
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    What to do if you find a sick, injured or abandoned wild animal.

    General tips

    Don't remove an animal from its natural habitat (the animal may not need assistance, and you could do more harm than good).

    Check the animal periodically for 24-48 hours.

    Keep your distance.

    Young animals/babies

    If you find an abandoned young animal, separated from adults or left on its own — keep cats and dogs away and limit noise.

    An adult may not return if it is noisy or if people are close by.

    Get help for a wild animal

    In Ontario, wildlife rehabilitators (复健员) are authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to provide temporary care to sick, injured and abandoned wildlife so it can be returned to the wild. Rehabilitators commit significant time and resources, and many seek donations to assist with their work.

    Every effort is made by wildlife rehabilitators to ensure wildlife in their care do not become tame (驯服).

    Find a wildlife rehabilitator

    To get help for a sick, injured or abandoned animal, you can contact: an authorized wildlife rehabilitator your local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry district office

    Health risks

    If you come across sick or diseased wildlife and you suspect there is a public health risk (such as West Nile virus), contact your regional or local health unit immediately: Ontario Public Health Units

    Public safety

    If the animal is alive and there is a public safety issue, contact your local police department.

(1)、Which is the general solution if you find an abandoned animal?
A、Leave it where it is and observe it. B、Remove it from its natural habitat. C、Stay with it and care for it. D、Pretend not to have seen it.
(2)、Wildlife rehabilitators are devoted to_______.
A、providing constant care to wildlife B、making wild animals well-tamed C、releasing wildlife back to the wild D、donating large sums to charity
(3)、Who will you contact if you find a wild animal at the risk of public health in Ontario?
A、Ontario Public Health Units. B、An authorized wildlife rehabilitator. C、The local police department. D、The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
(4)、What's the purpose of the text?
A、To teach people how to train animals. B、To give advice on protecting endangered wildlife. C、To call on people to raise pets. D、To introduce the animals in Ontario.

    The “babies” tend to be on or near me, or crying, or both. I spend a fair amount of time trying to get William to sleep, to get Elliott to get involved in something that will actually keep him happy for a little while, or to get William to play on the floor for 10 minutes straight so that I can get something done. But, a lot of days, it seems like I'm not succeeding in any of those efforts.

    So, yesterday, a friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook. This particular friend has a baby who is about a month younger than William. The picture was of the baby, who had made his way across the floor to the toys housed along the side of the room. I just kept looking at that picture and thinking that if only William had some different toys to play with, perhaps he would stay occupied a bit longer at a stretch. But William seems so bored with all of his toys! And I am so ready for him to be ready to play. In order to find a way to make him playing longer, I kept looking at that picture. Suddenly, I realized my sons need to play closer to me.

    So I cleared off the cubby(围起来的)shelves in the playroom, and my husband and I moved it to the living room. We found all of the toys that would be safe for William and put them in the cubbies. Then, we pulled the play kitchen in.

    William was so interested in what I was doing that he sat there and played and chewed on his toys while we moved furniture. When we were done, I moved him over closer to the cubbies and he got so excited that he didn't disturb for an hour, while I made dinner and cleaned up! Even Elliott played happily for a few hours. It was a dream come true! And I got to know that my lack of happy children was because of my desire for a toy—free living room.


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    Some parents can't resist the strong desire to help their children play hooky (逃学) for a trip. Five-year-old Erica and her siblings Alex, 9, and Kate, 12, missed school in Denver on Aug. 21, 2017. Their father Mr. Reed took them on a camping trip to Halsey to see the solar eclipse (日食). Kate had told her teachers she'd be absent and Mr. Reed let Erica's and Alex's teachers know, too. But he didn't ask for permission.

    Mr. Reed has loved astronomy since seeing Neil Armstrong walk on the moon on his sixth birthday. He says, “I want my own kids to have a similar kind of wonderment and hope about future discoveries.”

    Parents often dream of traveling with their children to teach them about science, geography and culture. Many teachers support them, as the Reed children's teachers did. Other teachers were angry about the extra work.

    Teacher Amanda says she feels frustrated when parents take students out of school for family trips. If she sends homework, she finds it's often returned incomplete or incorrect, because the absent student didn't hear her explanation in class. Some students suffer anxiety as they struggle to catch up. Research shows that students who are absent often, for any reason—excused or unexcused—performed more poorly in school.

