
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    On March 25, 2010, Kate and David heard the words every parent dreads: Their newborn wasn't going to make it. Their twins­a girl and a boy­were born two minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to save the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone, and he'd stopped breathing. The baby had just moments to live.

    "I saw him gasp (喘息), but the doctor said it was no use," Kate told the Daily Mail five years later. "I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping, that was a sign of life. I wasn't going to give up easily."

    Still, the couple knew this was likely a goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him.

    "I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us," Kate told Today. "We'd resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments."

    Kate unwrapped the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and asked David to take his shirt off and join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as warm as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also talked to him.

    "We were trying to persuade him to stay," Kate told the Daily Mail. "We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we had tried to have him."

    Then something miraculous happened. Jamie gasped again­and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father's finger.

    The couple's lost boy had made it.

    "We're the luckiest people in the world," David told Today.

    Eight years later, Jamie and his sister, Emily, are happy and healthy. The couple only recently told the kids the story of their birth. "Emily burst into tears," Kate said. "She was really upset, and she kept hugging Jamie. This whole experience makes you cherish them more."

(1)、What can we learn about the newborn babies?
A、The boy's heart had stopped beating. B、The boy was 2 minutes older than the girl. C、The twins were born 14 weeks before the due date. D、The twins were expected to live for only 20 minutes.
(2)、When the couple knew they would lose the boy, they       .
A、begged the doctor to save him B、took his shirt off and then put him in bed C、wrapped him with his blanket to keep him warm D、talked to him and made close physical contact with him
(3)、What's the best title for the passage?
A、The Power of Hug. B、The Miracle of Love. C、The Bond Between Twins. D、The Responsibility of Parents.

Festivals in Wales this spring

    There's lots to see, do and experience in Wales this spring. And now it's time to embrace all things new and get ready to be entertained in the spring, come rain or shine.

    Wrexham, 10-12 May

    The annual festival showcases over 200 acts consisting of music, comedy, film and more. Since its opening event in 2011, Focus Wales has done a lot for emerging(新兴的)musicians across the country, and 2018 sees Welsh Music Prize winner The Gentle Good and Y Selar Best Band winners. Candelas, take the stage.

    Aberystwyth, 19-29 May

    Whether you prefer Hill Climbs or Sportives, the AberCycle Festival allows you to take all of it in from the saddle(鞍)of a bike, enjoying the world's most beautiful scenery. However, all work and no play makes us all dull boys and girls, so while you're in town be sure to pop in to one or two of the plenty of pubs in Aber(as the locals call it)for a nice, cold pint of Brains beer. You'll need it after all that cycling!

    Hay on Wye, 25-28 May

    The world's biggest music and philosophy festival returns in 2018 with its unique mix of tunes, talks and trapeze(吊杠)(yes, there are even circus performers!) Based in the magical surroundings of Hay on Wye, this four day festival takes place at the end of May and is perfect for everyone who likes a side of intellectualism(理智主义)with their traditional festival experience.

Lawrenny, 25-28 May

    In late May in the heart of the Pembrokeshire National Park, the Big Retreat Wales takes place. Essentially the festival is about wellness, but it's also so much more than that. Join in this May for four days of “fed good”, leaving your usual routine behind and diving into a delightful mix of workshops, activities, music and sustainable food produce.


    I've been in the taxicab business for thirty-five years, and I know there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxicab drivers have to be tough fellows to be able to work in New York. You've got to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day these days, so people get the wrong impression that they are bad.

    Actually, taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will behave as honest fellows. You read in the papers almost every week that a taxi driver turns in money or jewels that people leave in their cabs. If they weren't honest, you wouldn't be reading those stories in the papers.

    One time in Brooklyn, I found a diamond ring in my cab. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of packages that day, so I went back to where I had dropped her. It took me almost two days to trace her down in order to return her ring to her. I didn't get as much as “thank you”. Still I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she did.

    I was born and raised in Ireland and lived there until I was nineteen years old. Then I came to this country where I had a family and bought my own cab. Life hasn't been too easy at times, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit put away for a rainy day.

    When I started driving a cab, Park Avenue was mostly a bunch of coal yards. Hoofer's Brewery was right next to where the Waldorf-Astoria is now. I did pretty well, even in those days. In all my years of driving a taxicab, I have never had any trouble with the public, not even with drunks.

    I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like integrity(正直), etc. But it doesn't make any difference what they call it; it's still what makes a man a good citizen. This is my code, and I try to live by.


    Throughout history, artist, inventors, writers and scientists have solved problems in their dreams. Now, let's have a look together at some of them.

