
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



How to Survive Being Stuck in a Lift

    Being stuck in a lift, also known as an elevator, can sometimes be scary, especially if you are a fan of those kinds of movies which have a lot of elevator tragedies. You may think being stuck in an elevator in real life is not like in the movies.

    Remain calm and do not panic! You may have heard of this a lot of times and it is true that panicking will do you no good.

    Press each of the floor buttons one by one. Then, try the "doors open" button. If none of the buttons works, the lift is broken, and you need to let someone know about it.

    See if your phone has any reception or Internet. If you have WiFi connection, contact a family member or friend. Don't forget to tell them what the address is of the building and possibly which elevator you are stuck in. If your phone is not available, the following tips can help you.

    Look through the gap between the doors of the lift. If you can see light between the doors, the lift has stopped near a floor, and you should be able to shout for help and be released. Do not try to force the doors open yourself. If you can't see light between the doors, the lift has stopped between floors, and no one will be able to let you out if you scream for help. Look for an emergency telephone. If there is no telephone, press the alarm button repeatedly.

    If you have waited for more than half an hour and nobody has come to get you out, shout and bang the inside walls of the lift. If no one is responding to you, then you'll have to accept that you will be in the lift overnight. If this happens, make yourself as comfortable as possible to save your energy. By morning, the building should be full again. You can try to get some help then.

A. Check the time.

B. It will cause you not to be able to think clearly.

C. Eventually, someone should hear you and get help.

D. Here are some tips to help you survive.

E. However, it is still a vital thing to know how to survive if it ever happens to you.

F. If you do have reception, call emergency services.

G. Use your watch.


    Success is so much more than just money or fame. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} If you want to have a successful life, if you want to create a life that makes you feel passionate to be alive, here are the three things you need to focus on.

    Believe In Yourself

    If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect other people to?

    If you don't believe that you can have the life you desire, if you don't believe that you can achieve all that you are setting out to achieve, it is going to be very difficult to create a successful life.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} It also helps you to take a leap of faith when it comes to going after what it is that you truly desire.


    If your intention is simply rooted in money and fame, chances are you are never going to truly feel successful. The feeling of success that is given through money and fame is only temporary and is not enough to sustain a long-term feeling of fulfillment and happiness.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#} When your intention is to serve your purpose, make a change in the world and express your gifts and talents, you will feel true success and satisfaction no matter what the outcome.

    Realize You Are Already Successful

    Success is all around you and flows through you and the more you can welcome that into your life, the more you will start to feel it.

    Being grateful for the tiniest successes in life will also help you to create more and more success.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} The truth is that you are already successful and once you realize this, there is no stopping what you can do.

A. Know Your Intention.

B. Realize your dream.

C. When you believe in yourself, it fuels your creativity, your ambitions and your motivation to do things.

D. Success is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.

E. For a truly successful life, your intention has to be rooted in your purpose, in your passions and in what feels good to you.

F. This is a powerful mindset shift and one that will help you to align (使结盟)with your ambitions and dreams.

G. Success is about being able to live a happy and fulfilling life that allows you to be true to who you really are.


    Trust has been considered as the basis of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long with a lack of trust. Not many of your friends will have real faith in you as you would like to believe. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Sometimes, it takes years, even a complete lifetime, to trust someone. However, how do we know if our friends have faith in us?

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} With whom will you share things that you don't want everyone to know? It would be with a close friend, whom you trust as much as you trust yourself.

    Whom do you look up to for advice when you need it the most? It has to be either your parents or your friends. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}____ This is a shining example of trust. You only seek advice from people you hold in high regard and find dependable. The friends who trust you will never forget to include you in the important decisions of their life.

    Arguments and heated discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} While some people find it difficult to forgive and forget, your friends will never have problems moving on. It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose.

    There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. You can determine that they trust you and believe in your beliefs if they side with you when you need them the most.

A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes.

B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion.

C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships.

D. Two people can't have the same reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist.

E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you can't take that comfort level for granted.

F.If your friends share their secrets, there's a good possibility that they have much faith in you.

G. However, people fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.


    Today we eat on the go, at our desks and even in front of computers. We eat takeout, delivered and packaged meals.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}

     “Over the past three decades, people have started eating out more than ever before and purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery store, which tend to contain more fat, salt and sugar than their home-made foods,” noted US healthy living website Spark People.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing, sharing and consuming food, as a recent USA today article put it. It all started in 1986 with the efforts of Slow Food's founding father, Italian activist Carlo Petrini, who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industrialization.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Now his idea is almost the mainstream.

