
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通

    A man lived in a village. He had an old cat at home. The cat couldn't run fast, and she couldn't bite, because she was so old. One day, when she saw a mouse, she jumped and caught it. But she could not bite it. The mouse got out of her mouth and ran away.
    Then the man became very angry and began to beat the cat. The cat said, “Don't beat your old servant. I know I'm old and can't kill a mouse. But I have worked for you for many years, and I still want to work for you. Be kind to the old, and remember what good work they did when they were young.”
    When the man heard that, he realized that he was wrong.

(1)、Where did the man live?

A、In a village. B、In a city C、In a factory D、In a hotel.
(2)、What could the old cat do?

A、Run fast. B、Bite. C、Catch a mouse D、Kill a mouse.
(3)、How did the man feel when the mouse ran away?

A、Angry B、Happy C、Afraid. D、Sad
(4)、How long did the cat work for the man?

A、Several days B、A few months. C、About a year. D、Many years.
(5)、What happened at the end of the story?

A、The cat left home B、The man realized his mistake C、The man killed the cat. D、The man didn't believe the cat.

 The day before yesterday, when Peter's family were having dinner, Father raised an interesting question, "Was there anything in our past that we feel ashamed of, guilty about, or regretted? Maybe we can find ways to say sorry, or take some action to right any wrongdoing.”This seemed like a very private matter, but Peter thought about it carefully the whole night.

 Peter remembered an incident from middle school. In his school, there was a worker, Neil Stone, who none of the kids liked. One night, Peter and two of his classmates decided to play a trick on him. They found a can of red paint, and wrote on the school main road in bright red: Neil Stone is a fool! The next day, the whole school saw these words. Within two hours, Neil had Peter and his two classmates in his office. His classmates said that they had done it but Peter lied,denying the truth. No one ever talked about it.

 This morning, Peter went back to his middle school. Neil Stone is still working there. “Sorry, Neil. Do you still remember what happened ten years ago? I want you to know that I did it.”"I knew it!" Neil laughed. They had a good laugh and a lively discussion. Neil's closing words were: “Peter, I always felt bad for you because your classmates got it off their mind, and I knew you were carrying it around all these years. I want to thank you for visiting me… for your sake.”

 Peter knows that no matter how difficult the situation is, it is never too late to clear up the past and make a fresh start.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出最佳选项。
American magician David Blaine left the glass box in which he had lived for 44 days without food on October 19. Hundreds of people came to watch the end of his starvation(绝食) experiment, which had become one of London's main tourist attractions.
Looking thinner and darker, 30-year-old Blaine was taken out of his box over the River Thames and immediately sent to hospital. He was then slowly given food, a process doctors said  could be dangerous for his life. He had been drinking only water since September 5.
A native of Brooklyn, New York, Blaine first became known as a street magician in the early 1990s. He soon found himself doing magic tricks in bars for the likes of American actor Leonardo DiCaprio and his super model friends.
Over the last decade Blaine has become famous with a combination of breathtaking magic and clever tricks aimed at getting a lot of attention.
In 1999, he was buried in a coffin(棺材) for one week and, in 2000, he spent 62 hours in a giant block of ice. Last year he stood on the top of a 25-meter pillar(柱子) in the center of New York for 35 hours before jumping into a pile of boxes.
“I think a lot of people are unable to accept that they're able to do what they can do,” he said. “They don't realize we can survive(幸存). The human being is an amazing creation.”
But he seemed to have suffered from spending so long in the glass box. He said that at times he was unable to see, had serious back pains and lost his sense of taste.
