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the chips back in 2004, so they should be safe for humans, according to the company.

    In the future, people with the chips may be able to do more with them, even outside the office. Todd Westby is Chief Executive Officer of Three Square Market. He says, “Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities, etc.”


    About six years ago I was going through a tough time, trying to work two jobs to afford my rent. On a cold Sunday morning, I went to GameStop-a video game retailer(零售商), to cancel the game I'd booked. A woman in a car parked outside called me when I exited the store. Though it was in broad daylight, I was shy about it and kept some distance when I walked over. She said she couldn't walk and requested me to purchase a Kinect, a popular game, for her as her son's Christmas gift. Because of her leg disease it was painful for her to move around. She called ahead but the employee(雇员)wasn't willing to help. She gave me about $ 100 in cash and her credit card.

    I walked back in and bought the Kinect. Then it occurred to me that this woman, a complete stranger, trusted me. What was it that stopped me from lying about the payment method and just pocket her cash? She couldn't know I wasn't a cheat; and how could she possibly believe in someone so much?

    I handed her the cash back, explaining I had to pay with her card-it was above $ 100 at the time, and handed over the game and her credit card. "This is what my son's been longing for. Thank you! By the way, just from glancing at you, I know you are the one who will be a friend to someone in need. You have a face of an angel!" she said. She gave me $ 10 and refused to take it back. Then she drove away.

    She had no idea how much of a difference even $ 10 made. I was able to buy a few cheap groceries for the week and it really made a hard time in my life a little better. She may think I helped her; however, I truly feel like the one who was being gifted something amazing.


    When I was small, my mother and I would walk to our local library in Franklin Square. As we didn't always have access to a reliable car, walking hand in hand was the most convenient way to get anywhere. It was at story time for children that both my mother and I made lasting friendships.

    Today, I am fortunate to live around the corner from the Cold Coast Public Library in Glen Head and a short walk to the Sea Cliff Children's Library. My 18-imonth-old son, Colin, and I find ourselves in Sea Cliff several times a week, meeting and making friends. Well, that is what many people don't understand-a library is more than books; it's a community.

    Sure, the library in Franklin Square was the place where I was introduced to Judy Blume novels. But it was also the place where I got my first email address in 1997. At the library, friends and I learned how to research colleges and search for scholarships on the Internet. The library was the place where we sometimes giggled(咯咯笑)too loudly, and where the librarians knew us by name. Their knowing our names wasn't a bad thing. When I came home from my first term at Binghamton University, Mary LaRosa, the librarian at the Franklin Square library, offered me my first teaching job.

    I now teach reading at Nassau Community College. My students are often amazed that they can check out books via their smartphones and virtually(虚拟地)visit a variety of Long Island libraries. The app used by Nassau and Suffolk county public libraries, as well as the college library, makes their homework easier by helping them find resources. Even though they can't always easily visit their local libraries, the library is always with them.