    Starting at the table, the movement promotes an unhurried way of life founded on the idea that everyone has a right to cooking pleasure, and that everyone must also take responsibility to “protect the heritage (遗产) of food, tradition and culture that make this celebration of the senses possible”, wrote The Phnom Penh Post.

    “{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people,” Althea Zanecosky, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, told The Huf fington Post.”{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Dinner table conversations keep families together,” noted the Belgian non-profit organization Greenfudge.

A. It is a way to bring back the social togetherness of yesterday.

B. It seems that we have adapted our foods to our fast-paced lives.

C. So the Slow Food Movement has occurred against this fast-food trend.

D. Slow Food doesn't necessarily mean food that takes a long time to cook.

E. It is based on the idea that we should spend as much time as possible on cooking.

F. It's not only the food itself but also the time we spend dining together that matters.

G. At that time, he asked people to follow a more sustainable (可持续的) living model.


    The favorite food in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of round sandwich of cooked beef. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} At fast food restaurants, people order their food, wait a few minutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurants, people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Most of them sell hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes, which are traditionally popular foods among Americans. In addition, there are many fast food restaurants that serve Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice cream.

    The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one. Fast food restaurants are popular. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

    First, they are not formal restaurants. Customers wear any type of dress when they go to a fast food place. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} People who are busy do not want to spend time preparing their own food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In fast food restaurants the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} However, they may not be able to afford a more traditional and more expensive restaurant very often.

A. Second, they are fast.

B. Chinese diets are also welcome.

C. In fact, they reflect American life style.

D. They will go to a good restaurant for important guests.

E. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant.

F. Therefore, people can afford to eat at a fast food restaurant often.

G. There are many kinds of fast food restaurants in the United States.


    I've seen every shape, color and creative package of job application possible. But I've never seen one that actually scared me. But then recently, something happening shocked me.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}, safety guards at Eastern Illinois University asked all the students to leave a building.

    “There was no return address. It was poorly written and poorly addressed to the university. There were misspellings,” school spokeswoman Vicki Woodard said on Saturday. “There was some tape over it. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.” The unusual size, no return address, misspellings in the address and the tape holding torn parts together were enough to bring in the local bomb experts. They examined the package with X-rays and blocked off nearby streets—only to discover the envelope contained only an application for admission to the school.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}. Would you think that young student would be a great addition to your university? Would you want that person working for you—representing your company? {#blank#}4{#/blank#}, with a baseball cap on, and then asking, “You don't have any jobs, do you?”, I am always amazed. I also see college graduates wandering at career fairs in slippers and coffee-stained T-shirts, handing out resumes (简历) in hope of getting a well-paid job. These people are usually not hired.

It's funny how a clean shirt and pair of pants, an enthusiastic smile and direct eye contact can change the economy immediately. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. If you dress well and behave politely

B. Just the whole appearance was rather strange

C. I wonder what you would think of that application

D. Good manners and politeness are usually ignored nowadays.

E. When I see people walking into business companies in torn shorts

F. After a doubtful looking package addressed to the college was discovered

G. It's also funny how a well-prepared application will get you into your favorite university


How to Raise Money for Your Favorite Charity

    At the end of the year, we are often inspired to do more for people in need. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Don't worry. Here's a quick and easy tip-list to make such a worthy act successful.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}You need to make sure that both you and your participants enjoy the event. So keep it simple and make sure that you add some fun, whether it's special decoration, a bag for each participant or guest, or a special theme.

    Get team support.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Teamwork may give you some new ideas and help give a unique feature to your event. Make sure that you break down the work among your team.

    Plan for the "what-ifs?" If you are planning to hold an event outdoors, or if you are relying on a famous person as a guest of honor, make sure you think of a few possible alternatives.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}This is the key to successful event planning.

    Timing is everything. Check your community calendar to make sure there are no important community events on the day that you are planning your event. You might want to check with other communities or non-profit organizations nearby.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

Check out your favorite charity's website for ideas. Many websites offer advice on how to raise money. For example, the human rights charity Amnesty International lists events and ideas on its website.

A. Keep it fun and simple.

B. Tell the charity about the event.

C. Have no idea of where to begin?

D. Turn to friends for some creative ideas.

E. Remember to thank anyone who has donated.

F. Try to pick the date that will bring in the best attendance.

G. What if it starts raining or if your honored guest doesn't show up?

