
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

It's so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring. So why not take the vacations(假期)off? A new survey(调查)found that 31%of U.S workers don't always take all of their vacation days. Americans have 12 vacation days on average(平均)each year, but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year.
So why don't they use up their vacation days? Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days; some busy workers say they just can't leave their work. Americans have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed.
The French take their vacations seriously. French workers get an average of 39 vacation days, and 40% plan to take at least one there-to-four-week vacation.
Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a year, but they can't find time to use them all. More workers there return vacation days than any other country surveyed.
British workers have the longest working week in Europe(欧洲),with 23 vacation days --the shortest vacation. So they feel overworked.75% say their weekends or vacations are too short and 40% would sacrifice a day's pay(工资)for one more vacation day.

(1)、____________ U.S workers don't always take all of their vacation days.

A、All B、Most C、Some D、Few
(2)、How many vacation days do Americans have on average each year in fact?

A、9 B、12 C、15 D、23
(3)、Which country has the most workers working during the vacation days?

A、America B、France. C、Sweden. D、great Britain.
(4)、What does the word “sacrifice” mean in the last sentence?

A、Use up B、Put up C、Take up D、Give up.
(5)、Which of the following is true?

A、Some American workers are too busy to leave their work B、French workers can take one Three-to-four week days C、Swedish workers can enjoy all of their vacation days. D、British workers have the shortest vacation days of all the countries surveyed.
“Mind your own business.” we're told.“Don't talk about others behind their backs.”The problem with this advice is that,not only is it unrealistic,it's also counterproductive(起反作用的).
Common sense holds that gossip(流言蜚语)hurts people's feelings and damages relationships.But recent research shows the opposite—that strong communities and relationships between people would be impossible without gossip.
Gossip is a way for people to let you know the limits of social behavior.“If you move into a community and your neighbor tells you how the former homeowner never dealt with his rubbish properly,his gossip is letting you in on something,”says Dr.Ralph Rosnow of Temple University.“Gossip says:these are the boundaries and you are crossing them.You're not abiding by the rules and you'd better get back in line.” Seen this way,gossip is a way to communicate criticism(批评)without conflict(冲突),giving you a chance to change your behavior without losing face.
On the other hand,what about ill-willed gossip,the kind that puts other people down? Gossip is hearing something we like about someone we don't and,in nearly every country in the world,gossip magazines have huge numbers of readers.According to researchers,however,this kind of gossip also has a good side because it helps us put our own problems in perspective(正确地).“If we read bad news about well-known people,or get the frightful details of our neighbors' bad situation over a cup of coffee,our own problems begin to pale in comparison(对比),”says Dr.Jack Levin of Northeastern University.
However,that doesn't mean that gossip is necessarily a good thing,either.Researchers found that people who gossip a lot tend to feel like they're under a lot of stress.This might be because while they're busy talking about other people,they're also busy thinking what other people are saying about them.


    "In my country, men usually go to restaurants on their own. They always take their shoes off before they go in. Then they usually sit on the floor around a small, low table. In the evening they often sing songs."

    "You usually take chocolates or flowers. But you always take an odd number of flowers, and you remove the paper before you give them to the hostess. You can also send flowers before you arrive. You don't usually take wine except when you visit very close friends."

    "We always offer our guests something to drink when they arrive, tea, coffee or perhaps water or soft drinks. We think it is polite to accept a drink even if you're not thirsty. If you visit someone you always stay for a few drinks. When you have had enough to drink, you tap your cup or put your hand over it. If you say no, your host will insist that you have more to drink."

    "People's private lives are very important so they never ask you personal questions about your family or where you live or your job. They never talk about religion or matters of finance, education or politics, but usually stay with safe subjects like the weather, films, plays, books and restaurants."

    "It's difficult to know when to leave, but an evening meal usually lasts about three or four hours. When the host serves coffee, this is sometimes a sign that the evening is nearly over, but you can have as much coffee as you want."

"If the invitation says eight o'clock then we arrive exactly at eight. With friends we know well, we sometimes arrive about fifteen minutes before."

    "Obviously it depends on the occasion, but most dinner parties are informal. The men don't usually wear a suit, but they may wear a jacket and tie. Women are usually smart but casual."

