
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Everybody hates the idea of cutting back financially(财政上) because it usually means living without things you like. But not always..They could reduce your costs by thousands of dollars a year.


    An increasing number of grocery chains are selling their own lines of food. Actually, these brands cost vastly less than the name brands, but taste the same. Switch and you could save 25 percent on your grocery bills.

    Make a list.

    Whether you're buying groceries or gifts, spur-of the-moment impulses(一时冲动)are your enemy.. If you want to buy something on impulse, force yourself to go home and think about it.

    Carry snacks.

    . The same holds true for anything you eat out. So if you know you're going to be out for several hours and likely to get hungry, throw an apple in your car or carry a six-pack of soda or water in your bag.

    Use it up.

    Before you run to the store, make sure you check your fridge. There's a good chance that you've got lots of unused or partially used items that will go to waste while you waste your cash buying more..

A. Make a savings plan

B. Switch to store brands

C. There are many painless ways to save

D. Choose reliable brands of well-known companies

E. Write a to-do list before you go shopping and stick to it

F. Whether it's food or beauty care, use it up before you replace it

G. Buy a soda at a restaurant and you're likely to pay twice as much


    Thinking about a career in public safety or law enforcement? Statistics show that these careers are growing, have great benefits, and can be very rewarding. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} But there are hundreds of public safety jobs to think about-everything from police officer who protect people to driver's license examiners who test driving skills.

    For example,Angela Bloom is an animal control worker for the city.She and her co-workers pick up animals that are lost, sick, or dangerous. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For this job, being in good physical condition is important and a high school diploma is required.It may be necessary for candidates to have received on-the-job training and hold certification.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}He looks for health problems in places where people prepare and serve food.There are many kinds of jobs for inspectors.For example,public safety inspectors look for safety violations or dangerous workplaces and fire inspectors look for problems in buildings that could cause fires. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}A college degree is often necessary. Actually, applicants with a bachelor's or master's degree,related experience or training in a foreign language may have the best job prospects.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}For those interested in working in this dynamic and rewarding field,a wide variety of options are available.So remember,if you like working with the public,and are looking for a good job,a career in public safety might be perfect for you.

A.Martin Lee is a health inspector.

B.You can come and apply for the degree.

C.They also investigate reports of animal abuse.

D.These are only a few of the job options available.

E.Problems solving skills are important for these jobs.

F.Their job is to find a person to adopt the homeless animals.

G.Police officer and firefighter are two of the most popular safety jobs in this field.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Everyone can help to save the world

    We are all environmentalists now. We all know about acid rain and the ozone hole. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} As consumers we have the power to make decisions which will contribute to a better world and it is in our power to do what we can to protect the earth.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#} In this way we have the power to influence retailers (零售商) to sell us these so-called “green” products. Therefore, the supermarkets have understood the message and are now trying to improve their environmental image. They are turning to less wasteful and recyclable packaging. The range of “green” products will continue to expand to meet the growing demand. This message has also reached the manufacturers. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} They have realized that protecting the environment may start as an advertising campaign but in the hands of intelligent people it can become a very profitable business. Besides, we can do more.

    Furthermore, we also know there are other areas where all of us can make a positive contribution to a cleaner, healthier and safer environment. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} There are a number of ways we can do this. For example, we now know how important it is to have our homes well insulated (隔热). We should choose the best energy efficient technology, such as modern light bulbs which can reduce electricity consumption by 80% over the older ones. We must also work hard to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. We all produce tons of rubbish and waste disposal has become a big problem. As an environmentally-conscious consumer we should buy products which do not have so much packaging. Also, we should try to avoid non-returnable goods at all costs. In Scandinavia and Germany, for example, plastic bottles and cans are now returnable goods.

    In conclusion it is important to emphasize once again the rise of consumer power. We must realize that we are all part of the problem.   {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. We can all reduce energy consumption at home and so cut the emissions from power systems.

B. For example, when we walk into a supermarket we can choose to buy environmentally friendly products and reject products which damage our planet.

