
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    It is hard, it hurts —and yet more than two million of us in the UK run at least once a week.

    Of course, some people run to lose weight, or to get fit, and these are great reasons. Running is also easy to do, it's cheap, and you can do it when you want. All these factors certainly contribute to the fact that running is one of the most popular sports in the UK.

    But for many of those two million runners, the real reason we head out to beat the roads until our legs hurt is more intangible (无形的) than weight loss or fitness.

    Many runners become interested in times. They try to break the 40-minute barrier for the 10K, or run under four hours for the marathon. Yet, really, these times are almost meaningless. And as soon as they are achieved, another target is thrown out almost immediately.

    The times are only the carrots we put in front of ourselves. But why do we put them there in the first place? Nobody ever gives a wise answer Deep down, we all know the answer.

    Running brings us joy. Watch small children when they are excited, at play, and mostly they can't stop running. There's a great moment in The Catcher in the Rye when Holden Caulfield, caught in the uneasy space between childhood and adulthood, is walking across his school grounds one evening and he suddenly starts to run. “I don't ever know what I was running for一I guess I just felt like it,” he says.

    This will to run is born. In fact, humans may well have evolved (进化) the way we did because of our ability to run. As children, and even adolescents, we can respond to this natural call to run whenever the feeling takes us.

    As we run, we begin to sense that childish joy, which is born to live a wilder existence. As we run, the layers of responsibility and identity we have gathered in our lives, father, mother, lawyer, teacher, all fall away, leaving us with the raw human being.

    If we push on, running harder, deeper into the loneliness, further away from the world and the structure of our lives, we begin to feel strangely excited, separated yet at the same time connected, to ourselves. With nothing but our own two legs moving us, we begin to get a sense of who, or what, we really are. After a long run, everything seems right in the world. Everything is at peace. To experience this is a powerful feeling, strong enough to have us coming back, again and again, for more.

(1)、Why does the author think setting time goals is almost meaningless?
A、Because those time goals can' t be achieved. B、Because those time goals can be achieved easily C、Because people will be very proud once the time goals are achieved. D、Because there will always be a new time goal once the former one is achieved.
(2)、The author mentions the reasons for running EXCEPT___________.
A、challenging ourselves B、running away from responsibility C、losing weight and keeping fit D、bringing us joy and peace in mind
(3)、Which of the following words can best describe the author's attitude towards running?
A、Uncertain. B、Doubtful. C、Supportive. D、Puzzled.
(4)、What does the underlined word "this" in the last paragraph probably mean?
A、breaking the 40 -minute barrier for the 10K. B、running under four hours for the Marathon. C、feeling separated from the world after running D、feeling everything is right after a long run.
(5)、What may be the best tile of this passage ?
A、Running to Keep Fit B、Running to Break Records C、Running to Be the Real You D、Running to Become an Adult

    Sometimes it's necessary to take a break, relax and forget the routine (日常工作), so I know of an excellent place to do it outside the city. It's a beautiful place and I really enjoy going there.

    The name is Tepoztlán, 71 km south of Mexico City. Here you can find a lot of different meals, beautiful landscapes, historical buildings, local souvenirs, and so on.

    The weather most of the time is very hot, and I have to give you some advice if you go.

● Use sun block ● Wear comfortable clothes, sunglasses and a hat ● Drink a lot of water

    I give you this advice because I ended up with sunstroke. I'm going to tell you how my trip started. When we got there we were really starving, so we decided to have breakfast and when we go to Tepoztlan we usually enjoy "quesadillas" in the market.

    In Mexico, it's very common to eat in the market, but these kinds of markets not only sell food but also you can buy clothes, flowers, everything you can imagine.

    Tepoztlan has a lot of tourist sites, but the main attraction is Tepozteco hill, and it's more attractive for the visitors during "Spring Equinox". To be honest, I've never climbed it, I'm too lazy to walk a lot and even more in the sun.

    In my trip we didn't have time to do all that because one day is not enough, but if you have the opportunity to stay for more than one day it's an excellent idea.


    As self-driving cars come closer to being common on American roads, much of the rhetoric(说辞)promoting them has to do with safety. About 40,000 people die on U.S. roads every year, and driver errors are linked to more than 90 percent of crashes. But many of the biggest advocates of autonomous(自动的)vehicles aren't car companies looking to improve the safety of their existing products. Huge support for itself-driving technologies is coming from Silicon Valley giants like Google and Apple.

    Those of us who have studied the relationship between technology and society tend to look more carefully at the motivations behind any technologically push. In this case, it's clear that in addition to addressing safety concerns, Silicon Valley firms have a strong incentive(动机)to create a new venue for increasing the use of their digital devices. Every minute people spend on their mobile phones provides data—and often money—to tech companies.

    At present, digital devices and driving are in conflict: There are serious, often fatal, consequences when drivers use smartphones to talk or to text. Regulators and safety advocates look to resolve dial conflict by banning phone use while driving – as has happened in almost every state. But the tech companies are taking a different approach. The obvious answer for Silicon Valley is creating an automobile in which continuous cellphone use no longer poses a threat to anyone.

