
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

    I still remember the last time when two of my children and I went to the playground. It had rained during the night and the playground was very muddy (泥泞的). They had just put on clean clothes, so I was a little worried about the pools of water on the playground. It was not long before Kathy got her beautiful skirt dirty on the playground. She dug through the rocks. I was about to blame her for getting her clothes dirty when she ran towards me with a smile on her face. When she got to me, she handed me a little heart-shaped rock and said, "Here Mom! Here is a heart for you-just because I love you! Keep it!”with tears in my eyes, I thanked her.
    Should I blame her for getting her clothes muddy? No way! I still have that little heart-shaped rock. It is one of the best gifts that I have ever received. I realize that many times it is not necessary for us adults to worry about the small things our children do. Let them do what they'd like to.
    I will spend a lot more time on the playground with my children. I'm sure I will learn a lot from the children. It reminds me of some years ago when my grandfather told me, "You would not enter the kingdom (王国) of happiness until you pretended (假装) to be a small child.”

(1)、The writer was deeply moved by her daughter's ____________. 

A、digging task on the playground B、love of the muddy playground C、special way to show her love D、smile on her face when running
(2)、From Paragraph 2, we can learn that the writer thought parents should _________. 

A、allow kids to do whatever they like B、keep the presents given by children C、not give too much care to their own children D、not worry about the small things their children do
(3)、In the last paragraph, Grandpa's words imply (暗示) that _____________.

A、children may find happiness easily in life B、children care more about happiness than adults do C、adults cannot share children's happiness D、adults should pretend to be a child
   Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stars. She was soon out of breath (气喘吁吁).
   “I suppose I had better go to the doctor,” she thought.
   She went to the doctor and told him her problem.
   “I'm not surprised at all,” he said. “It's obvious what your problem is.”He looked her over then gave her some advice.“If you don't do what I say, Mrs. Parker," he said, "you will have a heart attack. It could kill you.”
   Ellen Parker was very worried as she left the doctor's. She knew that she had to take his advice but it would not be easy and it would take time.
   The next day she went shopping. The first shop she went into was a butcher's shop (肉铺).“I'd like ten pounds of steak (牛排), please,” she said.“Certainly, madam,” the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and put it on the scale (天平).
   “That's just under ten pounds,"he said.
   “That big enough," Mrs. Parker said.
   The butcher worked out the price.
   “At $4.99 a pound that will be $49.50, please. Would you like me to cut it up into smaller pieces for you?”
   “Oh, I don't want to buy the meat,"Mrs. Parker said.
   “If you don't want to buy it," the butcher replied angrily, "why did you ask me to get it for you?”
   “My doctor told me that I am over-weight and I have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.”


    Joseph Sekar is 62 years old and he is in India(印度). He feeds thousands of parrots(鹦鹉) every day. And he has got himself another new and interesting name "birdman".

    Joseph always left small number of rice on the top of his house. The neighborhood parrots often came to eat them. One day two parrots flew in and Joseph fed them some rice. The birds not only returned the following day, but also brought along other hungry friends. Today between 2,000~4,000 beautiful parrots visit the birdman twice a day.

    Joseph does not feed the birds raw(生的) rice. He cooks the rice! This means that the amazing man usually gets up at 4:30 am every morning and spends over an hour making the breakfast for birds. He then puts the rice on 14 boards on the top of his house carefully.

The breakfast rush begins at about 6:00 am when the beautiful parrots fly in and continues until every last piece of the delicious rice is gone! The similar situation happens in the evening when the birds arrive at around 4:00 pm and stay for almost two hours. Not only the superman feeds them, but also takes in sick and hurt birds and nurses them back to health.

    Of course, feeding so many birds is not a cheap job. Joseph spends 40% of his income(收入) of $13 as a camera repairman on the meals every day. The superman says all of his actions come out of a feeling of love.

    Though Joseph has no plans to stop the action now, he does worry about what will happen to the beautiful birds as he gets older and is unable to go on.

