
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational lines. That is, generally, younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological change. It is not always the case, though. When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars, there doesn't seem to be a clear generational divide. The public overall is split on whether they'd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all people surveyed, 48 percent said they wanted to ride in one, while 50 percent did not.

    The fact that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the change to driverless cars could be. Not everyone wants a driverless car now-and no one can get one yet—but among those who are open to them, every age group is similarly involved.

    Actually, this isn't surprising. Whereas older generations are sometimes reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular. Older adults, especially those with limited mobility or difficulty driving on their own are one of the classic use-cases for driverless cars.

    This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones.

    When it comes to driverless cars, differences in attitude are more pronounced based on factors not related to age. College graduates, for example, are particularly interested in driverless cars compared with those who have less education: 59 percent of college graduates said they would like to use a driverless car compared with 38 percent of those with a high-school diploma or less.

    Where a person lives matters, too. More people who lived in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areas.

    While there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can become mainstream. Once driverless cars are actually available for sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.

(1)、What happens when a new technology appears?
A、It farther widens the gap between the old and the young. B、It usually draws different reactions from different age groups. C、It often leads to innovations in other related fields. D、It contributes greatly to the advance of society as a whole.
(2)、What does the author say about the driverless car?
A、It will not necessarily reduce road accidents. B、It has given rise to unrealistic expectations. C、It does not seem to create a generational divide. D、It may start a revolution in the car industry.
(3)、Why does the driverless car appeal to some old people?
A、It adds to the safety of their travel. B、It saves their energy. C、It arouses their interest in life. D、It helps with their mobility.
(4)、What is likely to affect one's attitude toward the driverless car?
A、The location of their residence. B、The amount of training they received. C、The length of their driving experience. D、The field of their special interest.

    In 1972, a social worker named Sanjit "Bunker " Roy founded Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan. Today the college trains women from villages for six months to build and maintain solar panels and other instruments. Barefoot College also offers education to the younger generation both during the day and at its solar bridge schools that meet by lamp light at night.

    The philosophy of the Barefoot College is largely inspired by the principles of Gandhi, starting with quality beyond social classes, sex or religion. As a matter of fact, women are favorably regarded as an underserved population that is necessary to bringing villages together. Another central principle of the college is self-reliance, teaching students to support and think for themselves.

    After the colleges female students have completed their half a year of training, they return to their villages villages, where they wait for solar panel parts to arrive from the college. Once they have all the pieces they need ,they construct the panels and begin collecting solar energy. For each village, the college also provides solar lamps. Villagers can, in addition, order parts for other solar-powered devices, such as water heaters and cooking stoves. Once assembled(组装), they and the lamps are powered by the solar panels.

    The effect on the villages is huge. Before the solar panels and lamps arrived, villagers had only candles to light their homes. This prevented adults from doing serious work at night, and it made studying difficult for children as well. As for physicians, they have difficulty treating patients and performing operations at night because they had to rely on flashlights.

    Now there is power for not only the electrical appliances that the college provides but also devices like televisions, radios and computers. For the first time, the villagers can even connect to the world through the Internet.


Classis Book Club for Home-schooled Teens

★ Sign up at Librarian's 1st Floor Reference Desk.

★ Free books for first 15 teens who sign up for each title. If you are unable to attend the activity, please return the book to Teen Librarian so she can give the book to another teen.

Classics for Home-schooled Teens

Fridays, 1:00~2:00 pm, Library Room 215

January 23: The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

February 20: Antigone by Sophocles

March 20: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

April 24: Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

For information contact Teen Librarian Elise Sheppard, elise.i.sheppard@lonestar.edu, 281-290-5248.

5th Annual Prom-dress Give-away


Your dress is free for you to keep.

