
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Situated in the heart of Beijing, the Forbidden City-now called the Palace Museum-covers an area of 1,120,000 square meters. During nearly six hundred years, the palace served as the residence and court of twenty-four emperors. It consists of various structures built in accordance with the traditional Chinese architectural hierarchy(层次、结构)and designed to reflect imperial power and authority.

    Entering from the south, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of the central axis. The magnificent architectural complex and the vast holdings of paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, and antiquities of the imperial collections make it one of the most prestigious museums in China and the world. In 1987 it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

    The Palace Museum can be approached through the Gate of Heavenly Peace. Immediately to the north of the Palace Museum is Prospect Hill, while on the east and west are the Wangfujing and Zhongnanhai neighborhoods. Visitors will be excited to find various historic sites, scenic parks, shopping malls, museums, and theatres in the vicinity of the Forbidden City. Conveniently located bus stops and subway stations provide easy access to transportation.

    Free admission for children under 1.2 meters in height.

    Concessions (减价票) for elementary, middle school, and undergraduate students on production of valid student I.D. or certified letter from the school administrator (excluding graduate and adult or continuing education students): 20 yuan.

    50% discount on concessions for seniors 60 years old and older with valid certificate or proof of age (passport, etc.)

    Women's Day: Half-price admission for female visitors.

    Children's Day: Free admission for children 14 years old and younger; 50% discount on admission for one accompanying parent, legal guardian, or adult.

Regulations & Suggestions:

    The online booking system (http://gugong.228.com.cn) allows visitors to purchase tickets 10 days beforehand.

    Receipts will be available for pickup at a designated office in the quadrangle (四方形院)between the Gate of Correct Deportment and the Meridian Gate(午门) within thirty days from the date of intended visit (including date of visit).

    Photography is permitted for private, non-commercial use outdoors throughout the Forbidden City, except for sites or areas with "No Photography" signs. For special photography, please contact the Director's Office (Fax: (8610)8500-7415, gugong@dpm.org.cn).

(1)、According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A、Photos can be taken as long as kept for private and non-commercial purposes. B、The Palace Museum ranks No. 1 globally due to its architecture and collections. C、Convenient transportation and medical assistance are accessible if necessary. D、A man visiting the Palace Museum on National Day can get the receipt before December 1.
(2)、If a man takes his father who is retired and his 10 year-old son to the Palace Museum on

June 1, how much will they pay at least?

A、40 yuan. B、60 yuan. C、90 yuan. D、110 yuan.

Choose Your One-Day-Tours!

    Tour A - Bath &Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter. Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.

    Tour B - Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's -£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafter. Oxford: Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges. Look over the "city of dreaming spires(尖顶)"from St Mary's Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.

    Tour C - Windsor Castle &Hampton Court: including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace -£34 until 11 March and £37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VILL's favorite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost!

    Tour D –Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great -£33 until 18 March and £37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.


    The US will have a new president this fall. Voters will decide between the Democratic candidate (候选人), Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump of the Republicans.

    But the voting is not a must for each person in the US. So quite a lot of people choose not to vote, especially the young generation. According to Fox News, one-in-five young voters between the ages of 18 and 35 said clearly that they wouldn't vote for either of the two candidates. Just 12 percent of voters aged 35-54, and only nine percent of voters aged 55 and older said the same thing.

    This is not only because young people don't like Clinton or Trump, according to the Fortune magazine. The truth is that they are traditionally less likely to vote than their parents.

    “Young people are not at an age in their life when they think politics or government has anything to do with them,” said Rodd Freitag, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, US. “But for the older age groups, they have a home, they pay taxes (税), they care about schools and the community.”

    Many believe that the civic (公民的) education of an American youth is another reason why they don't vote.

    Students usually just do community services like cleaning the neighborhoods. This means they haven't learned how to link real life problems to politics through voting, according to Christopher Beem, a politics professor at the Pennsylvania State University.

    He said the country needs to help young people learn how to take part in politics and get them to see that they can make a difference.


    Alexis, 17, sat quietly in the passenger seat of her dad's car. She let her eyes lazily scan the landscape for wildlife. Then a deer came into view about 200 yards in front of them. “Dad, there's a deer there!” Alexis said. It was a male deer with sharp antlers (角) on each side of its head.

    As the car moved closer, Alexis saw that the deer's head was bent toward the ground. Then she heard a scream and saw an arm fly up near the deer's head. Alexis realized the deer was attacking a woman. Sue, a 44-year-old mother, had been out for her morning run. The deer followed her and edged closer. “I knew I was in trouble.” Sue says. She went to pick up a stick for self-defense, and the deer charged. It lifted her with its antlers and threw her into the air. Sue could feel blood flew down her leg. Within seconds, the deer had pushed her off the road.

    When Alexis and her father pulled up, the deer was throwing Sue like a doll. Alexis looked into the woman's terrified eyes, and before her father had even stopped the car, the teenager jumped quickly out of the car and ran toward the deer. “I was kicking it to get its attention." she says. Then her father, who had followed his daughter, pushed the deer away from the women.

