
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Our families lived more than 450 miles away, so a few weeks before Thanksgiving one year, my husband and I decided to invite a guest over1the holiday. I called a senior center in the Dallas area and they2Ilse, a woman I imagined would be quiet and good-natured. When seeing her, I was wrong. Ilse was a stubborn 78 -year-old lady, who favored spending time at the center3she had her own apartment.

    By the end of the Thanksgiving evening, we felt as if she were an old friend. Two weeks later, I invited her to lunch. The more time I spent with Ilse, the more she became like my grandma, always full of energy. Since I was the only one left in her life, I felt4for her. I soon became her personal Uber driver (minus the fee), and also helped her hire a5. As the days went on, Ilse seemed more disconnected than before. Late one afternoon, she called from the emergency room to tell me she had6over her coffee table. After I got there, the doctor7she had suffered a mild stroke(中风).

    During the next few days, I8 by her apartment, sadly finding that she was so weak. And she was no longer the9Ilse I knew. At the end of the week, I received an early-morning call from her caregiver. "Please come over now," her voice matter-of-fact. "She's passed away." But I was too shocked to cry.

    The morning after Ilse's death, I pulled her10out of my file cabinet. Ilse had11I take a copy of it a year earlier. I read through it and12when I saw my name. She had left me $ 50,000. I didn't13her saying anything about that. 14, I would have insisted she donate the money to charity or give it to a friend she had known longer. Ilse was a friend I'd helped out of loyalty and15, not with the expectation of being paid. I opened an account in her honor. Over the next 20 years, Ilse's16grew and gave me the opportunity to17funds in her name to a cause she cared about deeply: children. Various families and charities18from her donations. It is beyond my expectation that a19I'd taken years before when I placed a call to the senior center and meet Ilse made my life richer and made me have a new understanding of20.

A、after B、for C、by D、of
A、believed B、begged C、observed D、suggested
A、unless B、because C、though D、if
A、responsible B、grateful C、pitiful D、happy
A、teacher B、caregiver C、doctor D、guide
A、talked B、looked C、came D、tripped
A、ensured B、confirmed C、warned D、reminded
A、drove B、walked C、dropped D、slipped
A、energetic B、outgoing C、generous D、determined
A、photo B、will C、book D、report
A、insisted B、ordered C、recommended D、proposed
A、questioned B、relieved C、explained D、stopped
A、mind B、imagine C、remember D、consider
A、Otherwise B、Therefore C、However D、Instead
A、courage B、ability C、respect D、ambition
A、gift B、desire C、need D、idea
A、return B、lend C、sell D、provide
A、learned B、kept C、benefited D、borrowed
A、risk B、praise C、reward D、chance
A、equality B、humanity C、possibility D、reality


With the completion of the Human Genome(基因组)Project more than 20 years ago, and the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA enjoying its 70th birthday last year, you might assume that we know how life works. Think again!

Evolution has a 4bn-year head start on us. However, several aspects of the standard picture of how life works-the idea of the genome as a blueprint, of genes as instructions for building an organism, of proteins as precisely tailored molecular(分子)machines and more-have wildly reduced the complexity of life. 

In the excellent book How Life Works, Philip Ball explorers the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more delicate affair than we have understood. Ball explains that life is a system of many levels-genes, proteins, cells, tissues, and body modules-each with its own rules and principles, so there is no unique place to look for an answer to it. 

Also, How Life Works is a much more appealing title than the overused question of "What is life?". We should be less concerned with what a thing is, and rather more focused on what a thing does. Defining a living thing implies an unchangeable ideal type, but this will run counter to the Darwinian principle that living things are four-dimensional, ever changing in time as well as space.

But it's an idea that is deeply rooted within our culture. Ball points out that we rely on metaphors(比喻)to explain and explore the complexities of life, but none suffice. We are taught that cells are machines, though no machine we have invented behaves like the simplest cell; that DNA is a code or a blueprint, though it is neither; that the brain is a computer, though no computer behaves like a brain at all.