If you Need a Prom Dress

Contact the Youth Service Specialist at your school/ Contact Prom Closet organizers directly:

LSC-CF Teen Librarian Elise Sheppard at 281-290-5248, elise.i.sheppard@lonestar.edu

LSC-CF Friends of the Library President Nancy Flanakin at meaford8510@vahoo.com

Saturday dates to get a dress:

(Other dates by appointment only — contact Elise or Nancy)



Locations at LSC-CF Branch Library

March 21

1:00—5:00 pm

Library Room 131

March 28

1:00—5:00 pm

Activity Room of Kid's Comer (Children's Library)

April 4

1:00—5:00 pm

Library Room 131

April 11

Library closed

April 25

1:00—5:00 pm

Library Room 131

Prom Dresses Needed!

Dresses & accessories needed: All dress sizes 0 — 26

Accessories: Shoes, handbags, jewelry, hair pieces, shawls, etc.

Perfect condition: Clean, undamaged, beautiful

Delivery instructions:

Take donations to Lone Star College — CyFair Branch Library Circulation/Customer Service Desk anytime the library is open.


Internet Time Tied to Teen Depression(抑郁) Symptoms

    Spending time online is normal behaviour for teenagers. But too much Internet use by teens —or too little, for that matter —might be related to depression, a new study finds.

    The findings, reported in the journal of Pediatrics, do not mean that the Internet is to blame. For one, teens in the study who spent no time online were also at increased risk of depression symptoms. Instead, the researchers say that both heavy Internet use, and non-use, could serve as signals that a teenager is having a hard time.

    For the study, Dr Pierre-Andre Michaud and his colleagues at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, surveyed 7,200 individuals aged 16 to 20 about their Internet use.

    Those who were online more than two hours per day were considered "heavy" Internet users, while those online anywhere from several times per week to two hours per day were considered "regular" users.

    The teenagers also answered a number of health-related questions, including some standard questions about "depressive tendencies" that gauge (判定) how often a person feels sad or hopeless. Compared with regular Internet users, the study found, kids who were heavy users or non-users were more likely to be depressed or very depressed.

    Among male teens, heavy users and non-users were both around one-third more likely to have a high depression score, compared to "regular" users. Among girls, heavy Internet users had an 86 percent greater chance of depression, while non-users had a 46 percent greater likelihood compared to regular users.

    That was with factors like family income and any chronic health problems taken into account. Since teenagers typically go online to contact friends, the researchers guess that those who are never online may be more socially isolated.


    Eight years ago, Special Olympics Georgia Forsyth County was introduced to Britt Hall. Britt Hall is a Special Olympics Georgia athlete. "The first sport I started competing in with Special Olympics Georgia was softball. I was with the Forsyth Golden Gloves, and we were a pretty good team," said Britt as he looked back upon his first state game.

Since then, the athlete has competed in much more than softball. Britt has gone on to compete in bocce, basketball, athletics, table tennis, volleyball and flag football during his Special Olympics Georgia career (职业生涯). And he performed well in these games. "Athletics has always been one of his favorite sports to compete in," said Britt's father. "He likes the different competitions within athletics, especially the races (赛跑). "

    "I like athletics, but I am excited for flag football this year. We are going to play just as well as the Falcons," Britt said. This year, Britt and his teammates will be returning to Emory University as the Special Olympics Georgia Forsyth County Mean Machine, one of the two flag football teams from Special Olympics Georgia Forsyth County. Despite the word "mean" being in their name, Britt says that their aim is not to be mean to their competitors. "We want to win the gold, but we want to be nice to the other teams and encourage them. They are our friends and have worked just as hard as we have for the state competitions," Britt explained.

    While athletes are encouraged to try their very best and go for the gold, Special Olympics Georgia centers on sportsmanship and friendship during competitions. Britt has always been a good team player, but he is also very competitive. Special Olympics Georgia has helped him gain confidence as an athlete, which shows him how to cheer on his teammates and the opposing athletes.

    "I've learned a lot from being in Special Olympics Georgia. I think there is a lesson for everyone who competes," said Britt.

