
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    I recently watched a TV program Real Sports where the presenter looked into the culture of handing out participation (参与)trophies to children. There's no doubt that today's kids live in a world of scoreless games and everyone gets a trophy. Sometimes when a league decides to award(奖励)just the winners instead of all participants, the parents buy their own trophies for the whole team!

    However, when we try to protect children from losing at the early ages, are they less prepared when real competition kicks in? People who support giving trophies say they want to make each child feel special, but how does this make them feel special? Stanford University looked at this recently and found that although kids react positively to praise-they enjoy hearing that they're talented, smart and so on, they break down at the first experience of difficulty. Discouraged by their failure, they say they'd rather cheat than risk failing again.

    There are also endless social-science studies showing the harmful effects of easy competition, not just on the psyche(精神)but more surprisingly on achievement. If children know they will get an award simply by showing up, what is the reason for improvement? Jean Twenge, writer of Generation Me, warns that when living rooms are filled with participation trophies, it's part of a larger cultural message: to succeed, you just have to show up. In college, those who've grown up receiving these endless awards do the required work, but don't see the need to do it well. In the office, they still believe that attendance is all it takes to get a promotion(晋升).

    When I was a child, I earned my fair share of trophies but none of them was for just showing up. I also missed out on even more and had to watch my friends collect them while I stood by and clapped. I realized that in life, I'm going to lose more often than I win, even if I'm good at something, and I've got to get used to that to keep going.

    When children make mistakes, our job should not be to turn those losses into decorated(装饰性的) victories. Instead, our job is to help kids overcome difficulties, to help them see that progress over time is more important than a certain win or loss, and to help them politely congratulate those who succeed when they fail. To do that, we need to refuse all the meaningless trophies.

(1)、The writer mentions Stanford University's study to show that        .
A、kids should be awarded for their special talents B、necessary protection helps kids deal with failure C、parents should try their best to keep kids out of competition D、overpraise is likely to reduce kids' ability to face difficulties
(2)、The writer probably agrees that       .
A、attendance is the key to making progress B、participation is more important than victory C、getting awards easily stops kids from working hard D、participation trophies give kids a sense of achievement
(3)、From his childhood experience, the writer has learned that       .
A、it's difficult to accept friends' victories B、it's beneficial to learn from teammates C、it's important to face winning or losing properly D、it's necessary to be excellent at something to succeed
(4)、Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A、Participation Trophies: Do They Really Matter? B、Participation Trophies: Why Are They Special? C、Participation Trophies: How Do They Help Kids? D、Participation Trophies:  Who Should Award Them?

    The 21st century discoveries about the human brain and its functioning have showed the surprising fact that human abilities are not fixed at birth. In other words, what you are able to do with your life is not fixed when you are born. It is not all in the genes (基 因 ). It is not just nature: nurture (教育, 培育) plays an important part in the moulding (塑造) of what a person is, and what he/she can be.

    Brain plasticity (可塑性) or neuroplasticity (神经可塑性) refers to the amazing ability of the human brain to modify (修改) its structure and functions according to the changes within the body and/or in the outer environment.

    In his book „The Brain that Changes Itself‟ psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, M.D., offers an introduction to the great scientists strongly supporting neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they've changed. The book describes real life stories of stroke( 中 风 ) patients learning to speak again, and the amazing story of a woman born with half a brain that restructured itself to work as a whole. It is a book that changes the way we think about our brain, its nature, and its potential (潜能).

    The genes we receive from our parents are finite (有限的), no doubt about that. However, our brain's ability to develop is infinite. New brain cells are being born all the time, and to keep them alive and growing, we have to stimulate (刺激) them.

    Here lies the promise of neuroplasticity in the moulding of children into adults who are capable of realizing their potential. For, genius is nothing but a human being who has realized his /her inborn potential! What Mozart, Einstein and da Vinci had was inborn potential plus (和,外加) the right environment.

    All geniuses started life in exactly the same way. They had parents who supported the development of their individual gifts and talents. They had the right environment and stimuli (刺激, 刺激物) that led to the best development of themselves.

    You can think about your child's gifts as the merging (融合的) colours of a rainbow. The possibilities are endless. All children are born with three natural abilities that provide them with the potential to think like a genius: the abilities to think, to learn and to develop their own individual way of thinking and learning.

    Can your child be a genius? Yes, he/she can be, if you give him/her the right environment, the right stimuli and the right guidance.

