
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Jamie Whitmore, 43, isn't used to slowing down. The professional athlete who became a gold medalist of Olympics for the disabled has never met a challenge she couldn't overcome, whether it was a mountain bike race-or cancer.

    One morning in 2007, Whitmore found her leg muscles were tight when trying for a jog. Thinking she'd pushed herself too hard in the last race, she ignored the pain. Later at a sports camp in Arizona, she realized something was wrong. "Once I got on my bike I was so painful that it was hard to pick my legs up. I flew back home to go to a hospital." What doctors found shocked them all: Whitmore had a soft tissue tumor (肿瘤)that started in the bone, and the tumor was wrapped around her nerve of waist, touching several vital organs.

    After the surgery, Whitmore had to learn to walk again with the help of a physical doctor. She also started radiation treatment, but four months later, doctors had worse news: A scan had shown the cancer was back. "This time it was more aggressive. Doctors took the rest of my nerve in the waist, and removed some cancer from my tail bone. " Whitmore developed sepsis(败血症) from the surgery and endured a two-month recovery. "My scans were coming back clear of cancer, but now I had all of these other complications(并发症)."

    Today, Whitmore is a mother and cancer-free. She has won a gold medal in the Paralympics, and has set two world records. Whitmore has some advice for others with limitations: Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. You have to find out yourself. Some doctors told me I would never ride anything more than a stationary bike. And yet I rode my mountain bike 104 miles climbing from 9,000 feet to 14,000 feet. You just can't give up."

(1)、What's Whitmore's first reaction to her leg pain?
A、She was very scared. B、She thought nothing of it. C、She related it to cancer. D、She thought of muscle tumor.
(2)、What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3?
A、What Whitmore has suffered. B、How Whitmore reacted to cancer. C、What Whitmore planned to perform. D、How Whitmore thought of the treatment.
(3)、Who does the underlined part in paragraph 4 refer to?
A、People living with cancers. B、Students short of virtues. C、Students without good luck. D、People living with disabilities.
(4)、Which one of the following best describes Whitmore?
A、Humorous and unhealthy. B、Outgoing and honest. C、Strong minded and optimistic. D、Determined and naughty.

    You've flown halfway around the world; you've sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Thailand seems to have ever heard of; so what on earth is there to do here? You consider this question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you above the sand.

    It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.

    Huaplee is located just south of Hua Hin, about two hundred kilometres from Bangkok, down the west side of the Gulf of Thailand. Not many tourists find this place,and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.

    There's an apparent laziness that surrounds you here. It's what this place offers, and it,s free of charge. The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down. You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest. You sit there and watch the sea.

It's early afternoon, so the cook comes out and asks what you'd like to eat this evening. Before long he's rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you ordered—every meal fresh and to order. No menu here.

    There is no poolside noise here but just that wonderfully warm, clear blue sea. There9 s no street noise. The only sounds are the murmurs of nature.For now you just count your blessings (福祉),listing them in the sand with your toe (脚趾)• You don't have to worry about being late for work. You don't have to do anything.

    The beach to your right stretches off to the horizon (地平线),slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-emerge again on your left, now steadily widening until it covers the chair beneath you. Sand to your left and sand to your right; it's unbroken, endless. No start, no end, just sand, sun,and peace. Step off it, and you re-enter the world of traffic, stress, work,and hurry.

    Normally you,re the type who can,t sit still for more than ten minutes, but you're on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and, in the right frame of mind, it stretches all the way around theworld.

     “How could it take me so long to find it?” you wonder.


Dear Anne,

    I like your column very much. I met a girl four years ago at a gym. She was the one who originally approached me and we became good friends. Then one day, she made me really angry, so angry that I just left and we never saw each other again.

    Looking back, I really regret ending things that way. It was a cowardly act on my part, but I had a terrible temper at that time and let the smallest thing get to me. Recently, I've started thinking about her again and I looked up her e-mail address. I thought about writing to say “Hi” and apologize for what I did but I'm not sure. She could still be angry with me, or maybe she has forgotten me. I feel very lonely and I want to see her again. What should I do?


Dear Tom,

    She may still be angry with you, and she may have forgotten the friendship between you, but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve an apology. Tom, how many of us have wished for the day that someone who treated us badly saw the light and finally owned up? But we rarely get that kind of expected result. So sure, e-mail her and say “Hi”.

    Tell her you have been thinking about her and just want to apologize for getting angry and being a coward by walking out on her. But you should remember if she thinks you're apologizing just because you are lonely, she might dismiss your sincerity. Therefore, don't mention that. If she wants to see you again, she'll make sure that happens.

    Even if she doesn't want to be your friend, I can assure you, she'll appreciate the gesture. And it might make you think twice next time you get angry.



    When your child lies to you, it hurts. As parents, it makes us angry and we take it personally. We feel like we can never trust our child again. Why does lying cause such anger, pain and worry for parents?

    Parents are understandably very afraid of their children getting hurt and getting into trouble, but they have very little protection against these things as they send their kids out into the word. Kids learn from other kids and from external media, and this makes parents feel unsafe because they can't control the information and ideas that their children are exposed to.

