
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Social media can be a convenient way to extend your network, staying in touch with your grandma, or sharing photos of your new puppy. Nevertheless, social media can be temible for your health. It's our use of it that's out of control.

    British anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar developed the idea that 150 people is the maximum number of meaningful connections anyone can have. You may have 800 friends on Wechat, but we're not connecting with them in person. Your QQ connections may be vast, but how many of them do you have meaningful interactions with?

    If you're using social media to feel more connected, a recent study published in the American Joumal of Health Promotion suggests that it's not working, and it an also contribute to unfavorable connections and even depression. Positive interactions on social media don't help people feel happier. Negative interactions, on the other hand, bring more feelings of sadness. The same goes for comparison, which social media encourages. Another study, published by the American Psychological Association, shows comparing yourself to others via social media also has negative effects, leading to symptoms of depression.

    Reaching for your cell phone as a mental break is also a bad idea. Research by Rutgers University compared participants in the midst of completing a task who took a break with their cell phones, with paper and pencils, and who took no break at all. Those who used their cell phones during their break solved 22% fewer problems and took 19% longer to complete their tasks than those under the other two conditions.

    So how should you manage your social media usage?

    First, know your time and purposes of use. Use the tracking function on your device to find out how much you're using it and what you're using it for. After this, get away from your device unless you have to use it. As tough as it might be, turn off and tune into the world around you.

    Then, be in charge of your device, rather than let it be in charge of you. Your phone's rings or vibrations don't mean you must respond to them. Remind yourself that you're in charge, not your device or the people on the other end of it who've just contacted you.

    Finally, consider using your device as a relationship builder. Use your apps to find your friends and make your dinner reservation so you can catch up face-to-face your favorite restaurant, where you'll keep your phone out of sight.

    When you're in control of your digital consumption, social media becomes a tool to enrich your life and not a distraction (分心) that makes you feel miserable.

(1)、The author might agree that ________.
A、social media is immediate and interactive B、it is hard to live without digital devices C、friends on QQ are not friends indeed D、improper social media use is harmful
(2)、American Journal of Health Promotion suggests that using social media ________.
A、can't promoe your expected connections B、breaks up the meaningful communication C、causes the unnecessary comparison D、can't bring more positive interactions
(3)、From the research by Rutgers University, we might conclude that ________.
A、participants without cell phones had quicker and deeper thinking B、using cell phones couldn't give participants mental breaks C、cell phone users couldn't complete their task successfully D、mental breaks reduce efficiency of solving problems
(4)、To use social media as a relationship builder, you can ________.
A、call your friends to play online games together B、book movie tickets for family time through apps C、look through WeiBo when you have a family reunion D、reply messages on We Chat while having dinner with friends
(5)、What would be the best title for the passage?
A、Is social media killing your health? B、How does social media affect your life? C、Social media: to be or not to be? D、Social media: use it wisely!

    The United States has always been a country of many cultures. Before Europeans came to North America, many groups of Native Americans lived here. Different Native American groups had different cultures. The first Europeans in the United States were from England and Holland, but immigrants came from all European countries. Many people also immigrated from Asia and Africa. Sadly, many Africans were brought to the United States as slaves. Many immigrants come from Latin America too. Today, the United States has people from more cultures than ever.

    In the 19th century, people spoke of the United States as a “melting pot.” People thought that all immigrates should forget their native cultures and languages and become English-speaking Americans. They felt that people should assimilate-join American culture. However, not everyone wanted to assimilate completely. Many people tried to keep parts of their cultures, such as foods, customs, and languages. However, their children often forgot their parents' or grandparents' language. But most Americans, even those whose families have been here a long time, can tell the countries their relatives came from. And of course, new immigrants take great pride in their curare and language.

    For all of these reasons, melting pot is no longer a good way to describe the United States. Instead, people now call the United States a “salad bowl.” They say salad bowl because in a salad, you can still see all of the individual parts (lettuce, tomato, and so on), but all the different parts mixed together and begin to take on the flavor of one another.


    Jack Evans quarreled with his neighbour,Ellen Brown. Mrs. Brown had a dog. Jack did not like dogs. He wanted Mrs. Brown to give away or sell her dog,but she refused.

    “I'll take you to court if you don't,” he said.

    Mrs. Brown laughed at him. She was not worried.

    Jack thought,“I must talk to a lawyer, but lawyers are expensive. I don't want to waste my money. I will waste it if I don't win my case against Mrs. Brown and her dog.”

    Then Jack had an idea. There was a young lawyer in the town. He did not have much work. Not many people knew about him. “I'll visit him,” Jack thought. “He needs work.” He visited the young lawyer in his office. “I need some advice,” he said.

    “Certainly,” the young lawyer said. “What is your problem? I am here to help you.”

    “Good. I want to take my neighbour to court. However, I will pay for your advice only if you think I will win the case in court.”

    The lawyer was not pleased by this suggestion. However, he had very little work. Here was a chance to get some.

    “All right,” he said. “I agree. I will listen to your problem. I will give you honest advice. You will pay me only if I think you can win in court.”

    Jack told him about the problem. The lawyer listened carefully. Sometimes he made notes. When Jack finished, the lawyer sat back in his chair and said, “You will win your case. I have no doubt about it. May I take your case to court?”

    Jack stood up and walked towards the door. “No, thank you,” he said. “I will not take it to court.”

    “What about my fee?” the lawyer asked. “You have to keep your promise.”

    “I am keeping my promise,” Jack said. “I will not win in court. You see, I did not tell you my case. I told you Mrs. Brown's.”


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    Tuition Fees(学费)

    Tuition fees are different from department to department, generally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. For further information: tui@waikato.ac.nz.


    You can have a room in a 4-bedroom flat, which will cost about $100 a month with other regular living costs of about $150 a month for one person. For further information: acc@waikato. ac.nz


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    Sales of Apple's new iPhone 11 in China began on Friday, but were met with a cooler welcome from customers than in previous years. Unlike in previous years, no long lines were seen outside Chinese shops on Friday for the new iPhone, and the product release (发布) only made the headlines in a few media.

    Huawei released its Mate 30 smartphone series on Thursday night. Its new devices(设备) have won consumers' hearts at home and abroad. Many compared it with Apple's new iPhone 11, saying that beats the new iPhone because of innovation and quality. One customer named Zhao Kai, an IT specialist who pre-ordered a Mate 30 Pro on Friday, said that he chose Mate 30 without hesitation. Zhao said, "It's clear that Huawei's new phone with its advanced 5G mode would lead the future global telecommunications market, too."

    In contrast with iPhone 11's poor sales, Chinese netizens (网民) have joined in discussions on Mate 30 and iPhone 11. An online poll on the Mate 30 and iPhone 11 on Weibo on Friday showed that more than 60 percent of netizens chose the Mate 30, while less than 20 percent chose the iPhone 11. Many chose Huawei as a result of its technology.

    Overseas customers also joined in the heated discussions on Huawei's new flagship devices on sites. On Twitter, many netizens said "nice", "best phone ever" and "my favorite one" on Huawei's Twitter account. Some netizens in countries like the UK, the Netherlands and Argentina asked when Huawei's new devices would be released in their countries.

