
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

This is my story. I'm French. I fly planes in Africa.
One day, when I was flying a very small plane, there was something wrong with the engine(发动机).The engine stopped. The plane was light and I could land it safely on the ground.
Where was I? I couldn't see any houses or farms. I had a bottle of water and two oranges. I had a map, too. The first day, I didn't eat anything. In the evening, I began walking. When the sun went down, the air got cold. Where should I walk? I looked at my map and the moon and the stars. I walked and walked.
The sun came up on the morning of the second day. It was too hot to walk. In the evening, I began walk. I ate an orange and drank a little water.
The third day, I ate the second orange. The bottle of water was now empty. There were no houses, no trees, and no water.
The hot sun came up on the fourth day. Would this be the last day on the earth? I didn't know. What was that? A bird? A man on a hill? No! Yes, it was! I walked to him excitedly and said hello to him. He looked at me and then gave me some water. I drank and drank...

(1)、Where does the writer come from?     

(2)、What happened to the writer one day?          

(3)、What did the writer take with him?     

(4)、How was the weather in the daytime?    

(5)、When did the writer see a man on a hill?       


Jambo's Story

    In 1986, a video of a frightening event involving a gorilla (大猩猩) and a boy was watched by millions of people around the world. The video is still popular on the Internet today, changed people's opinions of gorillas forever.

    On 31 August, 1986 a couple took their two young sons to Jersey Zoo. When the family arrived, they went to see the gorillas straight away. The father noticed that the children were too small to see the animals, so he picked up his five-year-old son, Levan, and put him on the top of the wall. Then he turned round to pick up his other son.

    When the father turned back, Levan had disappeared. The boy had fallen off the wall, into the gorilla area. The parents looked down and saw that their son was lying on the ground, about four metres below them. He wasn't moving.

    Levan's father tried to climb down into the wall to save the boy, but he was stopped by the other zoo visitors. Slowly, the gorillas came closer to Levan. A large crowd of people had come to see what was happening. Everyone was shouting. They were scared that gorillas might seriously hurt the boy.

    Jambo, a 200kg male gorilla, got to Levan first. He moved carefully around Levan. He softly touched his back. Then he sat down between Levan and the other gorillas. When he saw that a young gorilla had come too close, Jambo stood up and did not let him pass. His message to the other gorillas was clear,”Don't touch him!” He pulled lightly of Levan's clothes and after a while Levan opened his eyes and started to cry.

    Jambo ran away and his gorilla family followed him. Some time later, zookeepers saved Levan. He had broken several bones in the fall, and had seriously hurt his head, but he was alive. A man had filmed everything and millions of people around the world watched the video on the news.

    Jambo! People had always thought that gorillas were dangerous animals, but the video changed their minds. Soon letters, cards and even boxes of bananas arrived for him at the zoo. Jambo died in 1992, but people built a statue (雕像,塑像) at the zoo to remind the world of this wonderful animal.


    On June 2, 1886, a German captain threw a message in a bottle into the water while his ship crossed the Indian Ocean. Around 132 years later in January, the bottle was found on the Australian coast{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    The bottle was thrown into the water to track ocean currents (洋流). Between 1864 and 1933, German sailors threw thousands of bottles into the sea.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    But throwing messages in bottles into the ocean is not just for scientists. People send out such messages for many reasons. Some people write information about themselves in the hopes of finding a pen pal{#blank#}3{#/blank#} And still other people just write down some jokes, song lyrics or anything else they think might be fun.

    There are even online messages in bottles. People can send the messages through WeChat or QQ.

    The reasons and ways might be different, but the goal is always the same: to reach out and try to connect with someone{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In 1988, the British band The Police wrote a song called Message in A Bottle that describes this feeling.

    As the song's lyrics say, we are “a hundred billion castaways(被抛弃者) looking for a home”. When will you feel relieved (释然的) ? “A hundred billion bottles washed up on the shore{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Others write down secrets, hoping that the waves will wash them away.

B. This kind of shared feeling might be why this tradition has remained popular for so long.

C. making it the oldest-known message in a bottle in the world.

D. Seems I'm not alone at being alone.

E. Some 663 of those messages were found later.


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Jim is a school boy. He likes playing football very much. He plays every day after school. He wants to be a good football player like Ronaldo.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Mr. Wang is in America to see his daughter. He has nothing to do every day. He wants to do some reading.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Mr. Green is looking for a new house with three bedrooms. He also wants to have a big garden. So he can plant some vegetables in it.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}I have a good friend. His name is Peter. But we haven't received a letter from each other.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Mr. Black is a businessman. He often travels in different places. But these days he wants to stay here for a few months. He wants to rent a room near a station

A. We have moved

Please come to the party in our new home.

8: 00pm, on May 30.Betty and Peter.

Add: 44 North Street;Tel:e5555-2981; Email: betty@ email.net

B. Must sell $ 275

Best washing machine only 6 months old.

Owner going abroad (国外). Call Mike Green.


C. Smith' s Book Club

New and old books over 1, 000 kinds.

Good coffee and tea.

Open every day from 10: 00 to 22: 00

Add: 25 Bug Apple Square; Tel: 555-2125


D. House for sale

Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, dining-room, bathroom.

Offers over $35,000

E. Room to rent

Small room to rent in city center flat. Newly painted with modern furniture. Near railway station. Buses from door.


F. Join our football team

Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9-16. Meet in Great Park on Friday at 3: 00 pm.

G. An old desk

It is cheap, Only 10 yuan. It is very strong.

Call me at15019372905


    Careful and careless are as different as fire and water. But it is strange that quite a few scientists have both these qualities (品质 ). They are both careful and careless. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Once Newton invited a friend to dinner at home. When they were ready to eat, Newton left to get a bottle of wine (酒). {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, Newton still didn't come back. At last his friend found Newton in his lab. When Newton was going to get the bottle of wine, he suddenly had a new idea for his experiment. So he quite forgot his friend and the dinner. Another time, Newton was leading a horse up a mountain, and he held the rein(缰绳) in his hand. While he was walking along, he kept thinking about problems. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, he found that the horse was gone.

    Einstein was another example. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. While waiting, he became lost in thought. It started to rain. The rain kept on for some time. When he took out a piece of paper to write something down, the paper was wet and then he knew that it was raining. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}, he again forgot he was standing in the rain.

A. But after he put the paper into his pocket

B. But after his friend had waited for a long time

C. Once he was waiting for a friend at a bridge

D. Newton, the famous English scientist, was such a person

E. When he got to the top of the mountain

