
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通


A. 信息归纳  请阅读网络上两则关于溺水事件的报道,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡指定的位置上。 

Recently, more and more people are reported dead from drowning(溺水) accidents. Here are two reports from www.sinhuanet.com. 

Seven People Drowned in a Reservoir(水库)

Reporter Tang got the news from Guangdong Provincial Government that people died in a drowning accident on April 5th, 2015. A 17-year-old girl , Xiao Yi, fell into a reservoir while washing hands after a tomb(墓) sweeping with her family. Her sister, her parents , her brother and some of her relatives jumped into the water one after one to save her, although they didn't have good swimming skills. Unfortunately, none of them succeeded. As a result, Xiao Yi ans six of her family members lost their lives.

Three People Lost Their Lives in the Dongjiang River

On May 1st, 2015, seven middle school students went swimming in the Dongjiang River. At first, they had a great time playing in the water. Suddenly one of the boys had a cramp(抽筋) . He went up and down in the water and shouted for help. Two of them tried to save him, but got drowned. At that time, a man called Li Jinlin was fishing

nearby. When he heard the shout, he jumped into the water without a second thought. He tried his best to save the second one, he ran out of energy and couldn't go up again. Two students and he lost their loves.


(1)、   The website for the readers to get the news reports

(2)、The time of the first accident  

(3)、   The thing Xiao Yi was doing when she fell into the reservoir

(4)、The person who saved a student in the Dongjiang River

(5)、 The number of the people who lost lives in the two accidents


    Each summer, you hear news that some sports players are sent to hospitals because it is too hot. Our bodies can't be outside in the sun for a long time. So in hot summers, be careful about playing sports outside.

    Firstly, to play sports safely in hot weather, you must drink water. Sports drinks are great for athletes, but they have so much sugar that they'll dehydrate(使脱水)you more. However, drinking afew bottles of sports drinks will be good for you.

    Secondly, be sure to take enough breaks to let your body rest. If your coach doesn't let you do so in the heat, don't wait until you feel uncomfortable. Just be honest with your coach when you need breaks.

    Thirdly, when you have a break, don't sit in the sun. With the sun beating down on you, you'll only heat up and sweat(冒汗)more. Take a seat under a tree, or even better, go indoors for a little while.

    Cooling yourself down can help you stay active longer.

    Fourthly, remember that the earlier in the day you start your exercise, the cooler it will be. If you can start practice before the sun comes up, you have a few good hours to practice in the cool hours of the morning. Also, the earlier you practice, the earlier you can finish the exercise. If you need more practice time, come back to the field later in the evening when the sun is setting.

Last but not least, you should watch your food. Eat food which is high in water, starch(淀粉)and carbohydrate(糖类), but be sure to get a good balance in your diet.

    As long as you pay attention to the above, playing sports safely in the heat isn't a difficult thing.

How to keep {#blank#}1{#/blank#}when playing sports in summer


Ø   Some people do exercise{#blank#}2{#/blank#}in the sun for long in hot summer.

Ø   Some sports players are sent to hospitals because the{#blank#}3{#/blank#}is too high.


Ø   Drink water and play sports safely. But too many bottles of sports drinks may do

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}to you.

Ø   Take enough {#blank#}6{#/blank#} during summer exercise. When you feel uncomfortable, let your coach know right now.

   {#blank#}7{#/blank#}sit in the sun when you have a rest. You'd better sit under a tree or go indoors for a while, which may help you keep active longer.

Ø   Choose a proper time for practice. Remember to exercise as{#blank#}8{#/blank#} as possible to enjoy exercising on cool summer mornings. Sunset is a good choice as well.

Ø   Be careful with your{#blank#}9{#/blank#}and have a balanced diet.


The more you pay attention to the{#blank#}10{#/blank#} , the safer you will be while playing outside in the heat!


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}Cathy is going to take the big exams. She is so nervous and she has many problems. The biggest problem is how she can prepare for the exams.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Jenny's best friend got angry with her because she didn't let her copy in the exam. They haven't talked to each other for several days. She doesn't know what to do.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Andy is unhappy because her parents always compare(对比) her with other children. She knows they hope she can be better, but they never care about her feelings.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Luke heard that he has to choose subjects after entering senior high school. That makes him really worried a lot. How can he make a good choice?

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Anna sometimes feels life is so boring without anything interesting. There's too much homework to do. She doesn't think study is the only thing students should do.

A. Teenagers should learn to make a good choice about careers(职业). First of all, ask yourself what you really like and want to be. Then choose the subjects that help your dream come true.

B. Life should be colorful. You should learn to plan your time for your study and hobbies. Try to spare some time to do the things you are interested in.

C. You should keep cool and make good use of your time. The first thing is to list everything you are not sure about and ask your teachers for help.

D. Tell your parents that other kids are similar to you. They play computer games too. And also sometimes they make fun of others. They are bad kids!

E. It's normal to have problems between friends. Why not invite her to see a movie if she likes that? It can make her happy.

F. Do lots of exercise and keep healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables. These help you a lot.

G. You should let your mom and dad know how you feel. And tell them that you also want to do better and are always trying your best.

Answer the questions. (根据短文内容,回答下列问题。)

    Every month, junior high schools in China choose one hero of the month. This person is a hero because he or she has done something to help protect animals in danger. Huang Jing decided to write a letter to the President of China.

Dear Mr President.

    I have been doing a project at school recently about animals in danger. I think the situation all over the world is really terrible. I am writing to you to suggest what China should do to help protect animals more.

    I know that there are nearly 2, 000 nature reserves in China, which is good. I live in Beijing and there are about 30 reserves outside the city. We visited one of them last month to sec for ourselves.

    I feel so sorry for the giant panda. It's one of the most popular animals in the world and a real symbol of China. We learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body weight of bamboo in 24 hours!That's a lot of bamboo. I think we should try to do more to stop cutting down forests. Pandas are already a rare animal and it would be so sad if they became extinct(灭绝)forever.

    The other animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator(场子努). These creatures live in some parts of eastern China. These beautiful animals live in freshwater rivers and lakes but the water in some places isn't clean enough for them to live in. It's really dirty in fact. The government should stop factories polluting the lakes and rivers.

    If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more foreigners may wish to visit China to see them. They could be an important tourist attraction. It would be good if more people came to visit our beautiful country, especially to see the quieter areas in the country. Now most visitors just see the cities.

    I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important subject.

Sincerely yours,

Huang Jing

