
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

Mr Smith is a teacher. He is near-sighted(近视的). But he doesn't wear glasses. One day, he is walking in a street. He is thinking something. Suddenly a strong wind blows his cap off his head. My Smith runs after it. He wants to catch it but he can't. At this time, an old woman from a door of the house says to him.
“ Hi! What are you doing, sir?”
“Running after my cap.”
“Your cap? Aha……that's my black cat. ”She says.
“Your cat? Sorry, but where is my cap?”
(1)、What's the meaning in Chinese for “a strong wind”?

A、一阵狂风 B、一场大雨 C、一声雷响 D、一声尖叫
(2)、Why does Mr Smith run after the cat?

A、He likes his cap B、He wants to get his cap back C、He sees the cat and can't catch it D、He doesn't find his cat
(3)、What colour is Mr Smith's cap?

A、White B、Yellow C、Black D、Blue
(4)、Who has the cat?

A、The old woman B、Mr Smith C、We don't know D、Nobody
(5)、Which's not true?

A、He runs after the old woman's cat. B、He thinks that black cat is his black cap. C、He is wearing a pair of glasses D、He is a teacher.

TO DO: Let go of the list

Dear Disappointed,

    I know how you feel! For spring break, my family visited my cousins Sam and Kate. It was a long drive, so I had lots of time to make plans for the world's best vacation.

   "You have been writing for a while!" said my dad." Are you working on the next great American novel?" "Maybe tomorrow!" I joked. "Now, I'm making a list of things to do with Sam this week." Because Sam is my age. We usually hang out when we all get together, while Tex and Indi play with Kate.

    When we finally arrived, I went to find Sam." How about checking out the lake?" I said. "Nah, "said Sam." I have something more fun for us to do." "Awesome" I said, prepared to start checking off activities on my list. Sam turned on his computer." Which bat do you want to be?" Which bat?" I repeated." I got the best new computer game called Bat Adventure." Sam explained," Bats are the coolest creatures, you can learn all interesting facts about bats."

   "Um, this looks fun" I said, "but it's not exactly on my to-do list." "All the things I want to do this week." I explained, "are all outside." "Oh, that's cool." Sam said." You do your thing. And I'll just restart the game in one player mode."


    I wandered out of the room. And Kate called. "Zona, are you coming to play soccer with us?" "Sure, I guess for a minute," I said. Kicking the ball gently in Kate's direction. Kate gave the ball a huge kick. Pow! Tex ran after it.

   "Shhh," whispered Tex, pointing at a hole. We saw two little fuzzy bats! They had mousy ears and their wings were spread." Goodness!" I laughed." Let's show Sam. He knows all about bats." Sure enough. Sam was really excited about our discovery. Later that day. We all looked up bat facts on Sam's computer.

    I managed to do only a couple of things on my list that week. But I had some other great experience that I wouldn't trade for anything. So dear Disappointed, even though it's helpful to have lists, it's also good to stay open-minded. Life almost never goes exactly the way you plan. So if you are open to the possibilities, something even better can pop up out of nowhere and totally make your day.


