
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通

Something interesting always happens(发生) in our life. John is a doorman(看门人) of a club in a big city. Every day hundreds of people pass his door and a lot of them stop and say to him, “①What's the time, please?
A few days later, John thinks, “②I don't want to      this same(相同的) question, I'm going to the shop and        a big clock. Then I'm going to put it up on the wall here.” He buys a clock and puts it up on the wall.
“③No people are going to ask me the time again,” he says happily. But after that, a lot of people also stop every day, look at the clock and say to John, “Is that clock right?”
What's John's job?                                 



    Your Junior 3 year will finish soon. Do you want to say something about your junior school life? What were the rewards (收获) of the three years? Our readers have their stories to share.


   I experienced a hard time in Junior 2 when my grades suddenly dropped(下降) a lot. I faced great pressure. In the following summer vacation, I worked hard by studying for 10 hours a day. It was crazy, but when I became one of the top students again, I felt everything had been worthwhile(值得的).

Julie, 13,Beijing

     In July, 2011,I had a trip to the UK with some students and teachers. When we arrived there, the other students and I didn't want to eat the local food. The teachers were worried and tried to make us eat. When we finally finished the meal, the guide said that the world now sees how spoiled(被宠坏的)Chinese kids are. I felt really sorry.


    I lived in a dorm(寝室)during junior school. It was a great challenge since I had never left my parents before that. I had to take care of everything myself. I learned to make my bed and get along with roommates. I also learned to make a schedule to arrange(安排)my time .I've done a good job and I feel proud.

Information Card

Age of Ben


Place John is from


Time Julie went to the UK


How Ben improve his grades


Things John has learned during junior school

Make the bed {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

Make a schedule to arrange time


    Most of us probably dreamed about becoming an astronaut when we were little. But how many of us have actually become one, or are at least working toward it? It's true that the advice" Always follow your dreams" is something that is typically easier said than done.

    But still, this is the one piece of advice that Alyssa Carson wants to share with her peers. This 17-year-old girl from the US has become one of the candidates (候选人) for NASA's 2033 project to go to Mars. If everything goes well, Carson will be one of the first human beings to ever set foot on the red planet.

    Carson began to dream of going to Mars when she was only three years old. After watching an astronaut-themed cartoon and hearing from her father that humans had only been to the moon but not Mars, Carson decided that she wanted to be the first one to do so.

    To realize her dream, she has worked hard toward it. At the age of 12, Carson became the first person to attend all three NASA space camps, and she sat with real astronauts to discuss the future of Mars missions. Now 17, Carson is continuing with her space training while still taking on her high school work like a "normal " teenager, except that she studies all her subjects in four languages - English, French, Spanish and Chinese.

    "I don't think there's anything specific that makes it easier for me or makes it something that others can't do," Carson said in an interview," I've just really focused myself on what I want to accomplish."

    Besides, Carson is willing to make sacrifices (牺性) for her dream, She's fully aware of the danger of the mission and the possibility that she might never be able to come back. She also accepts the fact that she can't get married and start a family because any loved ones left on Earth may be a distraction for her and for the mission, But Carson believes that it's all worth it, summarizing her view with this ancient Greek proverb she once quoted," A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they'll never sit in."

    While some people's dreams may sound out of this world, Carson is on her way.

