
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

   Does eating a good breakfast improve school study? Bore than 1000 students in the city of London took part in an experiment a year ago . and the answer is YES.
   In the experiment ,students with breakfast got higher scores (分数) in their exams than those without breakfast .Fewers were late for school ,and much fewer missed thir school .”By eating breakfast ,you feel active in yout moring study and you keep your good health .” says Amy Sampson, a famous doctor , she did the experiment for a year ,shudents without breakfast may be losing the inportant nourishment (营养) in eggs ,fruit milk ,bread and so on . so try to get children to have breakfast .so that they can feel well , keep strong and do their best in their school work.
根据短文内容,判断(T)or (F)
Eating a good breakfast improved school study .           
 The students who had breakfast were ofen late for school and missed the lessons .                                           
 It's good for students to have nothing for their breakfast.      
Breakfast is not so important for students .                
 Breakfast is not so important for students .          


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Lin Tao is good at French, but he is not good at English. He wants to improve his English.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Henry is a middle school student. He dreams of being a famous painter. When he is free, he often goes out and draws pictures.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Peter's mother's birthday is coming and Peter wants to cook for her. However, he can't cook very well, so he wants to improve his cooking skills.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Lucy is a little bit over- weight. She thinks swimming will help her lose weight but she doesn't know how to swim. She wants to learn how to swim.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Jimmy is a good volleyball player and is on the school team. Now he thinks it would be fun to play football and wants to learn how to play it.
A. Swimming Club

Can you swim? Do you like swimming? We think the best way to learn how to swim is to just get into the water. Come to our club and we'll show you what to do.

B. Painting

If you want to be a painter, you should practice as much as you can. Having a good painter to teach you is very helpful.

C. Learning English

“Practice makes perfect.” English also needs practice. You should practice listening, speaking, reading and writing.

D. Volleyball Club

Do you love volleyball? There will be a famous volleyball player teaching you how to play it well. Come to our club and you will have a lot of fun.

E. Cooking

Do you want to learn how to cook? The Delicious Food Program at 7:00 am on CCTV1 every Sunday is a great help.

F. Football Club

Playing football is fun, isn't it? Come to our club and you can not only learn how to play football, but also watch exciting football matches.


    When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do was to spend your weekends going to work. There was homework to do, sports to play and fun to be had{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When I was a teenager I had to deliver newspapers to people's homes and work at the checkout.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's one of those things that is seen almost as a rite of passage(成人仪式). Teenagers agree that it teaches valuable lessons about working with adults and also about managing your money. So, that's no bad thing!

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}A 2015 study found that not taking part in part-time work at school age was blamed by employers' organizations because young adults were ill-prepared for full-time employment. But despite (尽管) this, recent statistics have shown that the number of schoolchildren in the UK with a part-time job has fallen by a fifth in the past five years.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Probably not. Some experts feel that young people feel going out to work will hinder their performance at school, and they are under more pressure now to study hard and get good exam results - and a good job in the long term{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Today in the UK you are allowed to work from the age of 13, and many children do take up part-time jobs.

B. But our parents probably persuaded us to find a job to earn some money and get some life experience.

C. In reality, it's all about getting the right balance between doing part-time work and having enough time to study and rest.

D. So, does this mean that British teenagers are now more afraid of hard graft (艰苦奋斗)?

E. Some research has shown that not taking on a Saturday or holiday job could be detrimental (有危害的 ) to a person later on


    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Amesa, 31, female

    Used to be a teacher, energetic and positive. Kindness is full of her heart. Having gone through an earthquake, in which her child dies, makes her know how cruel fate is and how to make a decision more bravely.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}David, 19, male

    Just graduated from a high school, he has a realistic attitude to life, which is really rare among young persons never experiencing the society. Addicted to Math but a little  obtuse(迟钝) to money, so he always feel strapped because of poor finance.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Melina, 29, female

    Rich experience about teaching college students Chinese causes her responsibility, careful thinking and excellent senses of language, but sometimes she is indecisive(犹豫的). Lived with a poor and weak family so she is in great need of money.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Andy, 32, male

    Being released from jail last year, living with low quality, feeling confused about life while good at analyzing amount and extremely fond of calculating. Give him a chance, sick for recognition of others, he will try his best.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Tedy, 38, male

    Watching this world from an incisive angle, pretty talented to be a magazine editor. But he is disabled—only one hand—of course it couldn't be the reason you turn him down.


