
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Latrice Brown was excited about starting her junior year. She had volunteered to take part in the Lincoln High School Friendship Program. As an upperclassman, she would be assigned a “freshman(新生) friend”. Her duties would include helping her friend get used to high school life by offering friendship. Latrice thought it was important to have someone with whom to talk and share concerns. She knew that the friendship program was likely to make the freshman year of high school a positive experience. On August 2nd Latrice received a notice in the mail about the schedule of events for the freshman orientation (适应指导).

Freshman Orientation

TO:                    Latrice Brown

FROM:                 Mrs. Gomez, Guidance Counselor, 555-7295

DATE:                 August 1st

SUBJECT:              Freshman Friendship Program

FRESHMAN FRIEND:    Susan Brooks , 555-2168

    Please call your freshman friend and introduce yourself over the telephone.

    Confirm that he or she will be attending the orientation.


Wednesday, August 13—9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M

9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A. M

Upperclassmen and freshmen will gather for a gathering in the hall. Student Council president Sarah Wilke will give a speech titled “What It Means to Be in High School”.

Mr. Reick, the principal, will welcome everyone to Lincoln High School and formally introduce each upperclassman to his or her freshman friend. After being introduced, please go to the café. At this time pick up your friend's class schedule and locker number at the guidance counselors' (顾问) table.

10:30 A.M to 11:30 A. M

Start your school tour at your friend's locker to ensure it works. If there is a problem, report it to Mr. Mulholland, the assistant principal. Then walk to the classrooms on the class schedule in the order in which they are listed. This will help familiarize your freshman friend with the schedule and the layout(布局) of the school. Discuss high school life but try not to supply your freshman friend with too much information. High school is confusing and frightening when you're just starting and everything is new.

11:30A.M to 1: 30 P.M

Return to the café to enjoy pizza and to take part in a question-and-answer meeting.

Monday, August 18 ( The First Day of School)—All Lunch Periods

Meet your freshman friend in the café during lunch and discuss the morning of the first day. After lunch take your friend to the courtyard between the gym and the art rooms. Each club will have a table set up with information about its activities after class and a sign-up sheet for students who wish to join. Club officers will be available to answer questions and to encourage freshmen to take part.

(1)、According to the notice, Latrice will help Susan ______.
A、visit the school after lunch during August 13 to 18 B、get a timetable after 10:30 A. M. on August 13 C、get to know where to have different classes D、sign up for after-class activities in the gym
(2)、During her first day in high school, Susan will most likely _____.
A、share a locker with Latrice  B、join an art club with Latrice C、have the same class schedule as Latrice D、ask Latrice information on school activities
(3)、The notice is written to ______.
A、inform upperclassmen of their role in the program B、offer many activities for new students after class C、welcome new students to Lincoln High School D、put forward a freshman orientation program

The International School for Earth Studies

    It's a private,interdisciplinary institution specializing in earth-based studies.The Programs encourage students to explore the seeds of greatness,with a view to developing tomorrow's environmentally sensitive spokespersons and leaders. The principle goal is to help students develop responsibility inspired through appreciation and love for natural places and the greater environment.

    Program Location(s):Newfoundland,Canada



    Expedition Education Institute

    Do you want to be an ecological leader,to become deeply rooted in the natural world and in your own power to make change and create a better,more resilient world?

Organized as the equivalent (等价物)to a semester abroad,Expedition Education Institute offers a unique opportunity for gap year participants to be personally transformed and academically challenged and supported to become better and more self-directed life-long learners.

    Program Location(s):USA


    Email:Info@expedition educatlon.org

    The Experiment in International Living

    It provides summer abroad programs for high school students who want to connect deeply and engage meaningfully with the richness and complexities of another country. Programs are designed to equip participants not only with essential cultural skills and,in many cases,language skills,but also with a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to critical global issues shaping the diverse communities and regions we visit.

Program Location(s):Europe,the Americas,Africa,south of the Sahara




    It's the Only organization in Australia that guarantees jobs for young people coming to our country on a Work and Holiday Visa. For young Americans this is a huge chance to get away from home and stand on their own two feet to make their own decisions.

Program Location(s):Australia




    Many little girls like flowers, watching butterflies and riding small horses. A lot of them also like cars, robots and spaceships. But most girls' clothing only has pictures of flowers, butterflies or horses.

    Two mothers decided to make clothes that include all the things that little girls do and love.

    Six-year-old Bella loves to play with cars. So her dress has pictures of cars on it.

    “We haven't found this type of dress in the store,” Cathy, Bella's mother, says.

    The car dress is from a new girl's clothing line called Princess Awesome. Rebecca Melsky set up the business. She says its products (产品) for girls have some designs normally found on boys' clothes.

    It all started two years ago when Rebecca was hoping to buy clothing for her two-year-old, who liked robots, trucks and spaceships.