    In recent years, the amount of time adults spend on their mobile devices has grown rapidly. At the moment, it's around four hours a day for the average adult in the U.S. However, that rapid growth is likely to slow down as people run out of time that's available for them up to use their devices. Unless, of course, there's a new block of time that suddenly opens up. The average American now spends about 48 minutes in a car every day, a sizeable opportunity for increased cellphone use.

    Sop as the public conversation around autonomous cars highlights the safety advantages, don't forget the tech industry's powerful desire for more profits, which goes well beyond simply saving us from ourselves.


    It's nothing unusual for people to multitask nowadays. But the ability to do a number of things at the same time could be different between the two sexes.

    A team of UK researchers recently compared the performances of 120 women and 120 men in a computer test about switching(转换) between tasks of counting and shape recognition.

    Men equalled women when tasks were done one at a time. But when the tasks were mixed up, there was a clear difference. According to the paper published in the journal BMC Psychology, both women and men slowed down and made more mistakes as the switching became more rapid. But men were slower, taking 77 percent longer to answer, while women took 69 percent longer.

    To make the experiment more connected to day-to-day life, researchers tried a second test. A group of women and men were given eight minutes to complete a series of everyday tasks, such as finding restaurants on a map, doing simple math problems, answering a phone call, or deciding how they would search for a lost key in a field.

    Once again, women performed better than men in the test, especially in the key-searching task.

    Where do women get the ability to keep organized under pressure better than men? Researchers believe that it has its origins in evolution(进化). In ancient times, women had to keep an eye on children while cooking meals. Meanwhile, men only needed to focus on hunting.

    However, as with all studies, the results don't necessarily apply to every single person in the world. "We don't mean that men can't multitask, or that only women can," researcher Keith Laws of the University of Hertfordshire, UK, told BBC News. "We are saying that the average woman is better able to organize her time and switch between tasks than the average man."


    US inventor Thomas Alva Edison once said: "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." He was not exaggerating. Perspiration, indeed, plays a very important role in Chinese scientist Tu Youyou's success.

    Tu was given the Nobel Prize in Physio logy or Medicine in 2015 for discovering a new drug for malaria, a deadly disease caused by the bite of some types of mosquito. She is the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in science. "It is the pride of the whole Chinese science community, which will inspire more Chinese scientists," China Daily noted.

    Malaria is a disease that infects around 200 million people and k ills about half a million people each year, according to the Economist. Tu's discovery has saved millions of lives, especially in the developing world. According to the World Health Organization, by 2013 malaria deaths had fallen by 47 percent compared with 2000.

    But the road to this achievement was a tough one to travel. In the late 1960s, during the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976), Tu joined a government project on which she began research on a new malaria drug.

    In the beginning, Tu read a lot of old folk remedies(药方), searched texts that w ere hundreds or thousands of years old and traveled to remote places.

    Over several months, Tu and her team collected over 600 plants and created a list of almost 380 possible remedies.

    "This w as the most challenging stage of the project," Tu told The Beijing News. "It was a very labor-demanding and dull job, in particular when you faced one failure after another."

    But the hard work and the dullness failed to break the team's spirit. In the following months, she and her team tested the remedies on malaria- infected mice and they found that an extract(提取物)from the plant qinghao seemed to work w ell.

    Not that the work was easier after that. The fact that the extract didn't always work against malaria discouraged some of her teammates. But Tu was ambitious to make a contribution to the world and so she encouraged her teammates to keep going. They decided to start again from the beginning.

    In 1971, they were rewarded for their efforts. After nearly 200 failures, Tu finally made an extract that was 100 percent effective  against malaria parasites.The extract was called "Artemisin in"(青蒿素).

    Thanks to decades of hard work, Tu and her team had "provided humankind with powerful new means to combat these diseases that affect hundreds of millions of people every year," said the Nobel Prize Committee. "It has greatly improved human health and reduced suffering."


    When I was a kid, I was the girl who kept the training wheels on my bike as long as possible. Even my younger sister had got rid of them much earlier than me. But as I began to grow older, this changed.

    All this happened on the Bike Safety Day. It is supposed to be a fun day at school when all of us kids bring our bikes to school and the school provides us with the opportunity to ride outside and learn proper bike safety. Sounds like fun, right? No. In fact, it caused me to panic. What was I going to say when my friends asked me about my training wheels?

    With the pressure of everyone seeing my training wheels, I determined to let them go. This was the first big change I'd ever made on my own.

    I went to my parents and told them all about my dilemma. They were more than happy to help. We went outside and got my bike. Instead of running away and hiding behind, I stood in front of my bike and took great pride in my decision as my dad removed the training wheels.

    I got on and steadied myself. My heart raced but my feet and hands were calm. My dad started to push before my feet even moved and suddenly I was off. The fear faded away and a relaxed mind came into its place. It was crazy to think how quickly I learned something that took so long for me to even try!

    My confidence soared. This was going to be the start of a brand new world for me. My accomplishment would carry me forth to new goals and wins. I realized that if I set my mind to something, I could achieve it.

