
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



      We have a small back garden with several trees,so bird nest in abundance. Therefore, it is1 year after year to find many young birds don't2 .

       One morning two years ago, I found a young blackbird sitting still, very cold, in a corner. I3it up and moved it to a raised warmer spot, 4it with tissue and made silly bird noises in the hope that it would5. It was breathing, though very weak and wouldn't open its beak (喙). I knew it had 6 and was dying but it did start to feel warmer so there was7.

I kept coming to check on it, keeping our three8inside the house, as I didn't want them to9it, as Toby, my cleverest dog had already spotted it. One time, I went to see the bird, it had 10down, legs outstretched (伸直), so I placed it 11back onto the tissue. Its eyes opened12and it seemed to look in my direction,13at times its head also moved round, which was not a good sign. I kept making bird noises and14it, saying “Come on, be strong.” I just felt so 15, but I wanted it to know that there was someone who16. Unfortunately, it died. I did feel so regretful because I tried my best but I17.

      To my18, last year I spotted two young blackbirds keeping each other company in one of our trees, and I'm19one of them had at least survived as one has been visiting20since and helping itself to seed from our feeders.

A、obvious  B、strange  C、usual  D、special
A、 leave         B、survive  C、fly   D、adjust
A、 picked           B、put  C、hung   D、held
A、provided        B、connected  C、hid   D、covered
A、play           B、reply      C、breathe  D、wake
A、kept up         B、made up   C、given up D、turned up
A、hope            B、life  C、luck   D、fun
A、 birds            B、dogs  C、cats   D、boys
A、 visit            B、annoy  C、bother   D、attack
A、fallen        B、pulled  C、lain   D、showed
A、quickly        B、happily  C、gently     D、carelessly
A、in vain         B、in return  C、in time D、in response
A、since           B、although  C、while   D、unless
A、encouraging    B、saving  C、amusing D、calming
A、excited        B、curious C、moved   D、desperate
A、counted       B、preferred   C、cared  D、differed
A、stopped       B、failed C、declined  D、missed
A、 delight         B、disappointment C、sorrow   D、amazement
A、proud         B、afraid  C、sure D、grateful
A、 casually       B、unexpectedly C、suddenly D、regularly

    No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own 1.

    I learned this lesson from a(n)  2 many years ago. I took the head 3job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

    It was a tradition for the school's old team to play against the 4 team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn't even practice to 5the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated. I couldn't 6 I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to 7 that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were 8me. I had to change my 9about their ability and potential.

    I started doing anything I could to help them build a little  10 .Most important, I began to treat them like 11 .That summer, When the other teams enjoyed their 12 ,we met every day and 13passing and kicking the football.

    Six months after suffering our 14on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to15.Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a 16for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest17my life!

    From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can 18 the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and19them. I helped them to see themselves 20 ,and they built themselves into winners.

    Winners are made, but born.


    Paen Long has had a dream ever since he saw a plane for the first time at the age of six. His dream was to 1 a plane. Last year, the 30-year-old man started building his plain 2. “I was afraid that people would 3 me, so sometimes I worked at night,” he said. It was a long time 4 he put his dream into practice. Finally, Paen Long decided to try to build his own plane, using the money he had 5 from running his own garage. He has spent three years 6 YouTube videos in order to 7 how to make a plane.

    It took him a year to build his plane, using mostly recycled materials. The plane's first 8 came at 3pm on 8th, March. Local villages gathered excitedly to watch the plane fly. 9, the plane only got 50m in the air before crashing (撞击) to the 10. “When all people were looking at me, I felt very 11,” he said.

    Although the first try 12, Paen Long remains 13. His next project is to build a seaplane. Paen Long thinks the plane will cost over $10,000. “I never feel 14 for spending all my money building a plane,” he said.

    His wife, Hing Muoyheng, 15 about her husband, especially as they have two young sons. However, she has no 16. “I don't know how planes work and he doesn't have any 17 to help him. He can only search for information himself,” she said. “I tried to ask him to 18 a few times because I was afraid, but he said he wouldn't 19, so I have to support his 20.”


    When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor1me to do so. She said, "Now it is the time for you to travel around the world,2your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun?" I3her.

    Since I started to work for a4company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the5of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business6, too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got7about food in different countries.

    Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were8necessary when I happened to read a famous chef's (厨师) comment on the Internet. He said, "It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the9around us at the same time. So why don't you fly over to Italy and enjoy real Italian 10? "Those words reminded me of my11advice. As information technology12, you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various13 you can get from traveling.

    Today there are people who14 direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people15not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if such people are16by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to17and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily18 more fruitful. However, we should never let it 19our time for face to -face communication. Let's make use of information technology more20, and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.


    Paen Long has had a dream ever since he saw a plane for the first time at the age of six. His dream was to 1 a plane. Last year, the 30-year-old man started building his plane 2. “I was afraid that people would 3 me, so sometimes I worked at night,” he said. It was a long time 4 he put his dream into practice. Paen Long tried to build his own plane, using the money he had 5 from running his own garage. He has spent three years 6 YouTube videos in order to 7 how to make a plane.

    It took him a year to build his plane, using mostly recycled materials. The plane's first 8 came at 3 pm on 8th, March. Local villagers gathered excitedly to watch the plane fly. 9, the plane only got 50 m in the air before crashing (撞击) to the 10. “When all people were looking at me, I felt very 11,” he said.

    Although the first try 12, Paen Long remains 13. His next project is to build a seaplane. Paen Long thinks the plane will cost over $10,000. “I never feel 14 for spending all my money building a plane,” he said.

    His wife, Hing Muoyheng, 15 about her husband, especially as they have two young sons. However, she has no 16. “I don't know how planes work and he doesn't have any 17 to help him. He can only search for information himself,” she said. “I tried to ask him to 18 a few times because I was afraid, but he said he wouldn't 19, so I have to support his 20.”