    Garrick agreed to miss five days of school for the Antarctic trip last year as a senior high school student, however. Managing the homework was a challenge, but it helped him gain time management skills. “And the trip is worth the effort,” he says, “sparking his interest in international relations. You can't really put a price on changing your world view,” Garrick says. “That's what travel has done for me. It has changed how I think about things.”


    It is 6:00a.m.on the first day of the school year. In Chery brook Technology High School, mathematics teacher Eddie Woo is already at work.

    One of the first things before the first bell rings is to set up his tripod(三脚架)and iPad in the middle of the classroom. “I'm Mr. Woo. I record my lessons. I record all of them. In fact, I'm about to record this one,” he explains to his new maths class.

    He started posting videos online in 2012 for a student who was sick with cancer and missing a lot of school, so he started sharing them across the country and beyond. Wootube now has more than 38,000 subscribes(用户) and has attracted almost 4 million views worldwide.

    Cherybrook Technology High School principal(校长) Gary Johnson said Mr. Woo was helping maths teachers in Australia and making maths popular again. “He has an ability to simplify(简化) maths to a level where kids can really understand it.” Mr. Johnson said.

    12-year-old student Emily Shakespear said Mr. Woo's teaching style made maths easy and interesting. “I don't want to say it, but he sucked me into maths,” she said. Owen Potter, who attends high school in Cobar agreed. “It's difficult to understand how someone in Sydney can influence thousands of people across the whole country,” he said.

    Mr. Woo won the 2017 University of Sydney Young Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement, and he was one of 12 Australian teachers honored at the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.


    British Museum Visitor Regulations

    We warmly welcome you on your visit to the Museum. In the interests of the security of all of our visitors we require you follow these Visitor Regulations.


    Admission to the Museum is free, but we may charge for entry to some temporary exhibitions and events.

    Opening hours

    We open the Museum's galleries daily from 10:00 am until 17:30 pm. We keep selected galleries open until 20:30 pm on Fridays.

    The Museum's Great Court is open from 9:00 am until 18:00 pm; except on Fridays when it remains open until 20:30 pm.

    You may be asked by your staff to begin leaving up to ten minutes before closing time.

    The Museum is closed 24 -26 December and l January.

    Food and drink

    You aren't allowed to consume food and drink inside the Museum, except in places such as the restaurant and cafes or the forecourt. Families with children may use the Ford Centre for young visitors in the basement of the Museum's Great Court at weekends and during school holidays.


    If you have a disability, you may be accompanied in the Museum by your guide, assistant or companion animal. You aren't allowed to bring animals into the Museum under any other circumstance.

    Film, photography and audio(声音的)recording

    Except the place that are indicated by notices, you' re permitted to use hand- held cameras (including mobile phones) with flash bulbs or flash units, and audio and film recording equipment not requiring a stand. You may use your photographs, film and audio recordings only for your own private and non-commercial purposes.


    Debby Harris says she would never have started going to the Glastonbury Festival if her friend who runs a food stand hadn't needed a hand a few years ago. "I thought it would just be all noise, and I never liked rock music." Now she says she would pay her friend to allow her to work at her stand!" The tickets sell like hot cakes, so it's the best way of making sure I can get to the five-day festival in June." she points out.

    Nick Hendon likes going to the Cambridge Folk Festival, which takes place over a long weekend in summer at Cherry Hinton Hall. His favourite festival area is the Club Tent where members of the audience, as well as the invited artists, can get up and perform. "My wife usually takes part. She has a beautiful voice," he says proudly.

    Joan Mitchell does her best to get to the International Eisteddfod, a dance and music festival which takes place every year during the second week of July in Wales. The festival is also famous for the final Sunday Evening Gala concert which usually has some of the biggest names in opera as guest performers.

    I've seen Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, James Galway and Montserrat Caballe, but no one could ever match Luciano Pavarotti. He was truly breathtaking!''

    Graham Crosby tries to get to as many concerts as possible during the eight-week summer season of the Proms festival every year. The Proms is the largest classical music festival in the world." The atmosphere (氛围)is much more relaxing than that at other classical concerts. In fact, the audience sometimes behave more like rock fans, jumping up and down to the music, which is really exciting."