C. There are some other ways to protect the environment.

D. Companies are developing environmentally friendly products that maintain a high quality and a low price.

E. But what are we doing about these problems?

F. Nevertheless we must also realize that we have the responsibility to be part of the solution.

G. Everybody has the duty to contribute to a cleaner world.


    We all go through times when we feel we are not good enough. We might feel that way at work or in school or even as a parent. Here are some things to remember when you feel like that.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. When 1 started my Ph.D. program, I felt like the dumbest (愚蠢的) person in every class. I couldn't believe how many smart people were there. I didn't know if I could measure up to their intelligence or compete in the same league with them. Years later, I found out that almost everyone felt this way, too.

    You are unique and have special talents. If you can barely make Hamburger Helper, don't compare yourself to your sister who is a chef. I'm sure you can do many things that she can't.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You are you. You are not your sister.

You need to stop chasing perfection. It doesn't exist. What's perfect to me is not perfect to you. So if you think that there is some objective measurement of perfection and that the rest of the world is judging you against,then you are wrong.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. Our sense of self-worth is based on our thoughts. We have been programmed for many years with thoughts about ourselves. Messages come from our parents, our peers, teachers, the media and our own labels. But guess what? They are only thoughts. Just because you think these thoughts, it doesn't make them true.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. You have the power to change your future.

B. So focus on your own passions and talents.

C. You are not the only one who feels this way.

D. If you love yourself for who you are, other people will notice.

E. You need to change your thought patterns.

F. One of my favorite sayings is, “Don't believe a negative thought you think!”

G. Most people are too worried about their own lack of perfection to judge you.


    Accidents happen more often than you think. Every year in China, 3.2 million people die in accidents – that's an average of six people per minute. Experts say that the 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    The second Saturday of September is World First Aid Day. It fell on Sept 8 this year. First aid refers to the first steps taken to help someone who's injured. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. It also includes getting help, either by telling other people or calling 120.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR, 心肺复苏), and treat things like burns, bleeding and broken bones. It takes as little as two hours to learn these skills.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. You can also read books or watch videos that can be found on free apps like First Aid(急救指南). {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. The Peking Union Medical College Hospital offers these options.

    “Learning first aid is good for everyone and it is better to start young,” Wang Jiangshan, a doctor in the hospital's emergency room, told the China Youth Daily. “It can benefit oneself and others for the rest of one's life.”

A. It includes keeping the person safe and staying calm

B. You can learn first aid by visiting the official website of China First Aid Training

C. This is why learning first aid is so important

D. Right now is a good time for us to learn more about first aid

E. Some hospitals also give courses or even hold first aid camps for kids

F. In the US, first aid is a basic skill that every student has to learn

G. Basic first aid training teaches you how to deal with emergencies


    How to Find Something You Like to Do

    Finding something you enjoy doing can improve the quality of your life and reduce your stress levels.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} It can also help you make friends or even provide a purpose in your life. Then how can you find something you like to do?

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Some hobbies, such as albums and gardening, can take up a lot of time. Other hobbies, such as video games or reading, can be done at your own pace and do not require any extended time.

    Research the hobby or activity you would like to get involved in. Find out how much time and money you will need to devote to starting and continuing the activity. For example, some sports—related interests might require special equipment. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Your local library or phone book should also have information on hobbies and activities in your area.

    Talk with other people who are involved in some of the activities you are interested in.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Ask if you could tag along(跟随) to a meeting or spend some time with this person while he is involved in his hobby to see if it is something you would enjoy.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Challenge yourself to try a new activity you are interested in for a week or so. Allow yourself to learn about the hobby and determine whether you will enjoy the activity or not.

A.Think about how a hobby benefits you.

B.A hobby can connect you with other people.

C.Take a chance on a hobby and see how it turns out.

D.Think about how much free time you can devote to a hobby.

E.You can find information about hobbies and interests on Find My Hobby's website.

F.You can get first—hand knowledge by interviewing someone about a particular hobby.

G.It takes a long time and energy to decide whether a particular hobby is right for you.

