
试题 试卷


题型:阅读表达 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

Dear Laura,
Thanks for your message. Yes, I'm having a great time on my exchange program in France. It's even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldn't believe how quickly my French has improved! I'm very comfortable speaking French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn't bother me like it used to. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really different from the way they are at home. For example, you're not supposed to put your bread on your plate. You're supposed to put it on the table! I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now I'm used to it. You're not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork). Another thing is that it is very rude to say you're full. If you don't want any more food, you should just say, “It was delicious.” Also, it's rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands ,but not your elbows, on the table. I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but I'm gradually getting used to things and don't find them so strange any more. I'll write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope you're having a good school year.
Wang Kun

(1)、How was Wang Kun before  she arrived in France?

(2)、Why did she have no reason to be nervous?

(3)、How has her French improved?

(4)、What  is  one particular challenge she is facing?

(5)、What does she find surprising?


    A girl complained to her father about her hard life.She didn't know what she had to do and wanted to give up.She felt tired of fighting and fighting.One problem had been finished but another came over.

    Her father,a cook,took her into the kitchen.He poured water into three pans and boiled(煮沸) them.After boiling,in the first pan was put some carrots,the second was put some eggs and the last was put with coffee.

    The girl waited impatiently (不耐烦的),confused by what her father did.About 20 minutes later,her father took out the carrots and put them in a bowl.He took the eggs and put them in a bowl.After that the coffee was poured into a cup.“My sweet heart,what do you see?” he asked.

    “Carrots,eggs and coffee,” she replied.

    Her father told her to close her eyes and asked her to touch the carrots.She did so and felt that the carrots were soft.After that he asked her to take the eggs and break them.After peeling (剥开) them,she got the eggs,cooked and hard.The last,the father let her smell the coffee. She asked,“What did you do this for,Father?” He explained that each had the same unlucky experience—the boiling water,but each had a different result. The strong and hard carrots had become soft and weak.Thefragileeggs became hard after being cooked. The coffee was very special,they could change water.“Who are you?” asked her father.“When bad luck knocks at your door,what is your decision? Are you carrots,eggs or coffee?”


    "Let's go wrestling, Dad!"《摔跤吧,爸爸!》) is one of the Top 10 movies recently. It tells a true story about an Indian man and his two daughters. His name's Mahavir. In real life, he is called "the father of India women wrestling" because thousands of girls across India have been supported to take up wrestling with his efforts.

    A very famous Indian actor, Aamir Khan, played the role of Mahavir in the movie. It was an unusual experience for him to play this role. Aamir Khan was very serious about his character and he tried to make this character close to the true story. In order to act well, he needed to put on weight to be very fat and then do sports to be very strong in a short time.

    Aamir Khan started to eat a lot every day before making the movie. He ate at least 5 meals a day including much junk food. He became too fat to run quickly.

    It is simple to be fat but difficult to be strong. Aamir Khan invited many coaches to train him to lose weight and took him a few months to be strong. He must eat less and drink more. Strength training is also important. This kind of physical training is very boring. He had to lift different weights and do it over and over again. Aamir Khan set a goal to himself day by day and the minute he made it, he fell down on the ground and could hardly stand up. In the end, he became the exact person the movie needs.

    The role he played was very moving and he succeeded at last. As he says, the most important thing in life is not whether you can reach your goal but whether you have made the greatest efforts.


    One morning there was a loud knock at Dean Swift's door. The servant(佣人)opened it. A man who was outside handed her a fine duck and said, "Here's a present for Dean. It's from Mr Boyle." Then, without another word, he walked away.

    Mr. Boyle was a sporty neighbour. He liked reading Dean Swift's books and sending him presents. The second time, the man brought a quail(鹌鹑). "Here's something else for Dean," he said and threw it into the servant's arms.

    "That man has no manners," the servant told Dean.

    "The next time he comes," said Dean, "let me know."

    It was not long before the man came with another present. Dean went to the door.

    "Here's a rabbit from Mr. Boyle, "said the man.

    "See here, "said Dean." That is not the way to deliver a message here. Just walk inside and make believe(假装)that you were Dean Swift. I will show you."

    "I'll agree to that, "said the man, and he walked inside. Dean took the rabbit and knocked gently at the door.

    The door was opened by the man. Dean said, "If you please, sir, Mr Boyle wishes you to accept this fine rabbit."

    "Oh, thank you, "said the man very politely. Then, taking out his wallet, he offered Dean some money." And here is something for your trouble."

    The lesson in manners was not forgotten. After that, the man was very polite when he brought presents. And Dean also took the hint(暗示).He always remembered to give the man a tip for his trouble.

