
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    In 1987, a mountain on Mercury (水星) got a name--Li Qingzhao, the name of a Chinese female poet. According to the International Astronomical Union, all new mountains on Mercury must be named after a litterateur (文人) or an artist who was famous for more than fifty years, and dead for more than three years, before the date they are named. Of the total of 310 names, fifteen are named after famous Chinese writers and artists, and Li Qingzhao is one of them, together with Li Bai, Bai Juyi ,Cao Xueqin and Lu Xun.

    What did Li Qingzhao do to deserve such an honour? Li is a poet of the Song Dynasty. Compared with other male poets in China, who have left hundreds or even thousands of poems, Li has only eighty-seven, like a drop in a bucket of water However, her talents and artistic creativity as shown in her eighty-seven works have earned her a lasting place in the Chinese literary circle.

    Li was born into a scholar-official family in 1084. Like other young women in a rich family, she was well-read and trained in Chinese calligraphy (书法) and musical instrument. Most young women of rich families were taught to follow the "Three Obediences and Four Virtues" at that time, while Li was free in both character building and artistic development.

    When it was time for her to start another stage in life--marriage, Li married Zhao Mingcheng. a student at the supreme academy of the imperial court. The couple devoted their spare time to their common interests --literature and the collection of calligraphy and painting.

    Unluckily, their happiness didn't last long. The power struggle at the very top of the government destroyed everything. Li first followed her husband to Qing Zhou, and spent the next ten years there. It turned out that the ten years in Qing Zhou was the most productive period for her artistic creativity. Then in 1127, when the North Song Dynasty ended, Li followed her husband to Lin'an. Soon her husband died. And the worst part was that not only did she lose her loved husband but she also lost most of her accumulated (积累的) works.

    Later, Li remarried a government official, who turned out to be a total liar and treated her badly. She died in 1155 in loneliness and pain.

(1)、With the strict rules set by The International Astronomical Union in naming mountains on Mercury,_____________.
A、Li Qingzhao is the only female poet B、310 of them are named after famous Chinese figures C、15 of them are named after well-known Chinese writers and artists D、none but Li Qingzhao, Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Cao Xueqin and Lu Xun are chosen
(2)、Why did Li Qingzhao deserve such an honour?
A、Because she wrote eighty-seven poems. B、Because she was like a drop in a bucket of water. C、Because she was a famous female poet in the Song Dynasty. D、Because she had great talents and artistic creativity shown in her poems.
(3)、What can we learn about Li Qingzhao's young adulthood from the passage?
A、She grew up in a quite relaxed family. B、She was free to do whatever she wanted to. C、She was forced to follow the "Three Obediences and Four Virtues". D、She showed little interest in Chinese calligraphy and musical instrument.
(4)、Which of the following factors may help Li Qingzhao become an outstanding litterateur?
A、Praise from an international union. B、The family background as a child. C、Change of the dynasties. D、Her second marriage.
(5)、How does the author tell the story of Li Qingzhao ?
A、In time order. B、By listing facts. C、In space order. D、By giving examples.

    Television has turned 88 years old onSeptember 7, 2015, and it has never looked better. In its youth, television wasa piece of furniture with a tiny, round screen showing unclear pictures oflow-budget programs. In spite of its shortcomings, it became popular. Between1950 and 1963, the number of American families with a television jumped from 9%to 92% of the population.

    As the audience got larger, thetechnology got better. Television sets became more reliable through the 1960s.The reception (接收效果) improved. The picture improved. The major networks started broadcastingprograms in color.

    Even greater improvements were comingaccording to Sanford Brown, who wrote an article for the Post in 1967. Surprisingly, just about every prediction he made in the article became areality. For example: All sets in the not-distant future will be colorinstruments. He also predicted that TV sets would become smaller, simpler, morereliable and less expensive and may forever put the TV repairman out of work.Smaller sets do not, of course, mean smaller screens. TV engineers expectscreens to get much bigger. However, today's 3-D TV is even farther away, if it's coming at all. There is some doubt whether the public would be eager topay for it, in view of people's cold reception given to 3-D movies.

    But the technology with the greatestpotential, according to Brown, was cable television (有线电视), whichwas still in its early stages then. As he predicted, the future of cabletelevision was highly interactive (互动的). It wasn't cable television that gaveAmericans their electronic connection to the world, however. It was theInternet. He even foresaw the future office: using picture phones, big-screentelevisions for conferences, and computers providing information at the touchof a button.

    Brown ever said, “The future oftelevision is no longer a question of what we can invent. It's a question ofwhat we want.”


    It was a winter morning,just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005.While most people were warming up their ears,Trevor,my husband,had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After putting in 10 hours of labor,he returned to find his bike gone.

    The bike,a black Kona 18 speed,was our only transport(交通工具).Trevor used it to get to work,putting in 60-hour weeks to support(养活)his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货)saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

    I was so said that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that,several people in our area offered to help.One wonderful stranger even bought a bike,then called my husband to pick it up.Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is an honor(幸事)that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

    People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another,but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole.And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we,too,can share with others.No matter how or how small,an act of kindness shows that someone cares.And the results can be everlasting.


     Many of us feel uneasy when someone stands too close to us, talks to us too loudly or makes eye contact(接触) with us for too long. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable?
      It's all about personal peace, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but also the space around all the senses. People feel that their space is being violated(侵犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel angry.

    Whether people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space in recent times is hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire to have space to themselves. In a survey by Trip Advisor, a travel website, people said that if they had to pay more for some extra service, they would rather have larger seats than extra food.

    Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers in front of their faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers.

    Go and watch a library table. You will notice that one of the corner seats will usually be taken first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits opposite to you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.

    Preference for personal space is different from culture to culture. Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures. In Latin cultures, however, people are more comfortable standing close to each other.


    Do you have any stress in your daily life and do you know how to reduce your stress?

    Our world is changing with ever increasing speed and many people are finding it difficult to keep up with it. Although no one can control the world at large, people do have the power to control their personal world by controlling stress and their responses (反应) to it.

    Of course a certain amount of stress, both physical and mental is normal and healthy for humans but too much can be fatal. According to a report on the Mayo Clinic's website, "80% of patient visits to their doctors are stress related. Almost 60% of all employee absences from work are related to stress. Over one million people (in the U. S. ) die each year due to diseases related to stress. This includes obesity(肥胖), lung cancer (due to smoking), heart disease and high blood pressure. "

    The result of stress or the way it shows in a person's life is, in part, their reaction to the situation. Some of the ways in which stress "shows up" are signals that need to be recognised, before more serious conditions develop. A few of these are: stomachaches, chest pain, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem (自尊) and impatience.

    The good news is that these reactions can be changed naturally. By using positive suggestions a hypnotist (催眠治疗师) can help us make great changes. A deep, relaxing hypnotic rest is a very safe, pleasant and enjoyable process and stress reduction is a natural by-product.

    If you would like to get the tools to reduce stress naturally, hypnotism can be very helpful. A professional hypnotist not only guides people through stress reducing exercises and offers suggestions for dealing with stress, but also teaches self hypnosis skills which can be used throughout life.

