阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Jessica stopped to look at the poster in the hallway (走廊) at school. There was a competition from CNSA, one lucky student would have the chance to do his or her experiment in space. But it was just in four weeks, Jessica felt worried and she didn't even get an idea for the project.
Jessica had a biology class next period, and she stayed for a while to talk to her biology teacher, Ms. Li.
"Do you have any idea what I can do for the competition, Ms. Li?" Ms. Li looked at Jessica thoughtfully. "Well, Jessica, I can't tell you exactly what to do, but maybe you could think of an experiment that will be good for people's health. Many plants in China are used in medical treatments. You could consider doing an experiment using one of them." Answered Ms. Li. Jessica smiled and said, "Thank you, Ms. Li, you've given me a seed (种子) of a thought!" Jessica walked away and headed straight to the library. She asked the librarian to help her find books about plant science. After looking through many books, her eyes were drawn to the picture of foxglove (毛地黄), a plant which was in her grandparents' garden.
Then, Jessica did further reading about this plant. She found that it was often used to treat the irregular heartbeats. She was excited about her discovery and believed that her experiment would find out if foxglove would grow more rapidly in space. In the next few weeks, Jessica designed an experiment that tested how different light, soil and water can affect the growth of foxglove plants. A week before the competition, Jessica completed her project, made a few changes her teacher suggested and mailed it to CNSA.
A break one day, Jessica told Ms. Li, "My work is done. The next step is...space!"