    Well, actually we just combine—— The boss died in an accident and our salary just got paid. Now we are setting up a new shop— to sell books and something else about reading. As to start you need to go through a probation with 60 percent of salary, but if we find that you quite care for detail and show great enthusiasm to reading introduction, you will possibly get a promotion and have high pay.


    Our company is so famous that nearly every job seeker want to squeeze in. So at present here is a chance! Just now an important people in charge of amount-calculating left. We are eagerly searching for somebody new. This job surely needs rich experience and calm analyzing. It would be better if you have a sharp feeling of economy, but excellent character(人品) is the most important.


    Our primary school was founded not long ago so it is having a lack of a responsible head teacher. All your CV will be highly cherished. So come here! Have a try! If you are patient and careful with kids and know how to talk with a pupil, you are more likely to get the offer.


    We are just going to say the importance. Long teaching career. Ability to make decisions decisively. Well versed in relaxed teaching methods. The shortage of our finance means that in a long time you won't get too much money.


    The editor is not only an editor. He also requires you to have exquisite writing style, keen insight and full energy. If you have enough confidence, come and have a try.


    Know what is this? To be a magazine writer, you should have massive knowledge, sharp words and a lot of time to work with the courage like young people. This is a long-term task which you must be strongly responsible to make sure that your manuscript(稿件) will not default(拖欠), which is quite difficult for many people.


    No other demands. Just interested in number, who won't be astonished when facing a huge number of digits.

    We often hold some tiny meeting with others, when it is time to fully and completely show your ability and quality.   


Time Management

    Do you ever wish you had more time? Everyone gets the same amount of time each day. But here are some ways to use those hours better. As a popular saying says, "Work smarter, not harder."

    The most important way to manage your time is to set priorities(优先权).{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Also, consider whether or not they are urgent—if they need to be done right away. It can be easy to forget important tasks that aren't urgent, so make time for them.

    Decide ahead of time what you're going to do at certain times each day. Schedule times not only to meet people but also to do things alone. Then you can make sure everything gets done.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Are you smarter in the morning, afternoon or evening? Schedule difficult tasks for times you feel good, saving easy ones for when you're tired.

    Write down what you need to do and when. I keep two to-do lists: one for the present tasks and one for larger projects I'm working on.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And I don't get discouraged by looking at a long list of items I can't finish. I focus on the shorter list of each day's tasks.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}When someone wants to give you a task, think carefully. Is it really important enough to spend your precious(宝贵的)time on? Could someone else do it instead?

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}If you're in charge of running a meeting, keep it short. Reading articles or talking to friends online can also use up much of your time. Don't allow it.

    In the end, using time well is about making a good plan and sticking to it.

A. Think about the time of day you work best.

B. That way I can make sure I don't forget anything.

C. Figure out(弄明白)which of your tasks is the most important.

D. Often, managing time means saying no to things that aren't so important.

E. Meetings also tend to be a waste of time, so avoid them whenever possible.


    Canada is the second-largest country in the world, with almost 10 million square kilometres of landmass. Due to (由于) its size, it is divided into four different regions(地区).

    The Atlantic Provinces

    Fishing is the old industry in this region. Agricultural crops, such as fruit and potatoes, and forests, which produce paper and lumber(木材), form part of the industry. Traditionally depending on fishing and farming, they are developing other natural resources, such as oil and copper.

    Central Canada

    Ontario and Quebec form the industrial and manufacturing (制造业的) heart of Canada. They produce three quarters of Canada's goods. More than half of Canada's population lives in the cities in the southern part of Ontario and Quebec. Most of the people living in Quebec speak French.

    The West Coast

    The British Columbia Coast is Canada's western continental coastline (海 岸 线 ). Europeans settled (定 居 ) in British Columbia in the early 1800s. The railroad built by the government in the late 1800s made moving much easier. Thousands of Chinese came to British Columbia during this period to work on the railroad. British Columbia has the most valuable forest industry in Canada.

Salmon (鲑鱼) fishing is not only a popular sport, but also an important part of the industry. Pacific salmon are exported (出口) all over the world.

    The North

    The Yukon and the Northwest Territories (领土) cover a third of Canada. This huge region has a very small population. Most of the people are natives. There are several native languages, which are equal (平等的) in status (地位) to English and French. During the Gold Rush at the end of the 1800s, thousands of miners (矿工) came to make their fortune (财富). Mining is still an important industry in this region.