    Alexis helped Sue into the car and then applied a piece of cloth to Sue's injured leg. “We're going to get you to a hospital.” Alexis said. Then she heard her father shout loudly. He had been knocked to the ground. Alexis took hold of a hammer from the car and ran to where her father lay on his back. She beat the deer's head and neck, but the blows didn't scare it away. “I was losing faith.” she says. “A couple more strikes. Alexis.” said her father. “You can do it.”

    Turning the hammer around, Alexis closed her eyes and beat the deer's neck with all her strength. When she opened her eyes, the deer was running away.

    Alexis got in the driver's seat and sped toward the nearest hospital. After Sue was treated, she tearfully thanked her rescuers. “You expect a teenage girl to get on the phone and call for help,” she says, “not to beat up a deer.”


    Social media is our new travel agent, and it's changing the places we go. In some cases, the places we go. In some cases, the newfound fame brought about by social media platforms has helped to boost local economies and bring tourists to places they might never have discovered otherwise. In other cases, it's creating problems for countries and cities that are simply not equipped to deal with the influx(涌入) of tourists. Check out two of the incredible locations around the world that have gone viral on social media.


    This northern island nation has seen a dramatic surge(激增) in visitors over the past few years. One reason for that is the so-called "Game of Thrones effect,". This, combined with the availability of cheap flights and some very effective marketing campaigns, has made Iceland a popular travel destination. The number of tourists almost doubled from 566,000 to over 1 million between 2011 and 2015, according to Iceland's tourism board.

    While this influx of visitors has brought a much-needed boost to the economy post-recession(经济衰退), it's also pushed up prices for residents and put pressure on the infrastructure. Locals complain of tourists destroying the fragile ecosystem and leaving a mess behind them as they trample over the formerly untouched natural sites.


    According to Cuba's ministry of tourism, four million visitors went to Cuba in 2016, an increase of 13 percent from the year before. The tourism boom has had some consequences for the country's residents, The New York Times reported in December 2016.

    The surge in visitors has led to a food shortage, and basic food items have become completely unaffordable for locals. Local hotels and restaurants are buying up supplies in bulk for guests, pushing up prices and leaving limited amounts for locals.

    The situation has been acknowledged by the Cuban government, who put caps on prices to make them more affordable for residents. This has only encouraged sellers to put products on the black market, according to The New York Times.


    People often say that there is nothing in the world that can be as great as a mother's love. Some mother expressions mean just that. The phrase "mother lode" comes from mining. It means the place where the largest amount of gold can be found. But now, the term "mother lode" means a rich supply of anything. For example, you might say, "She just graduated from college and struck the mother lode with her new job!"

    When we call something "the mother of all", this means it is the biggest or best of something. Here is an example: "We are going to throw the mother of all parties this weekend. So you have to come!"

    Naturally, the word "mother" can be used to mean to give birth, even to something you cannot touch, such as an idea or wisdom. The saying "necessity is the mother of invention" means that when people really need to do something, they will find a way to do it. And "experience is the mother of wisdom" means that people learn from what happens to them.

    You might think all expressions about mothers are sweet and loving. Not so. A boy who is "tied to his mother's apron strings(围裙带)" is controlled by his mother. We can also call him a "mama's boy". Both of these terms are even more insulting(侮辱人的) if you are talking about a man, not a young boy. It can be a huge mistake for a woman to marry a "mama's boy" who is still "tied to his mother's apron strings".

    A show about mothers would not be complete without talking about the very popular but mysterious "Mother Goose". The short poems and songs that "Mother Goose" wrote are a part of growing up in the United States. Real or not, you could say "Mother Goose" is the mother of all nursery rhyme(童谣) writers.


    Several Jobs That Will Be Automated By Artificial Intelligence(AI) And Robots


    Image recognition software and voice recognition software are bringing some major advances to language translation. Applications like Google's Word Lens can translate words from signs and documents in real time and there are a lot of translation apps that allow you to type in a word or phrase and will translate it for you.

    Some will even speak the phrase for you and raw word-to-word translation will be fully automated soon.

    Fast food workers

    Automated ordering booths have already made their way into a few McDonald's restaurants around the world, and cooking positions could be removed next. The booths probably can't handle customer service problems well, so televideo systems could bring in an office employee to deal with complaints.

    Field technician

    New advances in the Internet of Things could make this work obsolete.

    Low-cost sensors combined with high availability cellular/satellite communications and cloud technology are being started to automate and alarm these sites, and can be checked and maintained from a desktop or mobile device.

    Sales representative

    But, e-commerce is changing how we make purchasing decisions, especially those where there isn't much differentiation among the major competitors.

    If you're selling a high-differentiation product and/or a high-price, low-volume product you have some job security, but if you're selling a high-volume, low-differentiation product, you better start polishing your resume, said Doug Camplejohn, CEO of Fliptop. “These kind of product sales are all moving online.”