    ⒈Paul McCartney Found Yesterday in a dream

    Paul McCartney is one of the most famous singers/songwriters of all time. According to the Guinness Book of Records, his Beatles song Yesterday(1965) has the most cover(翻唱) versions of any song ever written and, according to record label BMI,was performed over seven million times in the 20th century.

    The tune for Yesterday came to Paul McCartney in a dream.

“I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, 'That's great, I wonder what that is?' There was an upright piano next to me, to the right of my bed by the window. I got out of bed, sat at the piano, found G, found F sharp minor—- and that leads you through then to B to E minor, and finally back to E. It all leads forward logically. I liked the melody a lot, but because I'd dreamed it, I couldn't believe I'd written it. I thought, 'No, I've never written anything like this before.' But I had the tune, which was the most magic thing! ”

    ⒉Mary Shelley's Frankentein Inspired by a Dream

    In the summer of 1816, nineteen-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her lover, the poet Percy Shelley (whom she married later that year), visited the poet Lord Byron at his villa beside Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Stormy weather frequently forced them indoors, where they and Byron's other guests sometimes read from a volume of ghost stories. One evening, Byron challenged his guests to each write one themselves.

    Mary's story, inspired by a dream, became Frankentein(科学怪人).

“When I placed my head upon my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think—-My eyes shut ,I saw——with my acute mental vision—-the pale student of unholy arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the ugly figure of a man stretch out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and tremble with an uneasy motion, extremely frightful. The next morning I announced that I had thought of a story. I began that day with the words, 'It was on a dull night of November', making only a transcript(文字稿) of the cruel terror of my waking dream.”


    Although toys packaging says it's educational, it doesn't make it so. That's the finding from a new study in JAMA Pediatrics that found some toys being marketed as language promoters got in the way of learning.

    Research shows that for kids to understand, speak and eventually read or write a language, they need to hear it - lots of it. And it's never too early for parents and to caregivers to get talking. That explains the booming industry in talking electronic toys that claim to help kids learn language.

    Professor Anna Sosa, of Northern Arizona University, led the study and says she gave families three different kinds of toys to play with: books, traditional toys like humble blocks and a shape sorter, and electronic toys. Sosa says she picked those toys because they are advertised in their packaging as language-promoters for babies between the ages of 10 and 16 months.

    "We had a talking on farm-animal names and things," Sosa says of the electronic toys. "We had a baby cell phone. And we had a baby laptop. So you open the cover and start pushing buttons, and it tells you things. The parent-child couples were asked to play separately with each type of toy over the course of three days."

    "When there's something else that's doing some talking, the parents seem to be sitting on the sidelines and letting the toy talk for them and respond for them," Sosa says. "That's bad because the best way a toy can promote language in infants and toddlers is by stimulating interaction between parent and child. There's simply no evidence that a young child can learn language directly from a toy. It isn't responsive enough. It isn't social."

    As for the other toys, traditional blocks and puzzles stimulated more conversation than the electronic toys, and books outscored them all. But don't underestimate the humble block. While traditional toys fell short of books in interaction quantity, Sosa notes, they kept pace in terms of quality.


    "You know, the soft subjects," says the boy in maths. "The easy ones: the stupid girls at the bottom take them. Like dance. It shouldn't even be a subject." We're choosing subjects for our A-level taster day at school. I see the raised eyebrows (眉毛) when I explain two of my GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) choices are dance and drama(戏剧).

    I was told by advisers that dance and drama wouldn't help me to get a suitable career. My friends told me I'd get bored of dance and switch to science within the first month.

    But taking GCSE dance was the best decision I ever made. Dance gives me something to pour my head and heart into. It gives me a feeling of belonging, creativity, security and freedom.

    The education secretary Nicky Morgan has put emphasis on (强调) science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), saying that students who focus on the arts risk their careers. Stopping young people from expressing themselves at such a young age is not doing them any favours. Perhaps Nicky Morgan has forgotten to open the door of having a drive to study that subject day in, day out. It shouldn't matter what that subject is.

    I don't doubt the influence that STEM subjects can have on the people that love them. But to force children into one field is cruel. As much as I try, I'm not good at and don't love physics, biology or maths. I don't want a career in these areas.

    There has been a decrease in the number of state schools offering arts subjects taught by specialist teachers. I can't even imagine how it feels to be told that you don't teach a "real subject" by an 8-year-old boy.

    To the teachers, the parents, the government I say: Let children make their own decisions. Let them live in the present. Let them have a real, unlimited education.

