
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A poor boy became a rich and famous singer. He married and had two sons and two daughters. One day he said to his wife, "Our children mustn't have a hard life as we had. We must help them more than our parents helped us." The wife agreed. So they sent their children to fine schools. They enjoyed expensive sports. They were given everything in life except this: they were not taught how to work. Later the parents bought businesses for their children. The sons, at 21, became the owners of banks. The girls were given shops. But soon all these businesses failed. Because the young owners knew nothing of business or of work.

(1)、The singer was ______.
A、rich and famous B、poor C、not rich D、not famous
(2)、The parents wanted their children ______.
A、to be singers B、to have a happy life C、to have a hard life D、to be teachers
(3)、The parents bought ______ for all their children.
A、fine schools B、shops C、banks D、businesses
(4)、The singer's sons ______.
A、did well in their work B、were good managers C、knew nothing of business or of work D、didn't like their banks
(5)、Where did parents go wrong? They didn't ______.
A、buy businesses for their children B、send their children school C、give their children much money D、teach their children how to work

    When I was a child, I was a tomboy(假小子). I had a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. My brothers were two and four years older than I. We often played games together.

    Once, my brothers and I fell in love with playing a game called "stealing horses". Then my parents decided to buy my brothers guns. These were not "real" guns. Because I was a girl, I didn't get a gun. They shot and shot at everything with their new guns. I tried to "fight" them with my bow and arrows (弓和箭). But I was still in the poor position without a gun.

    One day while I was hiding behind a wall, looking out toward the fields, I felt a terrible blow to my right eye. I looked up just in time to see my brother lower his gun. Both brothers rushed to my side. My eye felt great pain and I covered it with my hand. "If you tell that to Mummy," they said, "We will get a whipping(鞭打) from Daddy. You don't want that to happen, do you?" I did not. "Here is a piece of wire(电线)," said the older brother, picking it up from the floor, "Say you stepped on one end of it and the other flew up and hit you." "Yes," I said. To be honest, I didn't want them to be punished. So I did as my brothers told me to do.

    A week after the "accident" my parents took me to see a doctor. Finally I knew my brothers were worried about my eye, so they told our parents what had happened and asked them to take me to see a doctor.

