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题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Is our planet heating up? Are human beings to blame for climate change? The discussion on this subject has been heated, but what are scientists actually saying? At Reader's Digest, we decided to find it out.


    Yes, it has, and even warmer. Greenland was forested between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago, so temperatures were considerably warmer then. There have also been other times of relatively high temperatures.

    So why does the concern exist?

    It's all about the speed at which temperatures are changing. But in the 20th and 21st centuries, especially since 1976, temperatures have probably risen more quickly than during any century in the past 1 ,000 years. Warming may bring improved crop production and other benefits to northern countries such as Canada or Russia. However, many species may not adapt to these conditions, and the one that is able to may cause a problem. The West Nile virus, first seen in North America nine years ago, infected about 4,000 people in the US in 2006. The mountain pine beetle, which is active during warmer winters, has already destroyed about 13 million hectares of Canada's forests, worth an estimated $6. 4 billion.

    What is causing the warming?

    IPCC has concluded that human activity is very likely responsible, by increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases and thus the greenhouse effect. They argue the human contribution is nothing.

A. Some scientists, however, still disagree.

B. Has the planet ever been this warm before?

C. Has human behavior made the planet warm?

D. Temperatures have been changing all the time.

E. In the past, temperatures moved up or down gradually.

F. Mosquitoes have been moving northwards to higher places.

G. These questions have burst into newspapers, films and popular books.


        In many countries of the world, people do what is called housesitting.It means that if owners of the house are going away, they wantsomeone to come into their home and look after the house and maybe pets whilethey are away.

        In Australia, many people travel.After peopleretire, they might buy a van and travel all over the country.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

        So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason, theymight want someone in their home to care for it and keep the gardens tidy.House sittersmight have to care for pets.Also, quite afew people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. I feel it isa great way of seeing the country, because you go and stay in a new city, getto meet new people, and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.There arewebsites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel, and byreplying to the advertisement, you can make arrangements to go and look aftertheir home.

        There are some requirements to be a house sitter.You must be atrusted person, so that the home owner knows you will not steal anything.You must beable to go when the house owner wants you to go, so you need lots of free time.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}.You need to begood with pets, able to care for cats and dogs, or other pets they may have.

        Some house sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple ofweeks while the house owners have a short holiday.Sometimes itis for much longer.We have hadone house sit for six months, while the home owner travelled to Europe.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Then you can travel to many differentcountries and stay there.One of theimportant things to get is references from the home owners where you havestayed. A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthyand have looked after their home well.You can showthese letters to possible house sitting jobs and they know you will do a goodjob.

A.I have donehouse sitting many times.

B.Thousands ofpeople do this all the time.

C.It is alsopossible to do house sitting in other countries.

D.Generally youhave many opportunities to get a house sitting job.

E.You must takea little care over what your description says about you.

F.This is aninternational house sitting service for all city and country areas.

G.Youmust have a good car, so you can travel to different parts of the country.


    For the rest of March,a disease will sweep across the US.It will keep kids home from school. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Employees will suddenly lose their ability to concentrate.

    The disease, known as “March Madness”, refers to the yearly 65-team US men's college basketball tournament (锦标赛). {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Teams compete against each other in a single-elimination (单局淘汰) tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.

    Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness. The fun comes partly from guessing the winners for every game. Friends compete against friends. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}  Colleagues against bosses.

    Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament.But each year there are dark horses from little-known universities.

    This adds to the madness.Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000,for many Americans,is an exciting experience.Two years ago,the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} About $4 billion will be spent gambling (赌) on the event.According to Media Life magazine,the event will bring in $ 500 million in advertising income this year,topping the post -season income of every US professional league,including that of the NBA.

A. Husbands against wives.

B.The players will go all out for the games.

C.But that doesn't mean money isn't involved.

D.College students will ignore piles of homework.

E.People are willing to spend more money on watching it.

F.It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April.

G.Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.


    Teens are certainly confusing and complicated, but there is one thing that's clear about them: More than anything else, they want to fit in with their peers. They want and need to stay connected. Without connection, they feel lonely, anxious and sad{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Teens, like adults, run into all sorts of dilemmas with their friends. Friendships are neither all good nor all bad. As an adult, you have experience with these sorts of friends and have made your own adjustments in these relationships. Given both your own life experience and your concern for your teens, you're in an excellent position to help your teens set boundaries with friends. Certainly, some friendships are worth maintaining, while some are not,{#blank#}2{#/blank#}There are many ways you can help your teens handle these relationships effectively. Here are some steps I would suggest taking:

    Teach your teens to label their feelings. They need to know what it is that they are feeling first to effectively set limits and boundaries with friends. Help them label setbacks, exhaustion, disappointment and anger. This is no small task. Many kids struggle with labeling their feelings.

