
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


Choose the best answer.

    Renminbi is on the rise

    Ye Li plans to study abroad after she finishes high school in summer. It will cost her parents a large sum of money. But as the value of the Chinese yuan has been rising in the last few months, the girl is happy to find she will need much less money.

    One US dollar used to buy 8.28 yuan Renminbi(RMB) in 2004. But by last Tuesday the number had fallen to 6.77. That means Ye's tuition fee(学费) at $ 20, 000 will cost her 30200 yuan less.

    What are exchange rates?

    The amount of RMB that one dollar can buy is called the exchange rate(汇率) between the RMB and US dollar. There are exchange rates between most countries. They show the rate at which one currency(货币) can be exchanged for another.

    The rates are decided by the different prices of the same product in countries. These change every day. A currency will become more expensive when demand(需求) for it is greater. As more and more countries have begun to trade(做贸易) with China in recent years, the RMB is in great demand, which has made its value go up.

    The other side of the coin

    A more expensive RMB is good for people like Ye. Chinese people can get more foreign currencies while exchanging with their money. They can buy more imported food, clothes, and cars. It also makes it cheaper to travel abroad.

    But it is not good for Chinese exporters(出口商) , like clothing sellers. A S1 export will bring in less yuan.

    What's more, Chinese clothing sells well abroad because of its low prices. Now a made-in-China T-shirt will cost foreigners more. There may be fewer foreigners who will buy Chinese products.

(1)、According to the story. Ye Li's tuition fee is ___________ now.
A、165, 600 yuan B、135, 400 уuаn C、20, 000 yuan D、11, 800 уuan
(2)、The value of a currency ___________.
A、never changes with time B、rises when more of it is demanded C、falls when it's in greater demand D、depends on how many people using it
(3)、"The other side of a coin" here means ___________.
A、it's easy to turn a coin the other way up B、Chinese people are richer now C、the rise of RMB has a harmful as well as a positive side D、China is exporting more clothes
(4)、A more expensive RMB has brought many benefits(好处) except ___________.
A、Chinese can buy more imported food, clothes and cars B、it will do good to our exporters C、Chinese can spend less money traveling abroad than before D、Chinese people are richer exchanging their money for foreign currencies
(5)、Which of the following is true?
A、The amount of RMB that one dollar can buy is called the exchange rate. B、Chinese clothing sells well abroad because of its high quality. C、A currency will become more expensive when it is in great demand. D、The more expensive RMB is, the better our life will be.
(6)、The story mainly tells us ___________.
A、the RMB has become more expensive B、it's cheaper to travel abroad C、the RMB is in great demand D、foreigners won't buy Chinese clothes
Is there some one you hate? Well. Maybe you don't really hate them. But you get really angry every time you think of them. If you don't let this anger go, it can turn into bitterness(痛苦).
Bitterness appears when we can't forgive someone who has hurt us or made us angry. Someone might say or do something that hurts us. But instead of controlling he anger ,we keep t deep inside . Before long, a bitter feeling begins to grow. We may think we are hurting that person by criticizing(指责)him or her often ,but we are really only hurting ourselves.
Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease ,but also hurt out relationships with friends and family members .No one enjoy being around an angry person for very long .
If you see bitterness in your life ,here are some ways to deal with it .
Accept it
Instead of trying to deny your anger ,make it clear to yourself and accept it .See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it .
Stop making excuses for it
You may feel you have a right to be angry .You may think you are right and the other person is wrong . You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad .But in the end ,bitterness hurts you much more than the other person . The bitterness will hold you back . and the other person will go on with his or her life .
Forgive and forget it
You probably can not completely put the anger out of your mind .But you can decide to forgive the other person . Forget it and move on .You'll enjoy better health and peace of mind .


    For thousands of years, poetry has been the favorite type of literature for many in China. As China Highlights website noted, “Chinese literature is one of the major (主要的) parts of China's ancient traditions, and Chinese poetry is just like the best prize (瑰宝) in this famous culture's literary treasure house.”

    There were many famous poets from different periods of time in Chinese history, and thousands of their poems are still read and appreciated today.

