
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    After the earthquake hit northeast Japan on March 11, 2011, many touching stories that I saw with my own eyes happened around me.

    I had to walk home since all the 1 had stopped after the quake. On my way home I 2 an old Japanese lady at the bakery shop who was giving out free bread, which made my heart 3. A middle-aged Japanese man was holding a sign that said, "Please use our 4." He was 5 his house for people to go to the restroom.

    My friend wanted to 6 others. He stood in the cold with a sign "If you are okay with a motorcycle, I will 7 you to your house." And then I saw him take one gentleman home, all the way to faraway place!

    Then the next day I drove to 8 my car with gas. There was a 9 gas now and many gasoline stations were either closed or had very 10 lines. I got 11, since I was behind 15 cars. Finally, when it was my 12, the man smiled and said, "13 this situation, we are only giving $30 worth gas per person. Is that alright?" "Of course, I'm just glad that we are all able to 14," I said. His smile gave me so much 15.

    I saw a man at the evacuation(疏散) center 16 when people brought food to him, It was the first time in three days that food has been brought to their center. However, after he wiped the tears, his next 17 surprised me. "I am very 18 that we are provided with food. But people in the city next to us haven't 19 any food at all. Please go to that centre as well." And when hearing that, I realized there is a bright future on the other side of this 20.

A、traffic B、rescue C、communication D、businesses
A、missed B、caught C、noticed D、heard
A、hungry B、soft C、broken D、warm
A、toilet B、hotel C、hospital D、house
A、advertising B、opening C、repairing D、decorating
A、encourage B、save C、charge D、assist
A、drive B、follow C、lead D、send
A、start B、fill C、check D、wash
A、plenty B、lack C、variety D、diversity
A、direct B、straight C、long D、short
A、worried B、lucky C、excited D、annoyed
A、time B、turn C、duty D、decision
A、Apart from B、Together with C、Because of D、Instead of
A、share B、offer C、tolerate D、transform
A、comfort B、pleasure C、trouble D、entertainment
A、waiting B、grabbing C、sleeping D、crying
A、promises B、roles C、actions D、words
A、upset B、grateful C、surprised D、proud
A、bought B、supplied C、prepared D、received
A、city B、center C、lesson D、disaster

    Being a sports reporter for more than a decade, I see “Olympic” as a1word to me. I found the word is also a(an)2for everyone to shine. This feeling3me when I was holding the Olympic torch for the4time on Monday in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea.

    I felt such a great5to be invited by the International Olympic Committee to be a torchbearer for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games 6Chinese sports reporters. Ten years ago, I was invited by IOC to be a7for the 2008 Beijing Summer Games. I have now carried the torch in two different countries. I have 8how the Olympic flame 9everybody around it.

    When I arrived at the 10point for the torchbearers, all the staff and even passers-by cheered because they knew I would be joining the11. I could feel their heartfelt12 toward the Olympics. When a group of torchbearers left to join in the relay, all the people13 shouting “Fighting!” While I14my turn, many people came to take photos with me and the torch. In 101 days, the route15nine provinces and eight major cities across the country. With less than a month to go before the Games1 opening ceremonies in Pyeongchang, Seoul had been16 into an Olympic city as well.

    “Let everyone shine' is not just a slogan for the torch relay but 17the fact that ordinary people from every walk of life—students, bakers, teachers, farmer —are18.The Olympic spirit is a lot more than the19 of 'swifter, higher, and stronger.' 'Olympic, has the magic to bring everyone together to20their dreams.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选顶。

    As my husband, Doug, stood on the busy New York city street to stop a taxi, I tried to protect my daughter from the cold December wind and rain. I put my head down to kiss her tiny face.

    1 and wet, my husband gave up his attempt to nag down a taxi. I knew the 2.Just after her first birthday, we were told our daughter Katie has a 3brain illness. Since that moment, Doung and I felt like runners in a marathon race where the finish line kept4 . We knew Katie was runn.ng out of 5. It had taken months before we finally had a name for the 6 , but we were told only a few specialists in the world knew how to7 it. Now, as we finally found a brilliant doctor to 8 our girl, we were in a strange9 in the cold rain.

    Just at the moment, a middle-aged woman pulled over and said, “Pardon me? May I offer you a(n)10?”

    Before we could say anything, she continued, “It's really no11for me. Just get in.”

    It was then that I noticed her thick Irish accent, which 12me up like hot soup. We simply said, “Thanks! Roosevelt Hospital, please,” as we got in her car for the ride.

    “Are you going13the baby?” she asked us.

    I nodded my head, holding back my 14.

    At the hospital, we 15her a dozen times for the ride. As the woman hugged me, I16her face was wet with tears. She promised to17for us before she left.

    After three more visits to New York and two more 18surgeries (手术),Katie is cured. But the 19 of the Irish Angel still rang as a constant reminder of a tiny ray of light that appeared in our20 days.


    As a child, Jane was fond of animals. As a consequence, when she was growing up, all she ever1was as follows, "Jane, you should be a vet (兽医). You're going to achieve great success in that field. That's the very thing you should do in the future." So when she got to the Ohio State University, she took biology, chemistry and some other2, studying hard to be a vet.