    “One day when I walked through a girls' store. I thought to myself I wish they'd make one of those beautiful dresses that also have a robot on it because she will love that. And I thought someone should do that. Maybe I should do that.” Rebecca said.

    Her friend Eva St. Clair believed she should, and their business was born. The women sold the first 70 dresses they made at a market. So they decided to expand(扩展)their business online. Their products sold very well there, too.

    “They sold out so fast that I could not make them fast enough. We decided it was time to think about a factory,” Rebecca said.

    So they started to raise money from people over the Internet. The women raised more than $215,000 within days, far more than the $35,000 they expected.

    “Our biggest challenge (挑战) is going to be how we expand as rapidly as people seem to want us to,” Rebecca said.

    The women hope Princess Awesome will expand into products for girls of all ages and all interests.


    30 November 2017,Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic defeated Scottish Andy Murray 6-1,7-5,7-6 in the Australian Open 2017 final to win the Grand Slam event (大满贯)for the sixth time. Murray has lost five Australian Open finals, facing Djokovic in all but one of them.

    Djokovic dominated the first set, winning 6-1 in just half an hour. He served seven aces (得分的发球)in total in the match. Murray fought back in the second set, which went up to twelve games lasting for 80 minutes. It was the longest set and Murray had nine aces, twelve in total for the match. Djokovic had 41 unforced errors, compared to Murray's 65.

    The third set lasted for 63 minutes and at 6-6 it went to a tie breaker, which Djokovic won 7-3, to win the eleventh Grand Slam title of his career.

    Djokovic has now equalled the record of Roy Emerson winning six Australian Opens. Djokovic after the match said,“Andy, you are a great champion and friend. I'm sure you'll have more opportunities to fight for this trophy”.Murray congratulated Djokovic, saying “I feel like I've been here before. Congratulations, Novak. Six Australian Opens is an incredible feat (业绩).The last year has been incredible. Good job.” He also left a message for his wife Kim Sears,“I'll be on the next flight home.” The couple is expecting a baby.

    Yesterday, Jamie Murray, Andy Murray's elder brother, won the Australian Open Men's doubles with Bruno Soares. Andy Murray was there in the audience, recording his brother's speech, to which Jamie said,“Andy, you should be in bed!”


    Age has never been a problem for 16­year­old Thessalonika Arzu­Embry. After all, she's already got her master's degree.

    The North Chicago­area teen started homeschooling at the age of 4. She began having an influence on others soon after. When she was 6 years old, she was an inspirational speaker at an organization called Tabitha House Community Service, a shelter for people who were forced to leave their homes due to the situations such as earthquake, flood and other natural disasters.

    At the age of 11, she graduated from high school and then earned her bachelor's degree in psychology in 2013. She completed those classes online as she was traveling for church events and leadership meetings.

    She doesn't stop there, though. The teen plans to focus on aviation psychology(航空心理学) for her further study, a decision inspired by her father who is a pilot. She grew up around airplanes and took fights all the time. Her goal is to use it to determine whether pilots are dealing with problems that could have deadly results once the plane takes off­a topic that has been in the news lately. For her, it's a mix of two of her interests.

    In her free time, Thessalonika enjoys playing tennis, swimming and being active in her youth group at church. She also has three self­published books, which are on her site. Jump the Education Barrier is written to help students finish college, and in the future aims to help business owners with trends. Her third book The Genius Race, has a wider appeal. It is designed to help people to be geniuses in various areas of life.


    Alice Moore is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者), who in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy. By the time she was 13,her company was worth millions of dollars with the invention of a super­sweet treat that could save kids'teeth, instead of destroying them.

    It all began when Moore visited a bank with her dad. On the outing, she was offered a candy bar. However, her dad reminded her that sugary treats were bad for her teeth. But Moore was sick of missing out on candies. So she desired to get round the warning, "Why can't I make a healthy candy that's good for my teeth so that my parents can't say no to it?" With that in mind, Moore asked her dad if she could start her own candy company. He recommended that she do some research and talk to dentists about what a healthier candy would contain.

    With her dad's permission, she spent the next two years researching online and conducting trials to get a recipe that was both tasty and tooth­friendly. She also approached dentists to learn more about teeth cleaning. Consequently, she succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria.

    Moore then used her savings to get her business of the ground. Afterwards, she and her father secured their first business meeting with a supermarket owner, who finally agreed to sell Moore's product­Cancandy.

    As CanCandy's success grows, so does Moore's credibility as a young entrepreneur. Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and she's also positive about what the future might bring. She hopes that every kid can have a clean mouth and a broad smile.

    Meanwhile, with her parents' help, Moore is generally able to live a normal teenage life. Although she founded her company early on in life, she wasn't driven primarily by profit. Moore wants to use her unique talent to help others find their smiles. She donates 10% of AilicCandy's profits to Big Smiles. With her talent and determination, it appears that the sky could be the limit for Alice Moore.