     {#blank#}3{#/blank#}If they sense that something is wrong in a friendship, they're probably right, end they need to quit it as soon as possible.

    Explain to your teens that they can't be all things to all friends. And let them know that friendships are most likely to grow and continue if they feel good about them.

    Discuss different ways to set boundaries. Explain to your kids that just as it makes sense to say yes at times{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Just as it's fine to spend lots of time with a friend during the week, it's equally OK to spend less time with the same friend when that friend is being too demanding or needy.

    Look at your behavior in relationships{#blank#}5{#/blank#} They are quietly watching your every move. So .make sure you're setting a good example for them to follow in your relationships as well.

A. so they need to tel what are right relationships

B. and they shall find their way ou of those friendship

C. Keep in mind that you are your teens' most important role model

D. Remind your teens of bad relationships

E. it's also socially acceptable to say no at other times

F. Encourage your teens to mind their feelings and follow the sixth sense

G. but they may get exhausted by their friendships as well


Evaluating Sources of Health Information

    Making good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant information, how to separate fact from opinion, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} 

    Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported,and determine whether it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior " contributes to " or is "associated with" an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Carefully read or listen to information in order to fully understand it.

    Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Evaluate "scientific" statements carefully, and be aware of quackery (江湖骗术).

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Friends and family members can be a great source of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.

    Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about health problems will serve you well throughout your life.

A. Make choices that are right for you.

B. The goal of an ad is to sell you something.

C. Be sure to work through the critical questions.

D. And examine the findings of the original research.

E. Distinguish between research reports and public health advice.

F. Be aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an author's point of view.

G. The following suggestions can help you sort through the health information you receive from common sources.


    A volunteering vacation can be a meaningful way to spend your time off, but to make the trip satisfying both for you and the cause you are supporting, several factors need to be considered. Here is some advice on planning the satisfactory vacation:

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} There are hundreds of causes to volunteer for, and finding one close to your heart will lead to a more worthwhile trip. Possibilities include wildlife conservation, education, environmental protection, health and nutrition. Also, consider any personal and professional skills that you can contribute. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Choose your destination and setting. Your volunteering trip will be more enjoyable if you use it to reach a favorite destination. Southeast Asia is on your mind, helping with tree­planting programs in Bali would benefit the environment and let you appreciate the scenic island. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Is volunteering outdoors in a hot or snowy climate attractive, or do you prefer being in an air­conditioned office?

    Ask the right questions. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Be aware that most volunteering programs require a week-long stay. Ask other questions like: How many hours of work per day is required? Are there days off? Will you be working individually or as part of a team? And what are the goals of your efforts? {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Ask if the cost includes only accommodations or meals and transportation too.

A. Figure out your cause.

B. Find a well­respected organization.

C. And think about the surroundings you want.

D. Your duty there is to rest and play.

E. The more you know about your trip, the more successful it will be.

F. Despite the word “volunteer”, these vacations usually cost you some money.

G. If you're a doctor, for example, working at a health clinic could be an ideal fit.


    Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience. Of course, you want to make sure that you become an acceptable and valuable part of your neighborhood the easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

    Perhaps one of the most important things you can do as a good neighbor is to keep your property(房产) neat, clean, and in good repair. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} By choosing to keep the outside of the home in great shape, you will help to improve the look and feel of the area.

    Second, take the overall appearance of the neighborhood seriously. When going for a walk. Take a small garbage bag. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} This small act will let your neighbors know that you care about the area.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} If a neighbor is going to be out of town, offer to collect mail and newspapers. If a neighbor suffers an illness, offer to do the grocery shopping. Let them know you are there to help in any way this acceptable, while still respecting the privacy of your neighbor.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} By following the basic rules of respecting others, taking care of what belongs to you, and taking pride in the appearance of the neighborhood in general, you will quickly become a good neighbor that everyone appreciate.

A. In general, keep an eye on their property while they are gone.

B.A good neighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways.

C. Being a good neighbor is more or less about considerate behavior.

D. Sometimes neighbors may go to the supermarket together to do shopping.

E. Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.

F. People tend to lake pride in keeping everything in their street fresh and inviting.

G. Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.

