
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Camille Napier Bernstein

    English Teacher

    Natick Public Schools, MA

    I was excited to discover CourseSites for my work as a public school teacher. I'm happy that my students also like your product. I need it even more this coming school year because I am required to teach different courses.

    William Jackson

    Assistant Professor

    Pierce College, WA

    I am most impressed with the flexibility(灵活性)of the Blog feature on CourseSites. This tool has enabled me to design group exercises, and will really support my students to have discussions. While I have not been able to test it for a live class, I have been able to design and review the process and I am confident that the Blogs will be a very valuable tool for my students.

    Louis Tharp


    Long Beach City College, CA

    I have been using CourseSites for over 10 years, even while traveling all over the USA and halfway around the world. I have had students take my class from different places. During this time I had over 300 live chats, even in the middle of a typhoon (台风)! So far CourseSites has always been online — up and running.

    Nancy Mayer

    Language Arts Teacher

    Long Beach City College, CA

    I want to thank you and your team for creating such a fine website and for providing it for K-12 teachers and students for free. I especially appreciate the flexibility the site has. I also love the test building area. I can use "correct" answers to further explain answers and "incorrect" answers to further teach students. I am very thankful for your work.

(1)、Who loves to use the Blog feature on CourseSites?
A、Camille Napier Bernstein. B、William Jackson. C、Louis Tharp. D、Nancy Mayer.
(2)、What is the advantage of CourseSites according to Louis Tharp?
A、He can use it any time. B、It provides different products. C、He can test his students online. D、It allows 300 people to chat live.
(3)、What do the four teachers have in common?
A、They come from the same school. B、They arc workers of CourseSites. C、They prefer CourseSites to a live class. D、They are using CourseSites in their teaching.

    At the age of ten I could not figure out what this Elvis Presley guy had that the rest of us boys did not have. I mean, he had a head, two arms and twolegs, just like the rest of us. About nine o'clock on Saturday morning I decided to ask Eugene Correthers, one of the older boys, what it wasthat made this Elvis guy so special. He told me that it was Elvis' wavy hair and the way he moved his body.

    About half an hour later all the boys in the orphanage(孤儿院) were called to the main dining-room and told we were all going to downtown Jacksonville, Florida to geta new pair of Buster Brown shoes and a haircut. That is when Igot this big idea, which hit me like a ton of bricks. If the Elvis hair cut was the big secret, then that's what I was going to get.

    All the way to town I told everybody, including the matron(女管家) from the orphanage who was taking us to town, that I was going to look just like Elvis Presley and that I would learn to move around just like he did and that I would be rich and famous one day, just like him.

    When I got my new Buster Brown shoes, I could hardly wait for my new hair cut and now that I had my new Busier Brown shoes I would be very happy to go back to the orphanage and practice being like Elvis.

    We finally arrived at the big barber shop, where they cutour hair for free because we were orphans(孤儿). I looked at the barber and said, “I want an Elvis hair cut. Can you make my hair like Elvis?”I asked him, with a bigsmile on my face. “Let's just see what we can do for you, little man,”he said. I was so happy when he started to cut my hair. Just as he started to cut my hair, the matron signed for him to come over to where she was standing. She whispered something into his ear and then he shook his head, like he wastelling her“No”. Then he toldme they were not allowed to give us Elvis hair cuts. Then I saw my hair falling onto the floor


    Here are some of the smartest animals in the world.


    Pigs are actually very smart animals. Pigs are one of the cleanest if they are given a choice. If you provide them with enough space, they will make sure they separate their dining area from their living space. Studies have also shown that they can actually be good at video games. To get food, they will follow other pigs and then steal it from right under their noses. The victimized(受害的)pigs will then come out wiser from this. They will change their behavior next time to prevent other pigs from stealing from them.


    They are smart and creative, with the highest IQ among all birds. Crows have been known to throw nuts and shells on a road so that cars will drive over and open them. They also have the ability to make knives to cut leaves and grass.


    They have extremely large brains, even bigger than humans'. They bury(埋葬)their dead families and friends properly, the only other animal to do this besides humans. They also know which leaves are medicinal and will eat specific plants depending on the sickness they are feeling. They also have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.

Bottlenose Dolphins

    They actually have the ability to watch television on the their own because of their ability to process acoustic and visual(视觉和听觉)information at the same time. They can also recognize themselves in the mirror, which they use to inspect their own bodies. Their comprehension skills are very high. Studies have shown that they even have the ability to choose the “I don't know” option during difficult tests.