Ball is a terrific writer, pumping out books on incredibly diverse subjects. There's a wealth of well-researched information in here, and some details that are a bit chewy for the lay reader. But the book serves as an essential introduction on our never-ending quest to understand life.


Adults check their phones, on average,360 times a day, and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. The problem for many of us is that one quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of our emails or social media feeds, and suddenly we've been sucked into endless scrolling.

It's an awful circle. The more useful our phones become, the more we use them. The more we use them, the more we lay neural(神经的) pathways in our brains that lead to pick up our phones for whatever task is at hand-and the more we feel an urge to check our phones even when we don't have to.

What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification(通知)can have negative consequences. This isn't very surprising; we know that, in general, multitasking does harm to memory and performance. One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving. One study found that merely speaking on the phone, not texting, was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road. It's true for everyday tasks that are less high-risk, too. Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task-almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.

It isn't just the use of a phone that has consequences-its me re presence can affect the way we think.

In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible(like on a desk), nearby and out of sight(like in a bag or pocket), or in another room. They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby-whether visible, powered on or not.


They talk about the straw that broke the camel's back, but really it should be the password that wiped out my memory bank. 

I was going along fine -with instant recall of my bank PIN (密码),my mobile phone number and the date of my cousin's birthday before I downloaded a gas station payment app for its new customer discount. It asked me to create a password. When I typed in "gas 1", it was rejected for not being complex enough. I tried again: "IHateHearlessOilCompanies@". But that was too long and didn't include "at least one number". But here is the thing: as soon as 1 added the fresh password into my memory, I instantly forgot all the others. My brain had hit its limit for passwords. I now know nothing. 

I had entered some passwords in a notebook. Of course, I didn't write down the actual passwords, in case it fell into the wrong hands. Instead, I masked them in a way that only a family member could figure them out. For example, I combined my bank PIN with our postal code, then added it to a list of phone numbers. It would fool even Albert Einstein.

Maybe we need a system like the one we use to remember people's names. You know, you form an association between a person's characteristics and their name by whispering "Skinny George, Skinny George" in heart after meeting them. The risk is that, upon seeing him, you'll burst out the phrase. "Skinny George" might not mind, but it's possible "Boring Betty" will. As for remembering passwords as you change them, you could simply use the first and last letters of your favorite singer's greatest hits, together with the year of their release.

Maybe I'll try that one out- -but only after describing the system in the notebook. Then I'll hide it in a place so secret that I'll never remember where it is. 

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    In my early thirties, I decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa at 5, 895meters above sea level. 

    After months of preparation, I started my great 1 . At the base of the mountain, I met Mik, a local porter, who warmly 2 me. Mik's job was to carry my equipment up the mountain, set up the tent, and carry everything back down after reaching the 3

    The first day of the climb was 4 the rain forest, across a slippery , muddy ground covered with tree roots and vines (藤蔓) . Mik was carrying 30 kilos on his head! By that evening, we made it to 3, 000meters. The air was 5 and it was colder. When I arrived at the campsite for the night, my tent was already set up and waiting for me. 

    Day two was much steeper and rockier. I really had to 6 what I was doing. And I felt guilty for the tough 7 Mik had to work in. Yet when I turned to Mik, he said with the biggest smile, "pole, pole, "which means"8 , take it easy" in his native language. I 9 back, my burden lighter somehow. 

    Over the next five days, the climb got 10 difficult. The temperatures could 11 from 21℃to below freezing in a few hours. At 5, 700 meters, there's only half the oxygen 12 in each breath compared to at sea level. That leaves many people with severe headache. Yet Mik always had a smile and a positive attitude. It had an enormous impact on mo, giving me the 13 to keep going. 

    Even today, when I find myself 14 with anything in life, I just think back to Mik and his smile. A great attitude can bring joy to those around you, or even 15 strangers to the top of a mountain. 