    Later on, she won a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, which allowed her to spend her3year studying in Manchester, England. Away from the family and the4from them, she found herself one day sitting at her desk, surrounded by biology books and staring out of the window, when it5hit her: "I'm in total6. I don't want to be a vet!"

    Then she7all the things she'd done in her life and what had made her8. And then it hit her — it was all of the youth leadership conferences that she had volunteered at9the communications and leadership courses she had taken as selective courses back at Ohio State. "How could I have been so10? Here I am in my fourth year at school and just finally11that I'm on the wrong path. I just never took the time to admit it until now, " she thought.

    12by her new thought, Jane spent the rest of her year in England taking courses in communications and media studies. When13to Ohio State, she was eventually able to convince the administration to let her create her own program in "leadership studies", 14it took her 2 years longer to finally graduate. She15to become a senior management adviser in leadership training and development for the Pentagon. She16founded a drug-prevention organization that17the message, "Lead your own life with the skill and the18to say no."

    So, never19someone else's dreams. If you limit your20only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want.


    When I was a kid, Dad and I would go for long walks together. Sometimes we'd spy 1along the way-a penny here, a dime there. 2 I picked up a penny, he would ask, “Is it a wheat?" It always thrilled him when we found one of those 3 coins produced from 1909 to 1958, the year of my birth. On one of these walks, he told me he often 4 of finding coins. I was amazed. "I always have that dream too!" I told him. It was our secret connection.

    One gray winter day in 2002, not long after his 5, I was walking down Fifth Avenue, feeling 6 and lonely, and I suddenly found myself in front of a church, where Dad had been working there, but I hadn't 7 for a long time. When I walked into it, I heard the hymn (赞美诗) was A Mighty Fortress is Our God.

    That's Dad's 8, one we'd sung at his funeral. Hearing this again, I burst into 9. After the service, I stepped onto the sidewalk--and there was a penny. I 10 to pick it up and turned it over, and 11 enough, it was a wheat!

    That started it. Suddenly wheat pennies began 12 on the sidewalks of New York everywhere. I got most of the 13 years: his birth year, the year he graduated from college, the year he 14 my mom, the year they got married…

    One Sunday, when I was walking up Fifth Avenue, I 15 a penny in the middle of a crossing. It was a 16 street; taxis were speeding by--should I 17 it? I just had to get it. A wheat! But the penny was 18, and I couldn't read the date. When I took out my magnifying glass lo see it clearly, there was my birthday. As a journalist, I'm in a profession where doubting is a necessary 19. But I found 21 wheat pennies in the year after my father died, and I don't think that's a(n) 20.


    I'd never been crazy about Christmas. My husband John and the kids had always done their best to infuse(使充满) me with the holiday 1 , but this Christmas their efforts would be especially 2 .

    My salary had reduced and John's government salary was 3, too. There wasn't much money to go around, and 4 were just impossible. John was 5 a brave face as usual. But for me our financial hardship brought back 6  memories of my childhood.

    “I got a Make and Bake set for Christmas!” one girl shouted. “I got clothes!” another girl said. “What did you get, Lori?” someone asked. “So many presents.” I lied. My parents gave me plenty of love, but love was the 7   thing I had. Mom and Dad always had trouble making ends meet. I'd long since 8  Christmas just wasn't for me.

    John was 9 the tree for just the right branch to 10 the red glass bulb with the “Merry Christmas” writing. It was a precious 11 of his childhood, and he took great pleasure in hanging it on our tree every year. A few days earlier, the tree 12 and several ornaments( 装 饰 物 ) broke, but this one was unique because of the memories it held for him. It was fine if I didn't have any Christmas spirit, but it was a different 13 for John. He took a step back to admire the replacement I'd finally found after endless searching on foot and surfing the Internet.

    I worked hard to make things right for John because I loved to see my Christmas-loving husband full of holiday joy. I 14 one of the tree lights so it shone directly on John's beloved ornament. The words on it sparkled(闪烁). After all this time, I finally understood its 15 . Christmas was the season to show my love for my family. How could anyone not like Christmas?


    I remember one of my last few years at an amusement park. I had spent about five years working a booth (货摊) across from a(n) 1 comedian (喜剧演员).

    His name was Moonie. He was 2 amazing, and his act was done using nothing but gestures and noises instead of 3. I remember watching his shows and always being 4 . Even when he was having a bad day, the audience wasn't 5 , or his tightrope skills weren't as good as he would have liked, he always 6 to keep things funny and fresh. That's a very 7 thing to do, considering I watched him do the same act for five years, several times a day, each weekend.

    When I heard it would be his 8 year performing at the amusement park, I had wanted to 9 him for all the amazing shows he had done on that stage. He was 10 with the crowd after one of his last shows of the day. As each person dropped a 11 into his big basket, he was pointing at them with a huge smile and then saying "No, you're the 12!" to each one.

    I 13 him and dropped a twenty-dollar bill into his basket. He turned to me then, smiling very brightly, and continued with another, "No, you're the greatest!" I 14 him directly and stopped him, saying, "No, Moonie, you are the greatest. I have been 15 your shows for five years from that booth right over there. And I just want to say thank you for the years of amazing 16 that you have given me.

    The look on his face said that he was truly touched by that 17 . He asked me what my 18 was and asked to shake my hand. I 19 and we shared a very deep moment of mutual (相互的) 20 and gratitude. I walked away with great happiness, and I know he did, too.