    When your kid lies, you start to see him as “sneaky(卑鄙的)”, especially if he continues to lie to you. You feel that he's going behind your back. You begin to think that your kids are “bad”. Because, certainly, if lying is bad, liars are bad. It's just that simple. Parents need to make their kids responsible for lying. But the mistake parents make is that they start to blame the kid for lying. It's considered immoral to lie. But when you look at your kid like he's a sneak, it's a slippery slope (滑坡谬误)that starts with “You lie” and ends up at “You're a bad person”.

    Kids know lying is forbidden. But they don't see it as hurtful. So a kid will say, “I know it's wrong that l eat a sugar snack when I'm not supposed to. But who does it hurt?” “I know it's wrong that I trade my dried fruit for a Twinkie. But it doesn't really hurt anybody. I can handle it. What's the big deal?” That's what the kid sees.

    So I think that parents have to assume that kids are going to tell them lies, because they're immature and they don't understand how hurtful these things are. They're all drawn to excitement, and they'll all have a tendency to distort(歪曲)the truth because they're kids.


Why Mars (火星) is New Settlement

    Is it possible to live on other planets? The United States government is taking a serious look at the moon and Mars as potential places for future human settlement. The moon could serve as a training ground for later journeys to Mars. Currently, with Mars becoming the eventual long-term goal, serious questions exist as to whether the dangers of the settlement on the moon are too extreme and unnecessary.

    One major reason the settlement on the moon is too dangerous is the difference between the atmosphere environment of the moon and Mars. Atmosphere is important because it protects humans and all other life from a continuous attack of radiation (辐射) caused by sources such as the sun. This radiation is especially dangerous to humans because it increases the risk of cancer and can negatively change DNA. The fact that the moon has no atmosphere can cause great harm to human beings. Although Mars' atmosphere is significantly thinner than Earth's, at least it has one and would create some sort of protective barrier for humans.

    Another important characteristic necessary for human settlement is natural resources like water, of which the moon is believed to have none. Mars, however, contains vast quantities of water ice, dry ice, and also snow. There is also sufficient evidence that water once existed at the surface of Mars and might return in the future if the planet warms. With increased technologies, the potential for settlers to remain on Mars by being increasingly self-sufficient makes Mars a much more attractive goal as the space settlement than the moon.

    Future settlers will not only benefit from potential water on Mars; the planet is also rich in other natural resources such as oxygen, hydrogen, and minerals, which can be well used in productive ways.  For example, hydrogen can be used as fuel, and it can be combined with nitrogen (氮气) to form new materials necessary for human settlement. Due to these advantages,

    Mars would be a more successful planet for exploration and settlement because it contains the basic resources necessary for humans to survive.

    Since the environment of Mars is more similar to that of Earth and it contains resources necessary to  help  life  exist,  it should  be  the  only option for any kind of long-term human settlement. The settlement on Mars would not only be a milestone in space but also an excellent chance for mankind to improve itself from past adventures on Earth and preserve and make the best use of the natural resources Mars has to offer.


    Latrice Brown was excited about starting her junior year. She had volunteered to take part in the Lincoln High School Friendship Program. As an upperclassman, she would be assigned a “freshman(新生) friend”. Her duties would include helping her friend get used to high school life by offering friendship. Latrice thought it was important to have someone with whom to talk and share concerns. She knew that the friendship program was likely to make the freshman year of high school a positive experience. On August 2nd Latrice received a notice in the mail about the schedule of events for the freshman orientation (适应指导).

Freshman Orientation

TO:                    Latrice Brown

FROM:                 Mrs. Gomez, Guidance Counselor, 555-7295

DATE:                 August 1st

SUBJECT:              Freshman Friendship Program

FRESHMAN FRIEND:    Susan Brooks , 555-2168

    Please call your freshman friend and introduce yourself over the telephone.

    Confirm that he or she will be attending the orientation.


Wednesday, August 13—9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M

9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A. M

Upperclassmen and freshmen will gather for a gathering in the hall. Student Council president Sarah Wilke will give a speech titled “What It Means to Be in High School”.

Mr. Reick, the principal, will welcome everyone to Lincoln High School and formally introduce each upperclassman to his or her freshman friend. After being introduced, please go to the café. At this time pick up your friend's class schedule and locker number at the guidance counselors' (顾问) table.

10:30 A.M to 11:30 A. M

Start your school tour at your friend's locker to ensure it works. If there is a problem, report it to Mr. Mulholland, the assistant principal. Then walk to the classrooms on the class schedule in the order in which they are listed. This will help familiarize your freshman friend with the schedule and the layout(布局) of the school. Discuss high school life but try not to supply your freshman friend with too much information. High school is confusing and frightening when you're just starting and everything is new.

11:30A.M to 1: 30 P.M

Return to the café to enjoy pizza and to take part in a question-and-answer meeting.

Monday, August 18 ( The First Day of School)—All Lunch Periods

Meet your freshman friend in the café during lunch and discuss the morning of the first day. After lunch take your friend to the courtyard between the gym and the art rooms. Each club will have a table set up with information about its activities after class and a sign-up sheet for students who wish to join. Club officers will be available to answer questions and to encourage freshmen to take part.