Open water swimming

    I had only swum in open water a few times, and always in gentle lakes, so I wasn't prepared for how rough Lake Windermere appeared on a cold day. A swimmer told me the water felt colder than it had been measured, and that the water was a bit rough. But I, along with 10,000 others, was about to complete the challenge.

    Most of the people taking part were doing a one-mile race, and 10 races were planned over the weekend. There seemed to be a mix of open-water enthusiasts alongside complete beginners—which is precisely the aim of the swims, to get as many people as possible completing their own challenge. The oldest woman competing was 77, taking part in the two-mile race, alongside a man who last year had swum in every one-mile race.

    I had chosen the third one-mile race of the day. There were over 600 people in my race. We were taken through an acclimatization area  a children's paddling pool-sized part of the lake where we moved in to feel how cold the water was. "Not too bad" was everyone's thought! Then we headed out towards the middle of the lake.

    We'd been warned that the first 100 metres would be really rough. However, somewhere near the 750m mark I was still waiting for the calm; it felt more like swimming in the sea than a lake. I tried to focus on my breathing and technique, and just keep going. As I approached the 400m-to-go mark my lower right leg became painful. I recalled overhearing people talking about how they kept swimming through the pain, so I tried. But it didn't work. I began to feel the entire leg tight and painful. I didn't want to stop, so I bent my right knee and just kicked with the left leg.

    Finally I saw the finishing post, and I just concentrated on getting there—still one-legged. My finishing time was 38 minutes 25 seconds but that didn't matter—the atmosphere was fantastic and everyone felt a sense of achievement, whatever their time. I'm hooked, and want to give it another go. I've already signed up for my next open-water swim.


    When my family moved to the United States from Colombia, I was 9 years old and knew little about English. As time passed, teachers finally knew all of their students and slowly everyone began to head inside, except for me. No one called out my name, and no one seemed to know I existed. I spent the next month in my new classroom quietly. I felt a wave of fear, loneliness and sadness came over me.

    It turned out the school administration never cared that I didn't speak English, but something else was teaching me English. Every morning when my aunt drove me to school and picked me up, she always had 106.7 Light FM on. It was this station that introduced my young ears to the English sounds of R&B, soul, jazz and much more.

Because of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, I learned the difference between "witch" and "which". While watching the TV show South Park, I was attracted by the funny characters. I related "You bastards!” to anger and saved it in my mental word bank. In fact, thanks to pop culture, the world of English became not so hard to me while it was being turned down at school.

    I also learned how to express my emotions thanks to pop culture. One day at school, we were taking a math quiz and the whole class was quiet. Suddenly, the tip of my pencil broke and I yelled, “You bastards!" Everyone held their breath in surprise and I laughed to myself because something at that moment told me I had just learned my first bad word in English.

    Four months passed before the school placed me into an ESL program. By this time, I was speaking broken English and making myself understood. Finally, I learned how to speak and write English at a more advanced level, and I owe it all to pop culture.


After releasing a short video on April 27 about planting and cooking peas, Chinese food blogger Li Ziqi witnessed her followers on YouTube go beyond 10 million.

This puts Li, who shot to fame with short videos recording her traditional and peaceful lifestyle in China's countryside, among the ranks of the most popular Chinese-language content creators on the platform.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect such a wide response," Li told Xinhua in an interview, noting she was surprised by how foreign fans were taken with her works. "What I present is just a lifestyle I've long followed and appreciated," she said. "Maybe it's also what many other people have valued."

Li's YouTube videos center on her life with her grandmother in the rural parts of Sichuan Province. In the videos, Li, often dressed in graceful traditional dresses, rises at sunrise, rests at sunset, plants seeds and harvests flowers, cooks Chinese dishes and crafts bamboo furniture. Unlike many other food bloggers, Li's videos set China's countryside as the stage and start with how the foods are planted and harvested on the farm. She rarely speaks in the process.

Li's overseas followers have praised her videos for showing the amazingly charming, simple and beautiful side of China's rural life, but back home, there have long been debates on whether her presentation is unrealistically poetic.

In response, Li, who was raised in the countryside, said she never needs special arrangements when shooting a video about rural life as "everything is in my mind." "In the countryside, planting flowers, vegetables and trees is not difficult. There are tough elements of rural life of course, but I didn't put them in my videos," Li said. "Most people today are facing much stress in work and life, so I hope they can feel relieved and relaxed when watching my videos."

