
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    A friend of mine whose name was John Smith had a bad memory, which made him famous. He was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes - even his meals! Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, "If John didn't have his head tied on, he would forget that too!" Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment to him. It wasn't that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very very absent-minded.

    One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.

    The professor's wife was surprised to see him again so soon.

    "Oh, my dear, I forget the name of the town."

    "What? You forget the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now I'll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don't forget where you put it."

    Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.






Paragraph 1:

    "What is the matter now?" asked his wife.

Paragraph 2:

    Hearing the cry, out rushed their neighbors, trying to find out what had happened.


    “If mum finds out that I'm going to the beach, I'll be in big trouble.” I said to myself softly in a low voice.

    I went downstairs slowly and tried to walk casually into the kitchen. As I was walking towards the back door, mum asked without looking up from her “dish-washing”, “Where are you going?” I answered back without hesitation,“ I am going to the garden to play.” After I got out of the kitchen, I breathed a sign of relief. My plan had worked out fine so far. I climbed the fence and jumped onto the muddy field next to my house and started running towards the bus stop at top speed,

    After half an hour I was at the beach scanning the crowd for my friends, Jimmy and Bobby. Two young men were racing in the canoes (独木舟). After a while, I saw them near a coconut tree. I ran towards them and got into my swimming trunk (游泳裤). For about an hour, we played volleyball happily.

    Suddenly, Bobby hit the ball too hard and the ball fell into the sea. Just as Bobby was going to pick up the ball, the tide came in and carried the ball further and further away from the shore. I wanted to show off my swimming skills so I declared to help get the ball for them.

    I dived into the water and started swimming at a steady pace. After swimming for about ten minutes, I became tired but when I saw that the ball was only a few feet away from me, I put in an extra burst of speed. However, just as I was going to get the ball, a very strong current swept the ball further away from me. At that moment, a string of weed (海草)tangled (缠绕) up with my feet and I could not swim properly.

    I struggled to keep afloat but it was no use. “ If I had listened to my parents, this would never have happened,” I thought silently.

    Paragraph 1

    Finally, after struggling for a minute or two, I still got pulled underwater.

    Paragraph 2

    When I woke up, I was in an empty room lying on a bed.


    A man came home from work late,tired and irritated(不耐烦的), to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.

    “Daddy, may I ask you a question?”

    “Yeah sure, what is it?” replied the man.

    “Daddy, how much do you make an hour?”

    “That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.

    “I just want to know. Please tell me,how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy.

    “If you must know, I make $20 an hour.”

    “Oh,” the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, “Daddy, may I please borrow $10?”

    The father was angry, “If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard every day for such childish behavior.” The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and, started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door. “Are you asleep, son?” He asked.

    “No, daddy, I'm awake,” replied the boy.

    “I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,” said the man. “It's been a long day and I took out my anger on you. Here's the $10 you asked for.”

    The little boy sat straight up, smiling. “Oh. Thank you, daddy!” He yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled(皱皱巴巴的) up bills.






Paragraph 1:

    The man, seeing that the boy already had money started to get angry again.

Paragraph 2:

    Not knowing what his son meant, the father just stood there, waiting for his boy's explanation.



    Last year at Christmas time, my wife, three children and I were on our way from Paris to Nice. Somehow everything went wrong. Our hotels were "tourist traps" and our rented car broke down. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dirty hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

    It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a small restaurant poorly decorated for the holiday. Only five tables in the restaurant were taken. There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. They were eating in stony silence except the sailor. He was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face. In the corner a piano player was listlessly (无精打采地) playing Christmas music.

    All of us were interrupted by an old French flower woman through the front door. She had a worn overcoat and her old shoes were wet. Carrying her basket of flowers, she went from one table to another. No one bought any. Exhausted and frustrated, she sat down at a table.

    The sailor finished his meal and got up to leave. Putting on his coat, he walked over to the flower woman's table.

    "Merry Christmas," he said, smiling and picking out a handful of flowers. "How much are they?"

    "Two francs, sir."

    The sailor put a twenty franc note in the woman's hand.

    "I don't have change, sir," she said. "I'll get some from the waiter."

    "No, ma'am," said the sailor, leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek. "This is my Christmas present for you."





Paragraph 1:

    Then the sailor headed for our table with the flowers in his hand.

Paragraph 2:

    The piano player came alive and pleasant music filled the whole room.


    'Usual boring day!' This would be the answer from Roman if somebody asked him how his day was. These days he found everything boring, nothing excited him.

One day he was lying in his room as usual. Suddenly light went off. His room was rather hot without an air conditioner. Though he did not want to leave his room, he had to. Unwillingly, he left his room and came to living room. Living room was slightly cool as it had two huge windows.

    His young brother was playing with his friend. They were rolling on the floor. He was looking out for the TV remote, but couldn't find. He got up and searched it everywhere, but remote was nowhere. He looked at his brother who was still lying on the floor playing.

    He asked him, "Where is the remote?" "Under the Sofa," his brother yelled.

He tried to look through, but it was dark. He put his hand under the sofa. He touched something, grabbed it and took his hand out. OMG! It was a snake in his hand!

After seeing that his brother started to yell," Snake, snake!" Mom came as soon as she heard their shouting. She too was horrified to see a snake. She was so scared that she even couldn't speak a word. Two kids were trying to hide into each other's back. "What an old trick!" Roman thought and threw it over kids.

    As the snake landed on the floor near to the kids, it started moving from left side to the right. Only then did Roman realize that the snake was real, not a toy. He threw the snake over kids because he thought it was a fake snake and kids were playing some tricks.

    This time mom almost got heart attack. Now he was scared too. The snake was only 10 meters away from kids and was staring at kids. They even couldn't call a rescue team. There might be some deadly damage before their arrival. There was not much time to think. It was the time for a quick action.

Paragraph 1:

    As Roman was farther from the snake, he jumped to the window and grabbed the curtain.

Paragraph 2:

    After the rescue team caught and took the snake away, everyone went inside the home.

