
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通

    Do you know that animals have love for each other and their children just like us humans? Let me tell you some moving stories of great animal parents.
    Several years ago a heavy rain hit a town and made the river go up. When the rain stopped, people found that a dog swam to an island in the river twice a day for two weeks. Why did she do so? Her four children were there. The mother swam there every day to feed her babies. This true story moved many people.
    Another story is about chimpanzees(猩猩). A scientist named Jane Goodall spent 4 years living with chimpanzees in Africa. She found that chimpanzees also cared for those that were hurt or got lost. “It is not only humans who have duties, animals also do,” she said.
    Two birds in Chengdu also showed their parental(父母的) love. Their baby was hurt and fell on the street in the center of the city. Cars were driving past but the brave parents rushed down to the road and took the little bird away with their claws(爪子).

(1)、After the heavy rain, the mother dog swam to the island ________.

A、to look for food B、to feed her babies C、to move some people D、to carry things to her owner
(2)、The scientist found chimpanzees ________.

A、cared for the hurt or lost ones B、often left for a far place C、always stayed in the same place D、didn't care about each other
(3)、The two birds rushed down and took the little one away because ________.

A、they didn't like their baby B、they were not kind enough C、they wanted to teach their baby D、they wanted to save their baby
(4)、From the passage we know ________.

A、dogs like to swim across the river in a heavy rain. B、mother birds don't want to save their children C、animal parents love their children a lot D、all animals want to move people very much
阅读下面材料,根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I was in a shopping mall, so I decided to go and get a cup of coffee. As I was making my way to the coffee shop, I noticed an old gentleman poorly dressed sitting near the shop. I knew from the first sight that he needed help. He had a little lunch in front of him and was enjoying it. It was clear that he had a problem with his right eye. I then joined the line and waited to be served.

    Then it happened. One of the most beautiful gestures(姿态) I had ever seen in my life. There was a young man in front of me in the line who was also waiting to be served. The next thing I knew was that the young man handed the waitress(女服务员) 20 dollars and requested a glass of juice as a favor(善行). The waitress looked at the young man a little perplexed, not fully understanding the request. That was when the young man asked her to give the juice to the old gentleman eating his lunch outside, as well as the change(零钱) from the 20 dollars. The young man also told her that he would be watching every second so that she would be completely safe.

    Then there was a wonderful exchange between the waitress and the old man. I only wished I could take a photo of the smiles on both of their faces.

    As I was considering this event later, I wondered why the young man didn't perform this act of kindness himself. Maybe he was hoping that this act of kindness might inspire(激励) others to do something for this old man as well.


      I walked quickly out of my church. It was late. My dad was waiting. I stared at the parking lot. Then I saw my dad's little red Honda. “Get in! Get in! Why are you so late all the time?”

      The ride home was not much more than five minutes but each minute moved slowly. We were stuck behind an old man. He wasn't going more than 15 kilometers an hour. My dad started to shout, “Learn how to drive, Grandpa!” He hit the steering wheel(方向盘) with his hands. He was really angry.

      “Dad, stop it. Why do you always…?” He cut me off, “I'd not get stuck at the light without this fellow!” The old man got to the light just as it was changing. “You're free! Drive away quickly,” I thought. I looked over my dad. “Can you believe that, Steph? I get stuck at every light. There are so many stupid drivers out there, he said angrily.

      Who gives him the right to shout at someone? Anger built inside me. “What if I shouted at my friends when they asked me for help?” I said. I looked out of the window, trying to catch my breath.

      “You know, Steph, I think you are going to be a psychologist(心理学家),” he said. I remembered the last time I tried to say something, he had fumed, “Don't tell me how to drive! If I want your opinion, I'll ask for it! Think about what you say before you talk.”

      Usually, he'd be angry that I would doubt his authority (权威), but this time, he accept what I had said. A sense of pride rose up in me. It had been a short drive, but it had been the best car ride of my life.


    There once was a man and a woman who had been married for more than 60 years. They talked about everything. They kept no secrets from each other…except that the old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet and she told her husband never to open it or ask her about it.

    For an these years the husband had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would never recover.

    In trying to sort out things they had, the little old man took down the shoe box from the top of the closet and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed it was time that he should know what was in the box.

    When he opened it, he found two beautifully crocheted (钩针编织的) doilies (装饰垫) and some money. He counted the money. It was $25,000 in total. He asked his wife about the unusual contents.

    "When we were married," she said, "my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily."

    The little old man was so moved, and he had to fight back tears. Only two precious doilies were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He was filled with joy and happiness.

    "Sweetheart," he said, "that explains the doilies, but what about all this money? Where did it all come from?"

    "Oh," she said, "that's the money I made from selling the doilies."