    To remind people of those classic Chinese poems and to promote cultural heritage (遗产), China Central Television (CCTV) has produced a TV show – Chinese Poetry Competition. The finale of the hit show's second season was shown on Feb 7.

    Wu Yishu, 16, who studies at the High School Afliated to Fudan University in Shanghai, came out on top. In an earlier episode, Wu wowed the audience when performing in a section entitled “Feihualing”. The game's theme (主题) was “yue”, meaning “moon” or “month” in Chinese. She recited lines from the Classic of Poetry (《诗经》 ), the earliest collection of poems in China: “In July, the crickets are in the field; In August, they are in the yard; In September they are at the door; In October, the crickets enter and crawl under our beds.

    “I really admire her knowledge of poems,” said Huang Zijin, 16, a senior 2 student from Ningbo High School in Zhejiang province. “The first time I saw her wearing traditional Han clothing on TV, I was very impressed by her classical looks. She fulfills all my fantasies for classic Chinese women's talents. What's more, she always appears so calm throughout the show, which is very unusual for her age.”

    As the old saying goes: “One who is filled with knowledge always behaves with elegance (优雅).”

    “Learning poems isn't about winning or losing. The power of poetry lies in shaping one's view of life and developing one's inner world,” said Li Bo, an expert guest at the Chinese Poetry Competition's second season.

    When it comes to teaching people about poetry, Li Dingguang, the show's academic advisor, suggested that teachers should explain more about the beauty of the poetry from both the aesthetic (审美的) and emotional sides, and guide the student to lose themselves in the poems' rhythmic (有节奏的) and rhyming (押韵的) lines.

    “Although the proportion (比例) of ancient Chinese poems in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools has increased, many students still learn them for exams,” Li Dingguang told China.org.cn. “Therefore, it's important to help students truly appreciate the artistry and fun of poetry.”



    Clothing is a language. It tells us about individual people: their personality, age, place in society and so on. If we want to know more about society, we can look at traditional clothing.

    The continent of Africa has a long history and a rich culture, and this is shown in traditional dress. You often find three colors— red, gold and green in the clothing. The first color stands for the blood of millions of people who suffered as slaves(奴隶), the second is for the rich resources of the African earth, and the third represents the grasslands of home.

    The patterns on the clothing also have a meaning. A common pattern is in the form of a cross “×”, which stands for “unity”. Another pattern is a rectangular(矩形) box, which represents “strength”.

    Because clothing has a strong social meaning, people are very careful in choosing what to wear. It would be a serious mistake to wear the wrong clothing, or to wear clothes in the wrong way. For instance, in Ghana, a woman should wear her waistband differently according to the importance of the social event. 

    Traditional dress also tells us about everyday life. African designs are famous for loose(宽松的) clothing. The climate, with the hot sun and wide temperature ranges(变化), requires that the clothes are comfortable for daily life. 

    Although many people wear western clothes, particularly in the big cities in Africa, traditional dress is very highly valued(评价). This is because it has deep cultural meanings.


    Most people have heard of the Great Wall, but not many people outside China know about the Grand Canal. This man-made waterway is known to the Chinese as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand. Canal. It is the longest as well as one of the oldest canals in the world and a place of interest. It's 1,797 kilometres long and some parts of it are more than 2,000 years old. Starting from Beijing, it passes through Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the city of Hangzhou. The Grand Canal links the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

    It was built as a way to transport grain from the rich agricultural land in China's south to cities in the north. In fact, it's not one canal, but a system of canals and rivers linked together. It's still an important part of the transport system in China. Thousands of ships use it every day to transport grain and many other types of goods.

    The Chinese government has done new work on the Grand Canal. It has made Darts of it deeper, so bigger ships can use it. The canal also helps to move water. There is a lot of rain in the south of China, but not as much in the north. The canal can carry millions of liters (公升) of water from the south to the north.

    The Grand Canal is much less famous than the Great Wall, and not very many tourists visit it. But it's possible to go on a cruise (乘船游览) along some of the oldest parts of the canal. Passengers on these cruises can see beautiful parts of China that other visitors don't see.

