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题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津上海(本地版)五四制初中英语九年级下册Module 2 Unit 4 All about films and TV单元测试卷(含小段音频)

Choose the best answer.

    Many scientists think that the Earth is getting warmer and warmer. If the change continues, the natural world and human society will face danger. Scientists believe human activity is responsible for the climate change. We produce too many greenhouse gases. They keep heat in the air and make the Earth warm.

    Many of the world's governments agree. And they want to solve the problem. So from 7 to 18 December, 2009,they held a conference in Copenhagen, Denmark to talk about global warming and climate change.

    Representatives(代表) from 192 countries and regions went to the meeting. Although they have not reached an agreement, the Copenhagen Accord(《哥本哈根协议》) was an important beginning to save the Earth. It was made by a small group of countries including China,the USA,India, Brazil and South Africa. Some other countries at the conference also showed support.

    What are the key points of the Copenhagen Accord? The accord limits global temperature increases to 2C by 2050. Scientists think it could help the world to avoid serious climate change.

    The accord also says that developed countries must promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions(排放) to the UN by 31 January, 2010. The accord asks developed countries to give money to help developing countries.

    Many countries and organizations are disappointed that the conference didn't reach a legal document(法律文书). And they think the accord is not clear enough about its goals.

African leaders are worried that the goal of a 2℃ global temperature increase isn't good enough, because it will mean a much higher increase in temperature across Africa. This could cause big problems like food and water shortages across the continent.

    Still, UN Secretary General believes the conference was an "improvement".

    "Finally we reached a deal," Ban said," the accord may not be everything everyone had hoped for, but this is an important beginning."

(1)、What do scientists believe is responsible for the climate change?
A、Human activity. B、Animals growing. C、Plants growing. D、Too many people.
(2)、____________ countries and regions took part in the Copenhagen meeting.
A、18 B、20 C、192 D、205
(3)、What did NOT members of the Copenhagen meeting talk about?
A、Economic recovery (经济复苏). B、Global warming. C、Climate change. D、Cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
(4)、What's the attitude of African leaders towards the goal of a 2C global temperature increase?
A、They are happy about it. B、They don't care much about it. C、They are worried about it. D、They support it.
(5)、What does the underlined word" disappointed" mean?
A、It means "worried" because something bad has happened. B、It means "sad" because something was not as good as they had hoped. C、It means "afraid" because of something terrible. D、It means "upset" because of the changeable situation.
(6)、Which is TRUE about the Copenhagen Accord?
A、Developing countries must promise to cut greenhouse gas emissions. B、Both developing countries and developed countries should not produce any greenhouse gases. C、The EU agreed to give $ 3.6 billion to help developing countries. D、The Copenhagen Accord isn't a legal document, but it's an important beginning to save the Earth.
   It's important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:
   1. Reduce
   If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. Millions of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have any trees left. Other things are also being wasted, and people don't know what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste
   2. Reuse
   You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. With a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.
   3.  Recycle
   Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so, we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat(压平)and melted (融化) and the melted things are made for new coke cans.
   4.  Recover
   When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten(腐烂的)apples. You have two choices: one is to throw the whole apple away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and eat the good parts. In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.
   5.  Repair
   If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it instead of throwing it away. If you want to change for better ones, It is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a   “throw-away” society(社会). But the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment. Every one of us should try our best.

       Learning about the environment is very important. There are many good books that will help you learn. To get started, ask your teacher or your friends for some advice. You can also look at some good websites with information about the environment and climate change. Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.
       Driving a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be smart about it. Some people use less energy by sharing a car. For example, four people can ride together in one car instead of driving four cars to work. Whenever we use electricity, we put greenhouse gases into the air. By turning off the lights, the television, and the computer when they aren't needed, you can help a lot.
Don't buy products (产品) that use too much energy. Some products, like certain cars, are made specially to save energy. These cars can travel longer on less gasoline (汽油). They don't pollute as much, either. Products like computers, TVs and VCRs with the ENERGY STAR label (标签) are made to save energy. Buying products with these labels will help protect the environment.
    Buy recyclable (可循环再用的) products instead of non-recyclable ones. Recyclable products are usually made out of things that have already been used. It usually takes less energy to make recyclable products than to make new ones. So when you go shopping, look for the recycle mark on the package. The less energy we use, the better.

    When your school doesn't have a bus, and you live too far away to walk? How do you go to school?  “Let's carpool! ”most US middle school students will get that cool idea. Carpooling is a group of people sharing the responsibility(责任) of driving to school in the morning. There are usually four or five kids in a carpool and their parents take turns driving the kids in their cars. It might be the kids' first experience with real teamwork. Teamwork is really important in the carpool because nobody wants to make everyone else late. It's a great lesson in resposibility.
    Carpooling is coming into fashion everywhere now. You can find lots of informations of carpooling on the internet. Carpooling is cool! Why?
    It's good for the environment. In today's culture of everyone needing to try their best to protect our environment, carpooling is one of the best ways. By taking 3 cars off the road, the pollution can be cut a little. Take that over a town, a city, a state, a country and think about how much less pollution is going to be in the air over the course of even one year.
    Gas(汽油) now is much more expensive than it used to and if you need to watch the cents(美分), then it's possible that carpooling could be the answer to your prayers. Even if you have to use your car once a week instead of two, that's one round trip of gas you're saving. So carpooling helps you save money.
    Carpooling is a great way of getting to know people better. If you're carpooling grade school kids, then you'll find that slowly you'll get to know your child's peers(同龄人) and friends better. It's a great opportunity to meet people while saving the environment and your money.


    What would the world be like if cars could drive themselves? Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner, or a car full of passengers who are reading, listening to music or even sleeping, but none of them are worried about the road ahead.

Well, all of this could be the future of driving. There are several companies, including Google, working on driverless (无人驾驶的) cars, which are currently in the testing stages. If the tests are successful, these electric, self-driven cars could be available very soon. But, how is it possible for a car to drive itself?

    Cars already have many features allowing them to take over for drivers in certain situations. Some features include cars being able to park themselves, or slow down when they detect objects (物体) close by. They can also control the speed if there are dangerous conditions, such as snow or slippery (滑的) roads.

    Other features have also changed the way drivers react to some situations. Scientists and engineers believe, with the help of wireless signals, cameras and GPS, we are now at a stage where creatinga safe self-driving car might be possible.

    The self-driven car may be the answer to lowering the number of deadly (致命的) accidents caused by careless drivers or dangerous conditions. However, there are still some people who do not like the idea. American lawyer Whit Drake, for example, doesn't believe these cars are safe. He thinks the possibility of the technology making a mistake will be too high.


    When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes often. It is only when we can not see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.

    People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.

    People who are farsighted face just the opposite problem They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they most get glasses too.

    Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people'8 eyes become cloudy because of cataracts. Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

    When night fails, colors become fainter to the eyes and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the side of your eyes rather than the centers. Sometimes, after dark, you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. This is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. Men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. When they turn to look straight at it, they can not see it any more, and they believe they were mistaken. However, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark.

