
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

    Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example, if you fall off a bike and break your arms, it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.
    You probably know how to ride a bike safely. Now learn to use a computer safely.
Your eyes
    Too much light can injure your eyes, so never sit too close to a computer screen. Your eyes should be at least 50cm from the screen. Remember to look away from it sometimes. This gives your eyes a rest.
    When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect(反射) on the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes.
Your hands and wrists(手腕)
    Hand and wrist injuries can happen because the hands and wrists are moved in the same way hundreds of times. If you use a keyboard for a long time, follow these rules: ①Rest your wrists on something. ②Keep your elbows at the same height as the keyboard. ③Stop sometimes and exercise your hands, wrists and fingers in a different way.
Your back
    Some people sit for many hours in front of a computer. If you sit in the wrong way, you can injure your back or your neck. So you should sit with your back straight. The top part of the screen should be in front of your eyes. Your forearms, wrists, hands and the upper part of your legs should all the parallel (平行) to the floor. If you are sitting for a long time, get up every 30 minutes and exercise your arms, legs and neck.

(1)、A computer screen may injure your eyes if __________.

A、you sit 60cm away            B、your eyes are too close to it C、 the window is on your left or right
(2)、Hand and wrist injuries are caused when you __________.

A、move in the same way again and again B、rest your wrists on something C、keep your elbows as high as the keyboard
(3)、When using a computer, your eyes and hands will be safe if you __________.

A、work near a window     B、work for a long time     C、take rests at times
(4)、It is good for your back and neck if you sit __________.

A、for many hours      B、in the right way         C、with the screen below your eyes
(5)、What would be the best title for the text?

A、How to Use a Computer Safely     B、How to Keep your Hands and Wrists Safe C、How to Protect your Eyes and your Back

    What does it mean to be green? "Green" is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment — the water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and without them the earth wouldn't be such a lovely home for us human beings.

    Sometimes people call our society a "throwaway society". That means we are always throwing away old things and buying new ones. Many times, if you no longer need something, someone else just might need it. For example, if your brother is old enough not to play with his plastic bike, why not give it to another family who has a little kid so that they don't need to buy one? And one less large plastic toy doesn't need to be produced.

    Recycling (回收利用)has never been easier. Many organizations will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns even require (要求)it. Tell your mom or dad you want to become "Chief of Recycling" for your family. Now that you know what things you can recycle, find a place to keep them. Make sure you encourage everyone in your house to think whether things can be reused or recycled before they're thrown away.

    Almost everyone likes traveling. But next time before you travel around the world, take a look at your own backyard. Is there a place where you could plant a tree or put in a little fruit or vegetable garden? If so, get there and get your hands dirty. Then you can watch with pride as your tree takes root, and your garden plants grow into big plants full of ripe, red tomatoes or tiny, juicy blueberries. Who knew being green would taste so good?


    For us humans, one of the greatest experiences is to taste all kinds of delicious food. But for penguins, they cannot get a taste of this happiness. That's because penguins can't actually taste the delicious flavors (味道) of their favorite food-fish!

    Scientists from the University of Michigan examined the genome (基因组)of five species of penguins. They found that no one can taste umami (鲜味),the flavor of meat or fish, the BBC reported.

    Many animals have five basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. But according to genetic data, penguins are believed to have only sour and salty tastes.

    These findings are surprising and puzzling. And scientists don't have a good explanation for them. But they have a few ideas.

    First, one of the umami genes doesn't work in cold temperatures. "It's about zero degrees when they eat cold fish," Zhang Jianzhi, the lead scientist, told the Daily Mail, so even if the penguins had a functional (功能的)gene, it might not work when they needed it.

    Second, penguins' tongues (舌头) are very special which may have something to do with their lack of taste. Instead of being covered with taste buds which help to taste food, penguins' tongues are very spiky. This is better for them to hold slippery (滑的) fish than tasting them. One study even showed that some types of penguins don't even have taste buds.

    However, penguins seem to be managing just fine.

    "Their behavior of swallowing food whole, and their tongue structure and function, suggest that penguins need no taste perception," said Zhang.

